Add auto-completion help in the superpack

fixes #15
This commit is contained in:
Takafumi Arakaki 2012-07-08 14:35:52 +02:00
parent d6bb022941
commit fcf42847a1

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@ -72,6 +72,40 @@ compatibility with `ein:completer-finish-completing-default'."
(setcdr (nthcdr (1- ein:ac-max-cache)
(delete-dups ein:ac-cache-matches)) nil)))
(defun ein:ac-request-document-for-selected-candidate ()
"Request object information for the candidate at point.
This is called via `ac-next' and `ac-previous' and set `document'
property of the current candidate string. If server replied
within `ac-quick-help-delay' seconds, auto-complete will popup
help string."
(let* ((candidate (ac-selected-candidate))
(kernel (ein:pytools-get-kernel))
(callbacks (list :object_info_reply
(cons #'ein:ac-set-document candidate))))
(when (and candidate
(not (get-text-property 0 'document candidate)))
(ein:log 'debug "Requesting object info for AC candidate %S"
(ein:kernel-object-info-request kernel candidate callbacks))))
(defun ein:ac-set-document (candidate content)
(ein:log 'debug "EIN:AC-SET-DOCUMENT candidate=%S content=%S"
candidate content)
(put-text-property 0 (length candidate)
'document (ein:kernel-construct-help-string content)
(defadvice ac-next (after ein:ac-next-request)
"Monkey patch `auto-complete' internal function to request
help documentation asynchronously."
(defadvice ac-previous (after ein:ac-previous-request)
"Monkey patch `auto-complete' internal function to request
help documentation asynchronously."
(defadvice ac-prefix
(around ein:ac-always-dotty (requires ignore-list))
"Monkey patch `auto-complete' internal function to enable
@ -82,10 +116,17 @@ dotty completion."
(defun ein:ac-superpack ()
"Enable dotty syntax table for auto-complete.
This function monkey patches `ac-prefix' to make \".\" as a part of word."
"Enable richer auto-completion.
* Enable omni completion by using dotty syntax table for auto-complete.
Monkey patch `ac-prefix' to make \".\" as a part of word.
* Enable auto-completion help by monkey patching `ac-next'/`ac-previous'"
(ad-enable-advice 'ac-next 'after 'ein:ac-next-request)
(ad-enable-advice 'ac-previous 'after 'ein:ac-previous-request)
(ad-enable-advice 'ac-prefix 'around 'ein:ac-always-dotty)
(ad-activate 'ac-next)
(ad-activate 'ac-previous)
(ad-activate 'ac-prefix))
(defun ein:ac-setup ()
@ -103,7 +144,7 @@ This function monkey patches `ac-prefix' to make \".\" as a part of word."
(defun ein:ac-config (&optional superpack)
"Install auto-complete-mode for notebook modes.
Specifying non-`nil' to SUPERPACK enables dotty auto completion
Specifying non-`nil' to SUPERPACK enables richer auto-completion
\(see `ein:ac-superpack')."
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'ein:ac-setup-maybe) ; [#hook]_
(add-hook 'ein:notebook-plain-mode 'ein:ac-setup)