* ein-ac: Fail silently for unexpected ein:completion-backend values.
Fixes#608, though we really need a test cases for completion in polymode.
* Only define ein ac-sources when the user explicitly sets the backend.
* Test case for issue #608.
* Only test jedi completion when testing polymode.
* Add epc dependency for emacs-jedi.
* Flanging up with travis is always a challenge.
* Forgot to update the scenario.
* Give jedi time to install.
* Add virtualenv to travis OS X build.
Also add some addition TOX environments for future testing cases.
* OS X travis is failing - is it a timeout issue?
Unfortunately, no good way to test font-lock as font-lock-mode won't
activate under noninteractive ecukes (can try --no-win or --win, but
won't fly under travis)
In practice, polymode font-lock bugs often manifest themselves much as
issue #456 did. The rear-nonsticky property on the input prompt gets
washed away by font-lock and brokenness ensues.
M-x customize-group RET ein
Toggle Ein:Polymode
Avoid trying to emulate jump-to-definition, eldoc, and autocompletion
functionalities that Elpy will always do better.