Replace `defun*' with `cl-defun', `loop' with `cl-loop',
`case' with `cl-case', `assert' with `cl-assert',
`destructuring-bind' with `cl-destructuring-bind',
`multiple-value-bind' with `cl-multiple-value-bind',
`equalp` with `cl-equalp`, `defstruct' with `cl-defstruct`
&c &c &c
Use lexical-binding instead of lexical-let.
Add declarations and defvar to avoid breakage.
* Use completing-read instead of ido-completing-read.
Per @seagle0128 and issue #496.
* lisp/ein-notebook.el:
* Wrap all calls to completing-read with ein:completing-read
Use `ein:completing-read' everywhere we need to do completion as it wraps Emacs
completing-read functionality and tries to use sane defaults.
M-x customize-group RET ein
Toggle Ein:Polymode
Avoid trying to emulate jump-to-definition, eldoc, and autocompletion
functionalities that Elpy will always do better.
By covering our ears and ignoring as much as possible. Apparently SyntaxError is
not a subtype of Exception. Also need to send raw strings otherwise unicode
characters will cause fits.
Also added new command, `ein:pytools-reinject` to reinject ein's pytools code.
The name could probably use some work.
Python running on a remote connection doesn't know how to find files on the
local machine, apparently, so we take the route instead of sending the contents
of a temporary buffer loaded with the pytools python code to the running kernel.
Ideally these should converge to the same thing. Since many hash
tables are keyed off `url-or-port`, forgetting to
normalize `url-or-port` with `ein:url` leads to missed cache hits and
general malaise. So we try to do that.
Address a FIXME: apply callbacks to `ein:notebook-list-login-and-open`.
Removed py3.5 from travis build matrix to reduce developer strain.
ein company backend now dutifully looks for the file and line where an object is
defined when company so asks it. When ein fails in its duty it fails silently
and I am not sure yet if that is the correct behavior. For now it will stand,
until I think of something better.
Check that `filename` actually exists before jumping to it.
Without this patch M-. on an arbitrary word ZZZ creates two empty buffers,
one named "None" and the other named (yes, this is the actual buffer name):
" UserWarning: Argument given (ZZZ) can't be found as a variable or as a filename."
Content api tries to handle redirects, pointing new content towards the
redirected url instead of the one supplied by the user. Login with redirects not
working, though.
Other fixes:
- Fixed bug in ein-ac that was generating errors outside of ein buffers.
- New function `ein:pyools-set-figure-size` as shortcut for modifying
matplotlib figsize rcParam.
- ob-ein will output tracebacks when ein source block generates an error.
No longer set buffer-file-name for ein:notebook buffers. This was
causing unexpected and potentially disastrous (as in data corruption)
Some updates to travis configuration and testing. Still a long ways
from having that working, though.
Get ein:junk-new working again under IPython 2.x.
Some non-related work on fixing `ein:pytools-export-buffer`. Not quite
there yet, but I have an idea of what is going on.
Export contents of notebook using nbconvert_ to user-specified format
\(options will depend on the version of nbconvert available\) to a new
Currently EIN/IPython supports exporting to the following formats:
- JSON (this is basically the sames opening the ipynb file in a buffer).
- Latex
- Markdown
- Python
- Slides
.. _nbconvert:
Also making compatible with IPython 3.
Fixed bug in accessing directories a depths greater than 1 level.
Some initial support for IPython 3.0 and IPEP 27. Can open notebooklists
and notebooks, but having some issues connecting to websocket.
Note that this change introduces another problem:
ein:connect-to-notebook popups notebook buffer (opens notebook buffer
and change focus to it). Fixing this requires change in