Unfortunately, no good way to test font-lock as font-lock-mode won't
activate under noninteractive ecukes (can try --no-win or --win, but
won't fly under travis)
In practice, polymode font-lock bugs often manifest themselves much as
issue #456 did. The rear-nonsticky property on the input prompt gets
washed away by font-lock and brokenness ensues.
Because global-font-lock-mode will call font-lock-initial-fontify, the
inconsistency caused by nullifying font-lock-function while preserving
font-lock-fontify-buffer-function causes the whole buffer to get
fontified in polymode
Commit a969736 duplicated the before-until advice on
syntax-propertize. This broke polymode badly, and yet none of my
tests catch this (partly because it's hard to test font-lock).
Some users run jupyter via `jupyter-notebook` instead of `jupyter`,
and break because we unilaterally impose the "notebook" subcommand.
Those users can now:
M-x customize-group ein
Jupyter Server Use Subcommand: Omit
Returning the entire help string can be distracting as the minibuffers expands
to try to fit everything on string. The point of eldoc is to help with function
`advice.el` suggests the `ad-default-compilation-action=maybe` admits
inadvertent byte-compilation of advised syntax-ppss in non-EIN
packages reported in #537.
Prevent this by setting `ad-default-compilation-action=never`
when ein:polymode is activated.
Currently, an org block that has no output (e.g., `foo = 5`) never
clears the `[....]` upon block completion.
Also, no `:session` should default to localhost.
Before: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "You have
unsaved notebooks. Discard changes?" Respond no, and manually figure
out which notebooks haven't been saved.
After: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "Save A?".
Respond yes. Quit without further ado.
Also, bugfix killing of buffers in polymode. Must kill host buffer,
not indirect buffers.
Initial SIGTERM prompts server to dutifully shutdown kernel, but
another SIGTERM necessary to kill server. Perhaps ipython changed
since the last time I tested this.
Ipython doesn't send a display_data message upon initial plot
request. This is probably our bug, or is it? Document this bug in an
ecukes test.
Also enforce emacs version >= 25
* Use completing-read instead of ido-completing-read.
Per @seagle0128 and issue #496.
* lisp/ein-notebook.el:
* Wrap all calls to completing-read with ein:completing-read
Use `ein:completing-read' everywhere we need to do completion as it wraps Emacs
completing-read functionality and tries to use sane defaults.