Replace `defun*' with `cl-defun', `loop' with `cl-loop',
`case' with `cl-case', `assert' with `cl-assert',
`destructuring-bind' with `cl-destructuring-bind',
`multiple-value-bind' with `cl-multiple-value-bind',
`equalp` with `cl-equalp`, `defstruct' with `cl-defstruct`
&c &c &c
Use lexical-binding instead of lexical-let.
Add declarations and defvar to avoid breakage.
We have to be careful about setting it globally because that seems to be causing
some conflicts, better to set it at the buffer level when we are opening a
notebook otherwise ein:company-backend may not be activated.
- Make sure we only cache actual python objects.
- Do better when we are completing in the middle of an object.
To that end is the new function `ein:object-prefix-at-point' that returns the
prefix for the See the function documentation for more
Generally, ob-lang modules cannot require org, else it gets into
infinite require loop.
This begs the question whether ob-ein is really used by anyone.
On my linux machine and travis, I'm noticing the undocumented
`api/shutdown` does not reliably kill the server.
I tried my best with appveyor but couldn't coerce it back to the
working state 13 days ago.
* ob-ein: Bring back old functionality.
Bring back some old features to babel edit buffers while trying to respect
recent addition of polymode support.
* Override polymode if the user really wants.
Polymode is really for notebook buffers in any case, but this will override
whatever completion backmode a user has configured for python-mode.
* Install cask using python2.
For now python2 is the easiest option for testing on Windows since cask does
not properly support python3 when in Windows.
* Let's throw in the ert-runner, see what happens.
* Can I use my fork of cask?
Work around smartrep weirdness, try to live without command line wildcard
* Get the url for the fork right.
* Experiment with python37, use test_script.
* Unstick appveyor, I hope.
* Fix parsing error.
* test_script is not executing. Why?
* Add ert testing.
But why are the test_script commands not executing?
* tasks: Automate building and testing using invoke.
Invoke leverages Python, which I hope will allow us to abstract out differences
in platforms when it comes to building and testing ein.
* Use invoke on appveyor.
* appveyor: Use the environment python.
So we can test versions other than python 2.7.
* Parsing error.
lying to me?
* Quote commands, just in case.
* Get python onto the path.
* Appveyor is catching up to travis.
* Parsing error.
* Update pip, try to get quoted syntax right.
* Still not liking my pip call.
Last try, next step we go to a requirements.txt file.
* Go to using a requirements file for pip.
* ecukes needs bash to work.
* Cleaning up and fiddling.
Seems like the emacs-jupyter guy has his act together - maybe we can take some
inspiration for our appveyor config.
* Syntax error in environment.
* More syntax errros.
* Maybe we need quoting.
* I give up.
* Formatting and cleanup.
* Add customization, yet another syntax error.
New customizable variable `ob-ein-babel-edit-polymode-ignore' to override
keybinding for \C-c\C-c in an org source code edit buffer.
* John learned some Powershell today.
* Fix the executable path.
Sometimes there is more than one curl installed on the system, make sure we can
account for that in testing.
* Handle updating the path inside invoke.
* Report which curl we are using before starting functional tests.
* Enable RDP so we can see error logs.
* Keep the build alive even when it finishes.
* Fix#568.
Apparently we need to specify the user agent when on windows, otherwise tornado
will start throwing 403 responses. Currently using Mozilla/4.0 as the agent, but
might be a good idea to make this value customizable.
* Clean up emacs config.
* Why is appveyor dropping the xsrf token?
* xsrf cookie found, what does the header look like?
* Try different user-agent header, reenable rdp.
* JSON encoding issues on Python side, it appears. Let's try an older Python.
Login works, contents query to get notebooklist works (i.e. GET on
/contents/api), but creating a notebook (i.e. POST on /contents/api) fails with
invalid JSON. ein and emacs-request appear to be generating the proper json, but
jupyter notebook does not see the same thing that is being written. Could be
bytes vs. text issue with modern v3.x python, so let us see how this all works
with Python 2.7.
* Python27 does not have pathlib out of the box.
* Make amends with Python27
* Back to python37.
Tornado/notebook still isn't reading the POST'ed json correctly.
* Do we need to specify content type?
* Must be selective in specifying application/json content.
* Re-enable rdp.
* Let's try a different curl.
* Ensure most recent curl is on path
* Try a different path.
* Try to warn user if suspicious curl detected.
* Remove debugging statements.
* EVM depends on trusty for 26.x
See issue #125 ( Let's hope I got the
travis.yml syntax right.
* Minimal support for ecukes from invoke.
* Cleaner server shutdowns, better ecukes support from invoke.
Use the /api/shutdown REST API call now to shutdown running server. Also support
more command line options for ecukes from invoke.
* Almost full support of ecukes using invoke.
But! Also disabling integration testing for the time being until I understand
why ecukes fails even though everything else is working.
* Just do integration and functional testing on appveyor.
Better than nothing while I work out what is breaking the integration tests.
ein seems to have preferred the old default encoding of `binary` versus
`utf-8`. Explicity set encoding back to `binary` but this
necessitates our using the latest emacs-request.
* Documentation chasing the commit tail.
* This really belongs with the project.
No longer 100% up to date, but worth including if nothing more than for
historical purposes.
* Update ob-ein documentation.
* Fix testing for emacs 27.
Shouldn't setq a structure accessor.
* Add the changelog.
* Workaround for issue #559.
Force ein to use an earlier version (0.9) of websocket.
* Update to v0.16.1
* Add changelog.
One of these days I will remember.
* Get my links right.
* Revert now that websocket is working again.
* Doc updates, dependency updates, prepare for another release.
Make sure we point to a working version of websocket. Documenting some changes
so we can release v0.16.2.
* Make sure we get all the documentation changes in.
* Latest IPython version is 7.5.
Update travis accordingly.
Because global-font-lock-mode will call font-lock-initial-fontify, the
inconsistency caused by nullifying font-lock-function while preserving
font-lock-fontify-buffer-function causes the whole buffer to get
fontified in polymode
Commit a969736 duplicated the before-until advice on
syntax-propertize. This broke polymode badly, and yet none of my
tests catch this (partly because it's hard to test font-lock).
Some users run jupyter via `jupyter-notebook` instead of `jupyter`,
and break because we unilaterally impose the "notebook" subcommand.
Those users can now:
M-x customize-group ein
Jupyter Server Use Subcommand: Omit
Returning the entire help string can be distracting as the minibuffers expands
to try to fit everything on string. The point of eldoc is to help with function
`advice.el` suggests the `ad-default-compilation-action=maybe` admits
inadvertent byte-compilation of advised syntax-ppss in non-EIN
packages reported in #537.
Prevent this by setting `ad-default-compilation-action=never`
when ein:polymode is activated.
Currently, an org block that has no output (e.g., `foo = 5`) never
clears the `[....]` upon block completion.
Also, no `:session` should default to localhost.
Before: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "You have
unsaved notebooks. Discard changes?" Respond no, and manually figure
out which notebooks haven't been saved.
After: Exit emacs with modified notebooks. Be asked "Save A?".
Respond yes. Quit without further ado.
Also, bugfix killing of buffers in polymode. Must kill host buffer,
not indirect buffers.
Initial SIGTERM prompts server to dutifully shutdown kernel, but
another SIGTERM necessary to kill server. Perhaps ipython changed
since the last time I tested this.
Ipython doesn't send a display_data message upon initial plot
request. This is probably our bug, or is it? Document this bug in an
ecukes test.
Also enforce emacs version >= 25
* Use completing-read instead of ido-completing-read.
Per @seagle0128 and issue #496.
* lisp/ein-notebook.el:
* Wrap all calls to completing-read with ein:completing-read
Use `ein:completing-read' everywhere we need to do completion as it wraps Emacs
completing-read functionality and tries to use sane defaults.