Support recently added feature to websocket for including cookies in
connection header. This allows us to connect to secured IPython 3.x (and
2.x I hope) servers.
With IPython 3.0 we now support multiplexed communication over a single
websocket. At the moment iopub and shell are supported; stdin doesn't
seem to be working yet (not sure if it needs to be, though).
Maybe, just maybe ein now works under both IPython 2.x and IPython 3.0
(or what is the development version as of this commit). And by works I
mean open, closing, saving notebooks and communicating with the IPython
kernel. It is good.
Also fixed a bug in kernelinfo - os.uname is not implemented in Windows
(or mac, probably), but I think socket.gethostname() is available on all
three platforms.
Fixed bug in accessing directories a depths greater than 1 level.
Some initial support for IPython 3.0 and IPEP 27. Can open notebooklists
and notebooks, but having some issues connecting to websocket.
Basic, mostly untested support for the brave new world of IPython 2.0.
2.0 now supports the concepts of 'paths', letting notebooks be stored in
a directory hierarchy. This has resulted in a change in the web API -
most URL's are now prefixed with 'api/'.
EIN does not (yet) support hierarchical notebooks, but at least it now
plays better with the new URL scheme for iPython 2.0.
Oh, there also seems to have been a change in the format of the ipython
notebook. This has been fixed too, but is probably bakcwards