Instead of just enabling auto complete why not just connect to the notebook ala
Update dependencies documented in README.rst
Force version check when starting the jupyter server - ein seems to be easily
confused in this regard.
Will try to use ein completion backend configured by user when editing ein
source blocks in org.
Also slightly more robust inspecting in
ob-ein will alert the user if they are generating an image in the ob-ein source
block and no :image header has been supplied. Added some documentation for good
measure, though people will probably still get tripped up by this.
Return the results of execution as a single string instead of a list of strings.
This allows some more flexibility when dealing with :results parameters and
seems to fix a bug with inserting matplotlib images. Hint: try using `:results
value raw`.
Content api tries to handle redirects, pointing new content towards the
redirected url instead of the one supplied by the user. Login with redirects not
working, though.
Other fixes:
- Fixed bug in ein-ac that was generating errors outside of ein buffers.
- New function `ein:pyools-set-figure-size` as shortcut for modifying
matplotlib figsize rcParam.
- ob-ein will output tracebacks when ein source block generates an error.
Using C-c', users can create a temporary buffer running an appropriate
mode to edit the contents of a notebook cell. This functionality is
intentionally very similar to what org-mode provides for editing blocks
of code or other.