New commands for setting matplotlib configuration.

See new functions `ein:pytools-set-figure-dpi',
`ein:pytools-set-matplotlib-parameter'. Added some tests as well.
This commit is contained in:
John Miller 2019-11-27 20:38:40 -07:00
parent f76edbbf42
commit b82bf127f8
4 changed files with 67 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Scenario: Specific port, portless localhost refers to same, concurrent execution
@org @complete @skip-travis
Scenario: Completion in an anonymous source block
Given I set "ein:completion-backend" to eval "(quote ein:use-company-backend)"
Given I eval "(global-company-mode +1)"
Given I eval (global-company-mode +1)
Given I stop the server
When I open temp file ""
And I call "org-mode"

View file

@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
(lambda (variable value)
(set (intern variable) (eval (car (read-from-string value))))))
(When "^I eval \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(When "^I eval \\(.+\\)$"
(lambda (expr)
(eval (car (read-from-string expr)))))

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
(require 'ein-kernel)
(require 'ein-notebook)
(require 'ein-shared-output)
(defun ein:goto-file (filename lineno &optional other-window)
"Jump to file FILEAME at line LINENO.
@ -410,9 +411,40 @@ Currently EIN/IPython supports exporting to the following formats:
"Set the default figure size for matplotlib figures. Works by setting `rcParams['figure.figsize']`."
(interactive "nWidth: \nnHeight: ")
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_set_figure_size(%s,%s)" width height)
(format "__ein_set_figure_size('[%s, %s]')" width height)
(defun ein:pytools-set-figure-dpi (dpi)
"Set the default figure dpi for matplotlib figures. Works by setting `rcParams['figure.figsize']`."
(interactive "nFigure DPI: ")
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_set_figure_dpi('%s')" dpi)
(defun ein:pytools-set-matplotlib-parameter (param value)
"Generically set any matplotlib parameter exposed in the matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams variable. Value is evaluated as a Python expression, so be careful of side effects."
(list (completing-read "Parameter: " (ein:pytools--get-matplotlib-params) nil t)
(read-string "Value: " nil)))
(let* ((split (cl-position ?. param))
(family (cl-subseq param 0 split))
(setting (cl-subseq param (1+ split))))
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_set_matplotlib_param('%s', '%s', '%s')" family setting value)
(defun ein:pytools--get-matplotlib-params ()
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_get_matplotlib_params()")
(with-current-buffer (ein:shared-output-create-buffer)
(ein:wait-until #'(lambda ()
(slot-value (slot-value *ein:shared-output* :cell) :outputs))
(let ((outputs (first (slot-value (slot-value *ein:shared-output* :cell) :outputs))))
(ein:json-read-from-string (plist-get outputs :text)))))
(provide 'ein-pytools)
;;; ein-pytools.el ends here

View file

@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ along with If not, see <>.
__ein_pytools_version = "1.0.0"
from matplotlib import rc as __ein_rc
from matplotlib import rcParams as __ein_rcParams
__ein_matplotlib_available = True
except ImportError:
__ein_matplotlib_available = False
def __ein_export_nb(nb_json, format):
import IPython.nbconvert as nbconvert
@ -61,13 +69,32 @@ try:
except ImportError:
__ein_find_edit_target = __ein_find_edit_target_012
def __ein_set_figure_size(*dim):
from matplotlib.pyplot import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = dim
def __ein_set_matplotlib_param(family, setting, value):
settings = {}
if __ein_matplotlib_available:
settings[setting] = eval(value)
__ein_rc(family, **settings)
raise RuntimeError("Matplotlib not installed in this instance of python!")
def __ein_set_figure_size(dim):
__ein_set_matplotlib_param('figure', 'figsize', dim)
def __ein_set_figure_dpi(dpi):
__ein_set_matplotlib_param('figure', 'dpi', dpi)
def __ein_get_matplotlib_params():
if __ein_matplotlib_available:
import json
print(json.dumps([k for k in __ein_rcParams.keys()]))
raise RuntimeError("Matplotlib not installed in this instance of python!")
def __ein_find_source(name):
"""Given an object as string, `name`, print its place in source code."""
# FIXME: use JSON display object instead of stdout