mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 09:31:39 -05:00
Merge pull request #342 from dickmao/async-staging
Asynchronize all server communication
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 744 additions and 979 deletions
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ before_script:
- cask install
- make test || cat log/*.server
- make test || ( for file in log/{testfunc,ecukes}.* ; do echo $file ; cat $file ; done )
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(package "ein" "0.14.2" "Emacs IPython Notebook.")
(package-file "lisp/ein.el")
(files "lisp/*.el" :exclude ("lisp/zeroein.el"))
(files "lisp/*.el" (:exclude "lisp/zeroein.el"))
(depends-on "websocket")
@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ IPY_VERSION = 5.8.0
SRC=$(shell cask files)
ELCFILES = $(SRC:.el=.elc)
.PHONY: loaddefs
sh tools/update-autoloads.sh
.PHONY: clean
cask clean-elc
-rm -f log/testein*
-rm -f log/testfunc*
tools/makeenv.sh env/ipy.$* tools/requirement-ipy.$*.txt
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Scenario: No warnings
Given I switch to log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
Then I should see "[info]"
And I should not see "[warn]"
And I should not see "[error]"
Scenario: Breadcrumbs
Given I am in notebooklist buffer
When I click on dir "step-definitions"
Then I should see "ein-steps"
And I click on "Home"
Then I should see "support"
Scenario: New Notebook
Given I am in notebooklist buffer
When I clear log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
And I click on "New Notebook"
And I switch to log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
Then I should see "Opened notebook Untitled"
Scenario: Resync
Given I am in notebooklist buffer
When I clear log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
And I click on "Resync"
And I switch to log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
Then I should see "kernelspecs--complete"
Scenario: Global notebooks
Given I am in notebooklist buffer
When I clear log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
And I call "ein:notebooklist-open-notebook-global"
And I wait 0.9 seconds
And I switch to log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
Then I should see "Opened notebook"
@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
(When "^I clear log expr \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (log-expr)
(with-current-buffer (symbol-value (intern log-expr))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(When "^I switch to log expr \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (log-expr)
(switch-to-buffer (symbol-value (intern log-expr)))))
(When "^I am in notebooklist buffer$"
(lambda ()
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
(switch-to-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port))
(sit-for 0.8)
(When "^I wait \\([.0-9]+\\) seconds$"
(lambda (seconds)
(sit-for (string-to-number seconds))))
(When "^I am in log buffer$"
(lambda ()
(switch-to-buffer ein:log-all-buffer-name)))
(When "^new \\(.+\\) notebook$"
(lambda (kernel)
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
@ -14,6 +39,25 @@
(switch-to-buffer buf-name)
(Then "I should be in buffer \"%s\"" buf-name))))))
(When "^I click on \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (word)
;; from espuds "go to word" without the '\\b's
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((search (re-search-forward (format "\\[%s\\]" word) nil t))
(message "Cannot go to link '%s' in buffer: %s"))
(cl-assert search nil message word (buffer-string))
(When "I press \"RET\"")
(sit-for 0.8))))
(When "^I click on dir \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (dir)
(When (format "I go to word \"%s\"" dir))
(re-search-backward "Dir" nil t)
(When "I press \"RET\"")
(sit-for 0.8)
(When "^old notebook \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (path)
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
@ -17,44 +17,13 @@
(defvar ein:testing-jupyter-server-root (f-parent (f-dirname load-file-name)))
(ein:deflocal ein:%testing-port% nil)
(defun ein:testing-wait-until (predicate &optional predargs ms)
"Wait until PREDICATE function returns non-`nil'.
PREDARGS is argument list for the PREDICATE function.
MS is milliseconds to wait."
(let* ((subms 300)
(count (max 1 (if ms (truncate (/ ms subms)) 25))))
(unless (loop repeat count
when (apply predicate predargs)
return t
do (sleep-for 0 subms))
(error "Timeout: %s" predicate))))
(setq ein:force-sync t)
(setq ein:notebook-autosave-frequency 10000)
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-log "./log/ecukes.log")
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-messages "./log/ecukes.messages")
(setq ein:testing-dump-server-log "./log/ecukes.server")
(setq ein:jupyter-server-args '("--no-browser" "--debug"))
(deferred:sync! (ein:jupyter-server-start (executable-find "jupyter") ein:testing-jupyter-server-root))
(assert (processp %ein:jupyter-server-session%) t "notebook server defunct")
(setq ein:%testing-url% (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info))
(defun ein:testing-after-scenario ()
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer ein:%testing-url%)
(loop for buffer in (ein:notebook-opened-buffers)
do (let ((kill-buffer-query-functions nil))
(with-current-buffer buffer (not-modified))
(kill-buffer buffer)))
(let ((sessions #s(hash-table test equal data (:pending t)))
(urlport (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%)))
(ein:content-query-sessions sessions urlport)
(loop repeat 4
until (null (gethash :pending sessions))
do (sleep-for 0 50))
(let ((urlport (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%)))
(loop for note in (ein:$notebooklist-data ein:%notebooklist%)
for path = (plist-get note :path)
for notebook = (ein:notebook-get-opened-notebook urlport path)
@ -62,14 +31,31 @@
do (ein:notebook-kill-kernel-then-close-command notebook t)
(if (search "Untitled" path)
(ein:notebooklist-delete-notebook path))
(setq ein:notebook-autosave-frequency 10000)
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-log (concat default-directory "log/ecukes.log"))
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-messages (concat default-directory "log/ecukes.messages"))
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-server (concat default-directory "log/ecukes.server"))
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-request (concat default-directory "log/ecukes.request"))
(setq ein:jupyter-server-args '("--no-browser" "--debug"))
(setq ein:%testing-url% nil)
(deferred:sync! (ein:jupyter-server-start (executable-find "jupyter") ein:testing-jupyter-server-root))
(assert (processp %ein:jupyter-server-session%) t "notebook server defunct")
(setq ein:%testing-url% (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info))))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (prompt) t)))
(ein:jupyter-server-stop t))
; (ein:testing-dump-logs) ; taken care of by ein-testing.el kill-emacs-hook?
(assert (not (processp %ein:jupyter-server-session%)) t "notebook server orphaned"))
(if (not noninteractive)
(keyboard-quit))) ;; useful to prevent emacs from quitting
(if noninteractive
(keyboard-quit))) ;; useful to prevent emacs from quitting
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Scenario: Undo by default turned off
Given new default notebook
When I type "import math"
@ -5,6 +6,7 @@ Scenario: Undo by default turned off
And I undo demoting errors
Then I should see message "demoted: (user-error No undo information in this buffer)"
Scenario: Kill yank doesn't break undo
Given I enable undo
Given new default notebook
@ -258,9 +258,7 @@ a number will limit the number of lines in a cell output."
(ein:oset-if-empty cell 'metadata (plist-get data :metadata))
(ein:aif (plist-get (slot-value cell 'metadata) :slideshow)
(let ((slide-type (nth 0 (cdr it))))
(setf (slot-value cell 'slidetype) slide-type)
(message "read slidetype %s" (slot-value cell 'slidetype))
(message "reconstructed slideshow %s" (ein:get-slide-show cell)))))
(setf (slot-value cell 'slidetype) slide-type))))
(defmethod ein:cell-init ((cell ein:codecell) data)
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ notebooks."
(lambda (notebook -ignore- buffer no-reconnection)
(lambda (notebook created buffer no-reconnection)
(ein:connect-buffer-to-notebook notebook buffer no-reconnection))
(list (or buffer (current-buffer)) no-reconnection)))
@ -189,9 +189,10 @@ notebooks."
"Connect any buffer to opened notebook and its kernel."
(interactive (list (completing-read "Notebook buffer to connect: "
(let ((notebook
(buffer-local-value 'ein:%notebook% (get-buffer buffer-or-name))))
(ein:connect-buffer-to-notebook notebook)))
(ein:aif (get-buffer-buffer-or-name)
(let ((notebook (buffer-local-value 'ein:%notebook% it)))
(ein:connect-buffer-to-notebook notebook))
(error "No buffer %s" buffer-or-name)))
(defun ein:connect-buffer-to-notebook (notebook &optional buffer
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
(provide 'ein-contents-api) ; must provide before requiring ein-notebook:
(require 'ein-notebook) ; circular: depends on this file!
(defcustom ein:content-query-timeout (* 60 1000) ; 1 min
(defcustom ein:content-query-timeout (* 60 1000) ;1 min
"Query timeout for getting content from Jupyter/IPython notebook.
If you cannot open large notebooks because of a timeout error try
increasing this value. Setting this value to `nil' means to use
@ -56,71 +56,61 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
:group 'ein)
(defun ein:content-url (content &rest params)
(let ((url-or-port (ein:$content-url-or-port content))
(path (ein:$content-path content)))
(if params
(url-encode-url (apply #'ein:url
(url-encode-url (ein:url url-or-port "api/contents" path)))))
(apply #'ein:content-url* (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (ein:$content-path content) params))
(defun ein:content-url-legacy (content &rest params)
"Generate content url's for IPython Notebook version 2.x"
(let ((url-or-port (ein:$content-url-or-port content))
(path (ein:$content-path content)))
(if params
(url-encode-url (apply #'ein:url
(url-encode-url (ein:url url-or-port "api/notebooks" path)))))
(defun ein:content-url* (url-or-port path &rest params)
(let* ((which (if (<= (ein:need-ipython-version url-or-port) 2)
"notebooks" "contents"))
(api-path (concat "api/" which)))
(url-encode-url (apply #'ein:url
(defun ein:content-query-contents (path &optional url-or-port force-sync callback retry-p)
"Return the contents of the object at the specified path from the Jupyter server."
(condition-case err
(let* ((url-or-port (or url-or-port (ein:default-url-or-port)))
(new-content (make-ein:$content
:url-or-port url-or-port
:ipython-version (ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port)
:path path))
(url (ein:content-url new-content)))
(if (= 2 (ein:$content-ipython-version new-content))
(setq new-content (ein:content-query-contents-legacy path url-or-port ein:force-sync callback))
(list 'content-query-contents url-or-port path)
:type "GET"
:timeout ein:content-query-timeout
:parser #'ein:json-read
:sync (or force-sync ein:force-sync)
:success (apply-partially #'ein:new-content new-content callback)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-contents-error url retry-p
(list path url-or-port force-sync callback t))))
(error (progn (message "Error %s on query contents, try calling `ein:notebooklist-login` first..." err)
(if (>= ein:log-level (ein:log-level-name-to-int 'debug))
(throw 'error err))))))
(defun ein:content-query-contents (url-or-port path callback)
"Register CALLBACK of arity 1 for the contents at PATH from the Jupyter URL-OR-PORT."
(list 'content-query-contents url-or-port path)
(ein:content-url* url-or-port path)
:type "GET"
:timeout ein:content-query-timeout
:parser #'ein:json-read
:sync ein:force-sync
:complete (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-contents--complete url-or-port path)
:success (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-contents--success url-or-port path callback)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-contents--error url-or-port path)
(defun ein:content-query-contents-legacy (path &optional url-or-port force-sync callback)
"Return contents of object at specified path for IPython Notebook versions 2.x"
(let* ((url-or-port (or url-or-port (ein:default-url-or-port)))
(new-content (make-ein:$content :url-or-port url-or-port
:ipython-version (ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port)
:path path))
(url (ein:content-url-legacy new-content)))
(list 'content-query-contents-legacy url-or-port path)
:type "GET"
:timeout ein:content-query-timeout
:parser #'ein:json-read
:sync ein:force-sync
:success (apply-partially #'ein:query-contents-legacy-success path new-content callback)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-contents-error url))
(defun* ein:content-query-contents--complete (url-or-port path
&key data symbol-status response
&aux (resp-string (format "STATUS: %s DATA: %s" (request-response-status-code response) data)))
(ein:log 'debug "ein:query-contents--complete %s" resp-string))
(defun* ein:content-query-contents--error (url-or-port path &key symbol-status response error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
(ein:log 'error "ein:content-query-contents--error %s REQUEST-STATUS %s DATA %s" (concat (file-name-as-directory url-or-port) path) symbol-status (cdr error-thrown)))
;; TODO: This is one place to check for redirects - update the url slot if so.
;; Will need to pass the response object and check either request-response-history
;; or request-response-url.
(defun* ein:content-query-contents--success (url-or-port path callback
&key data symbol-status response
(let (content)
(if (<= (ein:need-ipython-version url-or-port) 2)
(setq content (ein:new-content-legacy url-or-port path data))
(setq content (ein:new-content url-or-port path data)))
(ein:aif response
(setf (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (ein:get-response-redirect it)))
;; (if (length (request-response-history response))
;; (let ((url (url-generic-parse-url (format "%s" (request-response-url response)))))
;; (setf (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (format "%s://%s:%s"
;; (url-type url)
;; (url-host url)
;; (url-port url)))))
(when callback (funcall callback content))))
(defun ein:fix-legacy-content-data (data)
(if (listp (car data))
@ -131,49 +121,6 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
(plist-put data :path (plist-get data :name))
(plist-put data :path (format "%s/%s" (plist-get data :path) (plist-get data :name))))))
(defun* ein:query-contents-legacy-success (path content callback &key data &allow-other-keys)
(if (not (plist-get data :type))
;; Content API in 2.x a bit inconsistent.
(setf (ein:$content-name content) (substring path (or (cl-position ?/ path) 0))
(ein:$content-path content) path
(ein:$content-type content) "directory"
;;(ein:$content-created content) (plist-get data :created)
;;(ein:$content-last-modified content) (plist-get data :last_modified)
(ein:$content-format content) nil
(ein:$content-writable content) nil
(ein:$content-mimetype content) nil
(ein:$content-raw-content content) (ein:fix-legacy-content-data data))
(when callback
(funcall callback content))
(ein:new-content content callback :data data)))
;; TODO: This is one place to check for redirects - update the url slot if so.
;; Will need to pass the response object and check either request-response-history
;; or request-response-url.
(defun* ein:new-content (content callback &key data response &allow-other-keys)
(setf (ein:$content-name content) (plist-get data :name)
(ein:$content-path content) (plist-get data :path)
(ein:$content-type content) (plist-get data :type)
(ein:$content-created content) (plist-get data :created)
(ein:$content-last-modified content) (plist-get data :last_modified)
(ein:$content-format content) (plist-get data :format)
(ein:$content-writable content) (plist-get data :writable)
(ein:$content-mimetype content) (plist-get data :mimetype)
(ein:$content-raw-content content) (plist-get data :content))
(ein:aif response
(setf (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (ein:get-response-redirect it)))
;; (if (length (request-response-history response))
;; (let ((url (url-generic-parse-url (format "%s" (request-response-url response)))))
;; (setf (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (format "%s://%s:%s"
;; (url-type url)
;; (url-host url)
;; (url-port url)))))
(when callback
(funcall callback content))
(defun ein:content-to-json (content)
(let ((path (if (>= (ein:$content-ipython-version content) 3)
(ein:$content-path content)
@ -196,63 +143,111 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
:ipython-version (ein:$notebook-api-version nb)
:raw-content nb-content)))
(defun* ein:content-query-contents-error (url retry-p packed &key symbol-status response &allow-other-keys)
(if (and (eql symbol-status 'parse-error)
(not retry-p))
(message "Content list call failed, maybe because curl hasn't updated it's cookie jar yet? Let's try one more time....")
(apply #'ein:content-query-contents packed))
(ein:log 'verbose
"Error thrown: %S" (request-response-error-thrown response))
(ein:log 'error
"Content list call %s failed with status %s." url symbol-status))))
;;; Managing/listing the content hierarchy
(defvar *ein:content-hierarchy* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defvar *ein:content-hierarchy* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Content tree keyed by URL-OR-PORT.")
(defun ein:get-content-hierarchy (url-or-port)
(or (gethash url-or-port *ein:content-hierarchy*)
(ein:refresh-content-hierarchy url-or-port)))
(defun ein:content-need-hierarchy (url-or-port)
"Callers assume ein:content-query-hierarchy succeeded. If not, nil."
(ein:aif (gethash url-or-port *ein:content-hierarchy*) it
(ein:log 'warn "No recorded content hierarchy for %s" url-or-port)
(defun ein:make-content-hierarchy (path url-or-port)
(let* ((node (ein:content-query-contents path url-or-port t))
(active-sessions (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(items (ein:$content-raw-content node)))
(ein:content-query-sessions active-sessions url-or-port t)
(ein:flatten (loop for item in items
for c = (make-ein:$content :url-or-port url-or-port)
do (ein:new-content c nil :data item)
(defun ein:new-content-legacy (url-or-port path data)
"Content API in 2.x a bit inconsistent."
(if (plist-get data :type)
(ein:new-content url-or-port path data)
(let ((content (make-ein:$content
:url-or-port url-or-port
:ipython-version (ein:need-ipython-version url-or-port)
:path path)))
(setf (ein:$content-name content) (substring path (or (cl-position ?/ path) 0))
(ein:$content-path content) path
(ein:$content-type content) "directory"
;;(ein:$content-created content) (plist-get data :created)
;;(ein:$content-last-modified content) (plist-get data :last_modified)
(ein:$content-format content) nil
(ein:$content-writable content) nil
(ein:$content-mimetype content) nil
(ein:$content-raw-content content) (ein:fix-legacy-content-data data))
(defun ein:new-content (url-or-port path data)
;; data is like (:size 72 :content nil :writable t :path Untitled7.ipynb :name Untitled7.ipynb :type notebook)
(let ((content (make-ein:$content
:url-or-port url-or-port
:ipython-version (ein:need-ipython-version url-or-port)
:path path)))
(setf (ein:$content-name content) (plist-get data :name)
(ein:$content-path content) (plist-get data :path)
(ein:$content-type content) (plist-get data :type)
(ein:$content-created content) (plist-get data :created)
(ein:$content-last-modified content) (plist-get data :last_modified)
(ein:$content-format content) (plist-get data :format)
(ein:$content-writable content) (plist-get data :writable)
(ein:$content-mimetype content) (plist-get data :mimetype)
(ein:$content-raw-content content) (plist-get data :content))
(defun ein:content-query-hierarchy* (url-or-port path callback sessions content)
"Returns list (tree) of content objects"
(lexical-let* ((url-or-port url-or-port)
(path path)
(callback callback)
(items (ein:$content-raw-content content))
(directories (loop for item in items
if (string= "directory" (plist-get item :type))
collect (ein:new-content url-or-port path item)
(others (loop for item in items
with c0
if (not (string= "directory" (plist-get item :type)))
do (setf c0 (ein:new-content url-or-port path item))
(setf (ein:$content-session-p c0)
(gethash (ein:$content-path c0) sessions))
and collect c0
(apply #'deferred:parallel
(loop for c0 in directories
(cond ((string= (ein:$content-type c) "directory")
(cons c
(ein:make-content-hierarchy (ein:$content-path c) url-or-port)))
(t (progn
(setf (ein:$content-session-p c)
(gethash (ein:$content-path c) active-sessions))
(lexical-let ((c0 c0) (d0 (deferred:new #'identity)))
(ein:$content-path c0)
(apply-partially #'ein:content-query-hierarchy* url-or-port (ein:$content-path c0) (lambda (tree) (deferred:callback-post d0 (cons c0 tree))) sessions))
(deferred:nextc it
(lambda (tree)
(let ((result (append others tree)))
(if (string= path "")
(setf (gethash url-or-port *ein:content-hierarchy*) (-flatten result)))
(funcall callback result)))))))
(defun ein:refresh-content-hierarchy (&optional url-or-port)
(let ((url-or-port (or url-or-port (ein:default-url-or-port))))
(setf (gethash url-or-port *ein:content-hierarchy*)
(ein:make-content-hierarchy "" url-or-port))))
(defun ein:content-query-hierarchy (url-or-port callback)
"Send for content hierarchy of URL-OR-PORT with CALLBACK arity 1 for content hierarchy"
(lexical-let ((url-or-port url-or-port)
(callback callback))
(lambda (sessions)
(ein:content-query-contents url-or-port "" (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-hierarchy* url-or-port "" callback sessions))))))
;;; Save Content
(defun ein:content-save-legacy (content &optional callback cbargs errcb errcbargs)
(list 'content-save (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (ein:$content-path content))
(ein:content-url-legacy content)
:type "PUT"
:headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
:timeout ein:content-query-timeout
:data (ein:content-to-json content)
:success (apply-partially #'ein:content-save-success callback cbargs)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:content-save-error (ein:content-url-legacy content) errcb errcbargs)))
(list 'content-save (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (ein:$content-path content))
(ein:content-url content)
:type "PUT"
:headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
:timeout ein:content-query-timeout
:data (ein:content-to-json content)
:success (apply-partially #'ein:content-save-success callback cbargs)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:content-save-error (ein:content-url content) errcb errcbargs)))
(defun ein:content-save (content &optional callback cbargs errcb errcbargs)
(if (>= (ein:$content-ipython-version content) 3)
@ -283,12 +278,13 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
;;; Rename Content
(defun ein:content-legacy-rename (content new-path callback cbargs)
(let ((path (substring new-path 0 (or (position ?/ new-path :from-end t) 0)))
(name (substring new-path (or (position ?/ new-path :from-end t) 0))))
(list 'content-rename (ein:$content-url-or-port content) (ein:$content-path content))
(ein:content-url-legacy content)
(ein:content-url content)
:type "PATCH"
:data (json-encode `((name . ,name)
(path . ,path)))
@ -333,38 +329,44 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
;;; Sessions
(defun ein:content-query-sessions (session-hash url-or-port &optional force-sync)
(unless force-sync
(setq force-sync ein:force-sync))
(list 'content-query-sessions)
(ein:url url-or-port "api/sessions")
:type "GET"
:parser #'ein:json-read
:success (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-sessions-success session-hash url-or-port)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-sessions-error session-hash)
:sync force-sync))
(defun* ein:content-query-sessions-success (session-hash url-or-port &key data &allow-other-keys)
(defun ein:content-query-sessions (url-or-port callback)
"Register CALLBACK of arity 1 to retrieve the sessions"
(list 'content-query-sessions url-or-port)
(ein:url url-or-port "api/sessions")
:type "GET"
:parser #'ein:json-read
:complete (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-sessions--complete url-or-port callback)
:success (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-sessions--success url-or-port callback)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:content-query-sessions--error url-or-port)
:sync ein:force-sync))
(defun* ein:content-query-sessions--success (url-or-port callback &key data &allow-other-keys)
(cl-flet ((read-name (nb-json)
(if (= (ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port) 2)
(if (= (ein:need-ipython-version url-or-port) 2)
(if (string= (plist-get nb-json :path) "")
(plist-get nb-json :name)
(format "%s/%s" (plist-get nb-json :path) (plist-get nb-json :name)))
(plist-get nb-json :path))))
(clrhash session-hash)
(dolist (s data)
(setf (gethash (read-name (plist-get s :notebook)) session-hash)
(cons (plist-get s :id) (plist-get s :kernel))))
(let ((session-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(dolist (s data (funcall callback session-hash))
(setf (gethash (read-name (plist-get s :notebook)) session-hash)
(cons (plist-get s :id) (plist-get s :kernel)))))))
(defun* ein:content-query-sessions-error (session-hash &key symbol-status response &allow-other-keys)
(clrhash session-hash)
(ein:log 'error "Session query failed with status %s (%s)." symbol-status response))
(defun* ein:content-query-sessions--error (url-or-port &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
(ein:log 'error "ein:content-query-sessions--error %s: ERROR %s DATA %s" url-or-port (car error-thrown) (cdr error-thrown)))
(defun* ein:content-query-sessions--complete (url-or-port callback
&key data response
&aux (resp-string (format "STATUS: %s DATA: %s" (request-response-status-code response) data)))
(ein:log 'debug "ein:query-sessions--complete %s" resp-string))
;;; Checkpoints
(defun ein:content-query-checkpoints (content &optional callback cbargs)
(let* ((url (ein:content-url content "checkpoints")))
@ -428,6 +430,7 @@ global setting. For global setting and more information, see
;;; Uploads
(defun ein:get-local-file (path)
"If path exists, get contents and try to guess type of file (one of file, notebook, or directory)
and content format (one of json, text, or base64)."
@ -127,50 +127,105 @@ the source is in git repository."
(concat ein:version "." it)
(defvar *running-ipython-version* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
;;; Server attribute getters. Not sure if these should be here.
(defun ein:get-ipython-major-version (vstr)
(defvar *ein:ipython-version* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"url-or-port to major ipython version")
(defvar *ein:kernelspecs* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"url-or-port to kernelspecs")
(defun ein:need-kernelspecs (url-or-port)
"Callers assume ein:query-kernelspecs succeeded. If not, nil."
(ein:aif (gethash url-or-port *ein:kernelspecs*) it
(ein:log 'warn "No recorded kernelspecs for %s" url-or-port)
(defun ein:query-kernelspecs (url-or-port callback)
"Send for kernelspecs of URL-OR-PORT with CALLBACK arity 0 (just a semaphore)"
(list 'ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port)
(ein:url url-or-port "api/kernelspecs")
:type "GET"
:timeout ein:content-query-timeout
:parser 'ein:json-read
:sync ein:force-sync
:complete (apply-partially #'ein:query-kernelspecs--complete url-or-port callback)
:success (apply-partially #'ein:query-kernelspecs--success url-or-port)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:query-kernelspecs--error url-or-port)))
(defun* ein:query-kernelspecs--success (url-or-port
&key data symbol-status response
(let ((ks (list :default (plist-get data :default)))
(specs (ein:plist-iter (plist-get data :kernelspecs))))
(setf (gethash url-or-port *ein:kernelspecs*)
(ein:flatten (dolist (spec specs ks)
(let ((name (car spec))
(info (cdr spec)))
(push (list name (make-ein:$kernelspec :name (plist-get info :name)
:display-name (plist-get (plist-get info :spec)
:resources (plist-get info :resources)
:language (plist-get (plist-get info :spec)
:spec (plist-get info :spec)))
(defun* ein:query-kernelspecs--error (url-or-port &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
(ein:log 'error
"ein:query-kernelspecs-error %s: ERROR %s DATA %s" url-or-port (car error-thrown) (cdr error-thrown)))
(defun* ein:query-kernelspecs--complete (url-or-port callback &key data response
&aux (resp-string (format "STATUS: %s DATA: %s" (request-response-status-code response) data)))
(ein:log 'debug "ein:query-kernelspecs--complete %s" resp-string)
(when callback (funcall callback)))
(defsubst ein:get-ipython-major-version (vstr)
(if vstr
(string-to-number (car (split-string vstr "\\.")))
(if (>= ein:log-level (ein:log-level-name-to-int 'debug))
(throw 'error "Null value passed to ein:get-ipython-major-version.")
(ein:log 'warn "Null value passed to ein:get-ipython-major-version."))))
(defun ein:need-ipython-version (url-or-port)
"Callers assume ein:query-ipython-version succeeded. If not, we hardcode a guess."
(ein:aif (gethash url-or-port *ein:ipython-version*) it
(ein:log 'warn "No recorded ipython version for %s" url-or-port)
;; TODO: Use symbols instead of numbers for ipython version ('jupyter and 'legacy)?
(defun ein:query-ipython-version (&optional url-or-port force)
(ein:aif (and (not force) (gethash (or url-or-port (ein:default-url-or-port)) *running-ipython-version*))
(let ((resp (request
(ein:jupyterhub-correct-query-url-maybe (ein:url (or url-or-port
:parser #'(lambda ()
:timeout 5.0
:sync t)))
(if (eql 408 (request-response-status-code resp))
(ein:log 'blather "Version request timed out, could be the server is still warming up. Assuming we are working Jupyter 4.x, and will recheck later.")
(if (eql 404 (request-response-status-code resp))
(ein:log 'blather "Version api not implemented, assuming we are working with IPython 2.x")
(setf (gethash url-or-port *running-ipython-version*) 2))
(condition-case nil
(if (plist-get (request-response-data resp) :version)
(setf (gethash url-or-port *running-ipython-version*)
(ein:get-ipython-major-version (plist-get (request-response-data resp) :version)))
(sit-for 0.1)
(ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port t)))
(error (ein:force-ipython-version-check))))))))
(defun ein:query-ipython-version (url-or-port callback)
"Send for ipython version of URL-OR-PORT with CALLBACK arity 0 (just a semaphore)"
(list 'query-ipython-version url-or-port)
(ein:url url-or-port "api"))
:parser #'ein:json-read
:sync ein:force-sync
:complete (apply-partially #'ein:query-ipython-version--complete url-or-port callback)))
(defun* ein:query-ipython-version--complete (url-or-port callback
&key data response
&aux (resp-string (format "STATUS: %s DATA: %s" (request-response-status-code response) data)))
(ein:log 'debug "ein:query-ipython-version--complete %s" resp-string)
(ein:aif (plist-get data :version)
(setf (gethash url-or-port *ein:ipython-version*)
(ein:get-ipython-major-version it))
(case (request-response-status-code response)
(404 (ein:log 'warn "ipython version api not implemented")
(setf (gethash url-or-port *ein:ipython-version*) 2))
(t (ein:log 'warn "ipython version currently unknowable"))))
(when callback (funcall callback)))
(defun ein:force-ipython-version-check ()
(maphash #'(lambda (url-or-port --ignore--)
(ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port t))
(ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port nil))
;;; File name translation (tramp support)
@ -119,6 +119,11 @@ When the prefix argument is given, debugging support for websocket
callback (`websocket-callback-debug-on-error') is enabled."
(interactive "P")
(setq debug-on-error t)
;; only use these with deferred:sync! they cause strange failures otherwise!
;; (setq deferred:debug-on-signal t)
;; (setq deferred:debug t)
(setq request-log-level (quote debug))
(setq request-message-level (quote verbose))
(setq websocket-debug t)
(when ws-callback
(setq websocket-callback-debug-on-error t))
@ -130,10 +135,14 @@ callback (`websocket-callback-debug-on-error') is enabled."
(defun ein:dev-stop-debug ()
"Disable debugging support enabled by `ein:dev-start-debug'."
"Inverse of `ein:dev-start-debug'. Hard to maintain because it needs to match start"
(setq debug-on-error nil)
(setq websocket-debug nil)
(setq deferred:debug-on-signal nil)
(setq deferred:debug nil)
(setq request-log-level -1)
(setq request-message-level 'warn)
(setq websocket-callback-debug-on-error nil)
(setq ein:debug nil)
(ein:log-set-level 'verbose)
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
(defun ein:file-open (url-or-port path)
(ein:content-query-contents path url-or-port nil
(ein:content-query-contents url-or-port path #'ein:file-open-finish))
(defun ein:file-open-finish (content)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (ein:file-buffer-name (ein:$content-url-or-port content)
@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ the log of the running jupyter server."
(setf *ein:last-jupyter-command* server-cmd-path
*ein:last-jupyter-directory* notebook-directory)
(if (buffer-live-p (get-buffer ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name))
(message "Notebook session is already running, check the contents of %s"
(ein:log 'info "Notebook session is already running, check the contents of %s"
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'(lambda ()
(ein:jupyter-server-stop t)))
(message "Starting notebook server in directory: %s" notebook-directory)
(ein:log 'info "Starting notebook server in directory: %s" notebook-directory)
(lexical-let ((no-login-after-start-p no-login-after-start-p)
(no-popup no-popup)
(proc (ein:jupyter-server--run ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name
@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ the log of the running jupyter server."
(warn "[EIN] Jupyter server failed to start, cancelling operation.")
(ein:jupyter-server-stop t))
(unless no-login-p
(ein:jupyter-server-login-and-open no-popup))))))))
@ -245,8 +244,8 @@ there is no running server then no action will be taken.
(let ((process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
(when process
(let ((pid (process-id process)))
(ein:log 'info "Signaled %s with pid %s" process pid)
(message "Stopped Jupyter notebook server.")
(ein:log 'verbose "Signaled %s with pid %s" process pid)
(ein:log 'info "Stopped Jupyter notebook server.")
(signal-process (process-id process) 15)))))
(when log
(with-current-buffer ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name
@ -3,62 +3,19 @@
;;; Code:
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-ac" "ein-ac.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-ac.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-ac" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-cell" "ein-cell.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-cell.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-cell" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-cell-edit" "ein-cell-edit.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-cell-edit.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-cell-edit" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-cell-output" "ein-cell-output.el" (0 0
;;;;;; 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-cell-output.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-cell-output" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-classes" "ein-classes.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-classes.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-classes" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-company" "ein-company.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-company" "ein-company.el" (23475 34241
;;;;;; 887134 78000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-company.el
(autoload 'ein:company-backend "ein-company" "\
\(fn COMMAND &optional ARG &rest IGNORE)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-company" '("ein:company-handle-doc-buffer")))
\(fn COMMAND &optional ARG &rest _)" t nil)
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-completer" "ein-completer.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-completer.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-completer" '("ein:complete")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-connect" "ein-connect.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-connect" "ein-connect.el" (23468 61365
;;;;;; 135112 242000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-connect.el
(autoload 'ein:connect-to-notebook-command "ein-connect" "\
@ -92,11 +49,10 @@ notebook.
\(fn)" nil nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-connect" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-console" "ein-console.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-console" "ein-console.el" (23468 61365
;;;;;; 135112 242000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-console.el
(autoload 'ein:console-open "ein-console" "\
@ -113,26 +69,10 @@ It should be possible to support python-mode.el. Patches are welcome!
\(fn)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-console" '("ein:console-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-contents-api" "ein-contents-api.el" (0
;;;;;; 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-contents-api.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-contents-api" '("ein:" "update-content-path" "*ein:content-hierarchy*")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-core" "ein-core.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-core.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-core" '("*running-ipython-version*" "ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-dev" "ein-dev.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-dev" "ein-dev.el" (23477 31845 251244
;;;;;; 240000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-dev.el
(autoload 'ein:dev-insert-mode-map "ein-dev" "\
@ -148,7 +88,7 @@ callback (`websocket-callback-debug-on-error') is enabled.
\(fn &optional WS-CALLBACK)" t nil)
(autoload 'ein:dev-stop-debug "ein-dev" "\
Disable debugging support enabled by `ein:dev-start-debug'.
Inverse of `ein:dev-start-debug'. Hard to maintain. Not really used.
\(fn)" t nil)
@ -157,25 +97,10 @@ Open a buffer with bug report template.
\(fn)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-dev" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-events" "ein-events.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-events.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-events" '("ein:events-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-file" "ein-file.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-file.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-file" '("ein:" "*ein:file-buffername-template*")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-helm" "ein-helm.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-helm" "ein-helm.el" (23064 59027 190301
;;;;;; 971000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-helm.el
(autoload 'anything-ein-kernel-history "ein-helm" "\
@ -198,18 +123,10 @@ Choose opened notebook using helm interface.
\(fn)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-helm" '("ein:helm-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-hy" "ein-hy.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-hy.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-hy" '("ein:cell-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-iexec" "ein-iexec.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-iexec" "ein-iexec.el" (23064 59027 190301
;;;;;; 971000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-iexec.el
(autoload 'ein:iexec-mode "ein-iexec" "\
@ -219,11 +136,10 @@ change in its input area.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-iexec" '("ein:iexec-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-inspector" "ein-inspector.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-inspector" "ein-inspector.el" (23475 34241
;;;;;; 887134 78000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-inspector.el
(autoload 'ein:inspect-object "ein-inspector" "\
@ -231,19 +147,10 @@ change in its input area.
\(fn KERNEL OBJECT)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-inspector" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-ipdb" "ein-ipdb.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-ipdb.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-ipdb" '("ein:" "*ein:ipdb-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-ipynb-mode" "ein-ipynb-mode.el" (0 0 0
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-ipynb-mode" "ein-ipynb-mode.el" (23064
;;;;;; 59027 194301 980000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-ipynb-mode.el
(autoload 'ein:ipynb-mode "ein-ipynb-mode" "\
@ -253,11 +160,10 @@ A simple mode for ipynb file.
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(".*\\.ipynb\\'" . ein:ipynb-mode))
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-ipynb-mode" '("ein:ipynb-parent-mode")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-jedi" "ein-jedi.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-jedi" "ein-jedi.el" (23468 61365 139112
;;;;;; 317000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-jedi.el
(autoload 'ein:jedi-complete "ein-jedi" "\
@ -282,33 +188,10 @@ To use EIN and Jedi together, add the following in your Emacs setup before loadi
\(fn)" nil nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-jedi" '("ein:jedi-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-junk" "ein-junk.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-junk.el
(autoload 'ein:junk-new "ein-junk" "\
Open a notebook to try random thing.
Notebook name is determined based on
When prefix argument is given, it asks URL or port to use.
(autoload 'ein:junk-rename "ein-junk" "\
Rename the current notebook based on `ein:junk-notebook-name-template'
and save it immediately.
\(fn NAME)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-junk" '("ein:junk-notebook-name")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-jupyter" "ein-jupyter.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-jupyter" "ein-jupyter.el" (23478 35725
;;;;;; 832413 900000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-jupyter.el
(autoload 'ein:jupyter-server-login-and-open "ein-jupyter" "\
@ -349,14 +232,12 @@ Stop a running jupyter notebook server.
Use this command to stop a running jupyter notebook server. If
there is no running server then no action will be taken.
\(fn &optional FORCE)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-jupyter" '("%ein:jupyter-server-session%" "*ein:" "ein:jupyter-")))
\(fn &optional FORCE LOG)" t nil)
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-jupyterhub" "ein-jupyterhub.el" (0 0 0
;;;;;; 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-jupyterhub" "ein-jupyterhub.el" (23468
;;;;;; 61365 139112 317000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-jupyterhub.el
(autoload 'ein:jupyterhub-connect "ein-jupyterhub" "\
@ -364,44 +245,20 @@ Log on to a jupyterhub server using PAM authentication. Requires jupyterhub vers
\(fn URL USER PASSWORD)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-jupyterhub" '("ein:j")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-kernel" "ein-kernel.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-kernel" "ein-kernel.el" (23475 34241 891134
;;;;;; 103000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-kernel.el
(defalias 'ein:kernel-url-or-port 'ein:$kernel-url-or-port)
(defalias 'ein:kernel-id 'ein:$kernel-kernel-id)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-kernel" '("ein:" "kernel-restart-try-count" "max-kernel-restart-try-count")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-kernelinfo" "ein-kernelinfo.el" (0 0 0
;;;;;; 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-kernelinfo.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-kernelinfo" '("ein:kernelinfo")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-kill-ring" "ein-kill-ring.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-kill-ring.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-kill-ring" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-log" "ein-log.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-log.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-log" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-multilang" "ein-multilang.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-multilang" "ein-multilang.el" (23468 61365
;;;;;; 139112 317000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-multilang.el
(autoload 'ein:notebook-multilang-mode "ein-multilang" "\
@ -409,47 +266,39 @@ Notebook mode with multiple language fontification.
\(fn)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-multilang" '("ein:" "python-imenu-format-parent-item-jump-label")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-multilang-fontify" "ein-multilang-fontify.el"
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-multilang-fontify.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-multilang-fontify" '("ein:mlf-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-node" "ein-node.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-node.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-node" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-notebook" "ein-notebook.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-notebook" "ein-notebook.el" (23478 25882
;;;;;; 960574 643000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-notebook.el
(autoload 'ein:junk-new "ein-notebook" "\
Open a notebook to try random thing.
Notebook name is determined based on
When prefix argument is given, it asks URL or port to use.
(autoload 'ein:junk-rename "ein-notebook" "\
Rename the current notebook based on `ein:junk-notebook-name-template'
and save it immediately.
\(fn NAME)" t nil)
(defalias 'ein:notebook-name 'ein:$notebook-notebook-name)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-notebook" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-notebooklist" "ein-notebooklist.el" (0
;;;;;; 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-notebooklist" "ein-notebooklist.el" (23478
;;;;;; 30232 414267 512000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-notebooklist.el
(autoload 'ein:notebooklist-open "ein-notebooklist" "\
Open notebook list buffer.
\(fn &optional URL-OR-PORT PATH NO-POPUP)" t nil)
(autoload 'ein:notebooklist-refresh-kernelspecs "ein-notebooklist" "\
\(fn &optional URL-OR-PORT)" t nil)
\(fn URL-OR-PORT &optional PATH NO-POPUP RESYNC)" t nil)
(autoload 'ein:notebooklist-enable-keepalive "ein-notebooklist" "\
Enable periodic calls to the notebook server to keep long running sessions from expiring.
@ -470,7 +319,7 @@ Disable the notebooklist keepalive calls to the jupyter notebook server.
(autoload 'ein:notebooklist-reload "ein-notebooklist" "\
Reload current Notebook list.
\(fn &optional NOTEBOOKLIST)" t nil)
\(fn NOTEBOOKLIST &optional RESYNC)" t nil)
(autoload 'ein:notebooklist-upload-file "ein-notebooklist" "\
@ -537,19 +386,10 @@ on all the notebooks opened from the current notebooklist.
\(fn NEW-URL-OR-PORT)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-notebooklist" '("ein:" "generate-breadcrumbs" "render-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-notification" "ein-notification.el" (0
;;;;;; 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-notification.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-notification" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-org" "ein-org.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-org" "ein-org.el" (23468 61365 139112
;;;;;; 317000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-org.el
(autoload 'ein:org-open "ein-org" "\
@ -582,27 +422,10 @@ node `(org) External links' and Info node `(org) Search options'
(eval-after-load "org" '(if (fboundp 'org-link-set-parameters) (org-link-set-parameters "ipynb" :follow 'ein:org-open :help-echo "Open ipython notebook." :store 'ein:org-store-link) (org-add-link-type "ipynb" :follow 'ein:org-open) (add-hook 'org-store-link-functions 'ein:org-store-link)))
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-org" '(#("ein:org-goto-link" 0 17 (fontified nil)))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-output-area" "ein-output-area.el" (0 0
;;;;;; 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-output-area.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-output-area" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-pager" "ein-pager.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-pager.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-pager" '("ein:pager-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-pseudo-console" "ein-pseudo-console.el"
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;;;;;; (23064 59027 198301 987000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-pseudo-console.el
(autoload 'ein:pseudo-console-mode "ein-pseudo-console" "\
@ -610,41 +433,10 @@ Pseudo console mode. Hit RET to execute code.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-pseudo-console" '("ein:pseudo-console-mode-map")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-python" "ein-python.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-python.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-python" '("ein:python-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-pytools" "ein-pytools.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-pytools.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-pytools" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-query" "ein-query.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-query.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-query" '(#("ein:" 0 4 (face font-lock-function-name-face fontified nil)) #("*ein:jupyterhub-servers*" 0 24 (fontified nil face font-lock-variable-name-face)))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-scratchsheet" "ein-scratchsheet.el" (0
;;;;;; 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-scratchsheet.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-scratchsheet" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-shared-output" "ein-shared-output.el"
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;;;;;; (23468 61365 139112 317000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-shared-output.el
(autoload 'ein:shared-output-pop-to-buffer "ein-shared-output" "\
@ -671,40 +463,10 @@ shared output buffer. You can open the buffer by the command
\(fn CODE &optional POPUP VERBOSE KERNEL &rest ARGS)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-shared-output" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-skewer" "ein-skewer.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-skewer.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-skewer" '("ein:" "*ein:skewer-running-p*")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-smartrep" "ein-smartrep.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-smartrep.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-smartrep" '("ein:smartrep-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-subpackages" "ein-subpackages.el" (0 0
;;;;;; 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-subpackages.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-subpackages" '(#("ein:" 0 4 (face font-lock-function-name-face fontified t)))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-timestamp" "ein-timestamp.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-timestamp.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-timestamp" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-traceback" "ein-traceback.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-traceback" "ein-traceback.el" (23468 61365
;;;;;; 139112 317000))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-traceback.el
(autoload 'ein:tb-show "ein-traceback" "\
@ -712,47 +474,19 @@ Show full traceback in traceback viewer.
\(fn)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-traceback" '("ein:t")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-utils" "ein-utils.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-utils.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-utils" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-websocket" "ein-websocket.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-websocket.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-websocket" '("ein:websocket" "fix-request-netscape-cookie-parse")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ein-worksheet" "ein-worksheet.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ein-worksheet.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ein-worksheet" '("ein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "ob-ein" "ob-ein.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from ob-ein.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "ob-ein" '("*ein:org-name-generator*" "ein:" "org-babel-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "zeroein" "zeroein.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from zeroein.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "zeroein" '("zeroein:")))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("debug-ein.el" "ein-pkg.el" "ein.el")
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("debug-ein.el" "ein-ac.el" "ein-cell-edit.el"
;;;;;; "ein-cell-output.el" "ein-cell.el" "ein-classes.el" "ein-completer.el"
;;;;;; "ein-contents-api.el" "ein-core.el" "ein-events.el" "ein-file.el"
;;;;;; "ein-hy.el" "ein-ipdb.el" "ein-junk.el" "ein-kernelinfo.el"
;;;;;; "ein-kill-ring.el" "ein-log.el" "ein-multilang-fontify.el"
;;;;;; "ein-node.el" "ein-notification.el" "ein-output-area.el"
;;;;;; "ein-pager.el" "ein-pkg.el" "ein-python.el" "ein-pytools.el"
;;;;;; "ein-query.el" "ein-scratchsheet.el" "ein-skewer.el" "ein-smartrep.el"
;;;;;; "ein-subpackages.el" "ein-timestamp.el" "ein-utils.el" "ein-websocket.el"
;;;;;; "ein-worksheet.el" "ein.el" "ob-ein.el" "zeroein.el") (23475
;;;;;; 34241 891134 103000))
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
(let* ((levname (ein:log-level-int-to-name level))
(print-level ein:log-print-level)
(print-length ein:log-print-length)
(msg (format "[%s] %s" levname (funcall func)))
(msg (format "%s: [%s] %s" (format-time-string "%H:%M:%S:%3N") levname (funcall func)))
(orig-buffer (current-buffer)))
(if (and ein:log-max-string
(> (length msg) ein:log-max-string))
@ -359,7 +359,6 @@ notebook buffer when CALLBACK is called."
(when callback
(apply callback ein:%notebook% nil cbargs))
(ein:log 'info "Opening notebook %s..." path)
(ein:notebook-request-open url-or-port path kernelspec callback cbargs))))
(defun ein:notebook-request-open (url-or-port path &optional kernelspec callback cbargs)
@ -372,10 +371,9 @@ argument `t' indicates that the notebook is newly opened.
See `ein:notebook-open' for more information."
(let ((notebook (ein:notebook-new url-or-port path kernelspec)))
(ein:log 'debug "Opening notebook at %s" path)
(ein:content-query-contents path url-or-port nil
(apply-partially #'ein:notebook-request-open-callback-with-callback
notebook callback cbargs))
(ein:content-query-contents url-or-port path
(apply-partially #'ein:notebook-request-open-callback-with-callback
notebook callback cbargs))
;; (ein:query-singleton-ajax
;; (list 'notebook-open url-or-port api-version path)
;; url
@ -391,6 +389,7 @@ See `ein:notebook-open' for more information."
(ein:log 'verbose "Opened notebook %s" (ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook))
(funcall #'ein:notebook-request-open-callback notebook content)
(when callback
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer notebook)
@ -465,7 +464,7 @@ of minor mode."
(error "Fix me!")) ;; FIXME
(setf (ein:$notebook-autosave-timer notebook)
(run-at-time 0 ein:notebook-autosave-frequency #'ein:notebook-maybe-save-notebook notebook 0))
(ein:log 'info "Enabling autosaves for %s with frequency %s seconds."
(ein:log 'verbose "Enabling autosaves for %s with frequency %s seconds."
(ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook)
@ -477,7 +476,7 @@ of minor mode."
"Select notebook [URL-OR-PORT/NAME]: "
(list notebook)))
(ein:log 'info "Disabling auto checkpoints for notebook %s" (ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook))
(ein:log 'verbose "Disabling auto checkpoints for notebook %s" (ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook))
(when (ein:$notebook-autosave-timer notebook)
(cancel-timer (ein:$notebook-autosave-timer notebook))))
@ -500,15 +499,13 @@ of minor mode."
;;; Kernel related things
(defvar ein:available-kernelspecs (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defun ein:kernelspec-for-nb-metadata (kernelspec)
(let ((display-name (plist-get (ein:$kernelspec-spec kernelspec) :display_name)))
`((:name . ,(ein:$kernelspec-name kernelspec))
(:display_name . ,(format "%s" display-name)))))
(defun ein:get-kernelspec (url-or-port name)
(let* ((kernelspecs (gethash url-or-port ein:available-kernelspecs))
(let* ((kernelspecs (ein:need-kernelspecs url-or-port))
(name (if (stringp name)
(intern (format ":%s" name))
@ -518,50 +515,13 @@ of minor mode."
(defun ein:list-available-kernels (url-or-port)
(let ((kernelspecs (gethash url-or-port ein:available-kernelspecs)))
(let ((kernelspecs (ein:need-kernelspecs url-or-port)))
(if kernelspecs
(sort (loop for (key spec) on (ein:plist-exclude kernelspecs '(:default)) by 'cddr
collecting (cons (ein:$kernelspec-name spec)
(ein:$kernelspec-display-name spec)))
(lambda (c1 c2) (string< (cdr c1) (cdr c2)))))))
(defun ein:query-kernelspecs (url-or-port &optional force-refresh)
"Query jupyter server for the list of available
kernels. Results are stored in ein:available-kernelspec, hashed
on server url/port."
(unless (and (not force-refresh) (gethash url-or-port ein:available-kernelspecs))
(list 'ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port)
(ein:url url-or-port "api/kernelspecs")
:type "GET"
:timeout ein:content-query-timeout
:parser 'ein:json-read
:sync t
:success (apply-partially #'ein:query-kernelspecs-success url-or-port)
:error (apply-partially #'ein:query-kernelspecs-error))))
(defun* ein:query-kernelspecs-success (url-or-port &key data &allow-other-keys)
(let ((ks (list :default (plist-get data :default)))
(specs (ein:plist-iter (plist-get data :kernelspecs))))
(setf (gethash url-or-port ein:available-kernelspecs)
(ein:flatten (dolist (spec specs ks)
(let ((name (car spec))
(info (cdr spec)))
(push (list name (make-ein:$kernelspec :name (plist-get info :name)
:display-name (plist-get (plist-get info :spec)
:resources (plist-get info :resources)
:language (plist-get (plist-get info :spec)
:spec (plist-get info :spec)))
(defun* ein:query-kernelspecs-error (&key symbol-status response &allow-other-keys)
(ein:log 'verbose
"Error thrown: %S" (request-response-error-thrown response))
(ein:log 'error
"Kernelspc query call failed with status %s." symbol-status))
(defun ein:notebook-switch-kernel (notebook kernel-name)
"Change the kernel for a running notebook. If not called from a
notebook buffer then the user will be prompted to select an opened notebook."
@ -765,7 +725,6 @@ This is equivalent to do ``C-c`` in the console program."
(defun ein:read-nbformat4-worksheets (notebook data)
"Convert a notebook in nbformat4 to a list of worksheet-like
objects suitable for processing in ein:notebook-from-json."
(ein:log 'info "Reading nbformat4 notebook.")
(let* ((cells (plist-get data :cells))
(ws-cells (mapcar (lambda (data) (ein:cell-from-json data)) cells))
(worksheet (ein:notebook--worksheet-new notebook)))
@ -22,9 +22,6 @@
;;; Commentary:
;; The rendering is split into a function for ipython2 and one for
;; ipython3, ein:notebooklist-render-ipy2 and
;; ein:notebooklist-render.
;;; Code:
@ -43,12 +40,12 @@
(require 'dash)
(defcustom ein:notebook-list-render-order
(defcustom ein:notebooklist-render-order
"Order of notebook list sections.
Must contain render-header, render-opened-notebooks, and render-directory-ipy3."
Must contain render-header, render-opened-notebooks, and render-directory."
:group 'ein
:type 'list
@ -73,7 +70,7 @@ is opened at first time.::
URL or port of IPython server.
The path for the notebooklist.
@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ To suppress popup, you can pass `ignore' as CALLBACK."
(defun ein:notebooklist-new-url (url-or-port version &optional path)
(let ((base-path (cond ((= version 2) "api/notebooks")
((>= version 3) "api/contents"))))
(ein:log 'info "New notebook. Port: %s, Path: %s" url-or-port path)
(ein:log 'info "New notebook %s" (concat (file-name-as-directory url-or-port) path))
(if (and path (not (string= path "")))
(ein:url url-or-port base-path path)
(ein:url url-or-port base-path))))
@ -204,37 +201,54 @@ To suppress popup, you can pass `ignore' as CALLBACK."
(defun ein:notebooklist-open (&optional url-or-port path no-popup)
(defun ein:notebooklist-open (url-or-port &optional path no-popup resync)
"Open notebook list buffer."
(interactive (list (ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port)))
(unless url-or-port (setq url-or-port (ein:default-url-or-port)))
(unless path (setq path ""))
(if (and (stringp url-or-port) (not (string-match-p "^https?" url-or-port)))
(setq url-or-port (format "http://%s" url-or-port)))
(ein:log 'debug "NOTEBOOKLIST-OPEN: %s/%s" url-or-port path)
(let ((success
(if no-popup
(lambda (content)
(funcall #'ein:notebooklist-url-retrieve-callback content))))))
(ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port)
(ein:content-query-contents path url-or-port t success))
;(ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(lexical-let ((url-or-port url-or-port)
(path path)
(success (if no-popup
(lambda (content)
(funcall #'ein:notebooklist-open--finish content))))))
(if (or resync (not (ein:notebooklist-list-get url-or-port)))
(lexical-let ((d (deferred:new #'identity)))
(ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port (lambda ()
(deferred:callback-post d)))
(lexical-let ((d (deferred:new #'identity)))
(ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port (lambda ()
(deferred:callback-post d)))
(lexical-let ((d (deferred:new #'identity)))
(ein:content-query-hierarchy url-or-port (lambda (tree)
(deferred:callback-post d)))
(deferred:nextc it
(lambda (&rest ignore)
(ein:content-query-contents url-or-port path success))))
(ein:content-query-contents url-or-port path success)))
(defun ein:notebooklist-refresh-kernelspecs (&optional url-or-port)
(interactive (list (or (and ein:%notebooklist% (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%))
(unless url-or-port
(if ein:%notebooklist%
(setq url-or-port (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%))
(setq url-or-port (ein:default-url-or-port))))
(ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port t)
(when ein:%notebooklist%
(ein:notebooklist-reload ein:%notebooklist%)))
;; point of order (poo): ein:notebooklist-refresh-kernelspecs requeries the kernelspecs and calls ein:notebooklist-reload. ein:notebooklist-reload already requeries the kernelspecs in one of its callbacks, so this function seems redundant.
;; (defun ein:notebooklist-refresh-kernelspecs (&optional url-or-port)
;; (interactive (list (or (and ein:%notebooklist% (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%))
;; (ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port))))
;; (unless url-or-port
;; (if ein:%notebooklist%
;; (setq url-or-port (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%))
;; (setq url-or-port (ein:default-url-or-port))))
;; (ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port)
;; (when ein:%notebooklist%
;; (ein:notebooklist-reload ein:%notebooklist%))
;; )
(defcustom ein:notebooklist-keepalive-refresh-time 1
"When the notebook keepalive is enabled, the frequency, IN
@ -275,7 +289,7 @@ automatically be called during calls to `ein:notebooklist-open`."
(ein:log 'info "Refreshing notebooklist connection.")))
(refresh-time (* ein:notebooklist-keepalive-refresh-time 60 60)))
(setq ein:notebooklist--keepalive-timer
(run-at-time 0.1 refresh-time #'ein:content-query-contents "" url-or-port nil success)))))
(run-at-time 0.1 refresh-time #'ein:content-query-contents url-or-port "" success)))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-disable-keepalive ()
@ -285,14 +299,12 @@ automatically be called during calls to `ein:notebooklist-open`."
(cancel-timer ein:notebooklist--keepalive-timer)
(setq ein:notebooklist--keepalive-timer nil))
(defun* ein:notebooklist-url-retrieve-callback (content)
(defun ein:notebooklist-open--finish (content)
"Called via `ein:notebooklist-open'."
(let ((url-or-port (ein:$content-url-or-port content))
(path (ein:$content-path content))
(ipy-version (ein:$content-ipython-version content))
(data (ein:$content-raw-content content)))
(when (>= ipy-version 3)
(ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(let ((already-opened-p (ein:notebooklist-list-get url-or-port))
(orig-point (point)))
@ -302,11 +314,9 @@ automatically be called during calls to `ein:notebooklist-open`."
:data data
:api-version ipy-version))
(ein:notebooklist-list-add ein:%notebooklist%)
(if (< ipy-version 3)
(ein:notebooklist-render ipy-version)
(goto-char orig-point)
(ein:log 'info "Opened notebook list at %s with path %s." url-or-port path)
(ein:log 'verbose "Opened notebooklist at %s" (concat (file-name-as-directory url-or-port) path))
(unless already-opened-p
(run-hooks 'ein:notebooklist-first-open-hook))
(when ein:enable-keepalive
@ -314,22 +324,18 @@ automatically be called during calls to `ein:notebooklist-open`."
(defun* ein:notebooklist-open-error (url-or-port path
&key symbol-status response
&key error-thrown
(ein:log 'verbose
"Error thrown: %S" (request-response-error-thrown response))
(ein:log 'error
"Error (%s) while opening notebook list with path %s at the server %s."
symbol-status path url-or-port))
"ein:notebooklist-open-error %s: ERROR %s DATA %s" (concat (file-name-as-directory url-or-port) path) (car error-thrown) (cdr error-thrown)))
(defun ein:notebooklist-reload (&optional notebooklist)
(defun ein:notebooklist-reload (notebooklist &optional resync)
"Reload current Notebook list."
(unless notebooklist
(setq notebooklist ein:%notebooklist%))
(ein:notebooklist-open (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port notebooklist)
(ein:$notebooklist-path notebooklist) t))
(interactive (list ein:%notebooklist%))
(when notebooklist
(ein:notebooklist-open (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port notebooklist)
(ein:$notebooklist-path notebooklist) t resync)))
(defun ein:notebooklist-refresh-related ()
"Reload notebook list in which current notebook locates.
@ -403,7 +409,7 @@ This function is called via `ein:notebook-after-rename-hook'."
(if data
(let ((name (plist-get data :name))
(path (plist-get data :path)))
(if (= (ein:query-ipython-version url-or-port) 2)
(if (= (ein:need-ipython-version url-or-port) 2)
(if (string= path "")
(setq path name)
(setq path (format "%s/%s" path name))))
@ -428,7 +434,7 @@ This function is called via `ein:notebook-after-rename-hook'."
"Failed to open new notebook (error: %S). \
You may find the new one in the notebook list." error)
(setq no-popup nil)
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port no-popup))
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port "" no-popup))
(defun ein:notebooklist-new-notebook-with-name (name kernelspec url-or-port &optional path)
@ -463,7 +469,6 @@ You may find the new one in the notebook list." error)
(ein:notebooklist-delete-notebook path)))
(defun ein:notebooklist-delete-notebook (path)
(ein:log 'info "Deleting notebook %s..." path)
(list 'notebooklist-delete-notebook
(ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%) path)
@ -472,10 +477,10 @@ You may find the new one in the notebook list." error)
(ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%)
:type "DELETE"
:success (apply-partially (lambda (path notebook-list &rest ignore)
:success (apply-partially (lambda (path notebooklist &rest ignore)
(ein:log 'info
"Deleting notebook %s... Done." path)
(ein:notebooklist-reload notebook-list))
"Deleted notebook %s" path)
(ein:notebooklist-reload notebooklist))
path ein:%notebooklist%)))
;; Because MinRK wants me to suffer (not really, I love MinRK)...
@ -493,21 +498,6 @@ You may find the new one in the notebook list." error)
(setf current-path (concat current-path "/" p)
pairs (append pairs (list (cons p current-path)))))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-render-ipy2 ()
"Render notebook list for IPython 2.x sessions.
Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(defun* ein:nblist--sort-group (group by-param order)
(sort group #'(lambda (x y)
(cond ((eql order :ascending)
@ -534,7 +524,7 @@ Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
(-concat dirs nbs files)))
(defun render-header-ipy2 ()
(defun render-header-ipy2 (&rest args)
"Render the header (for ipython2)."
;; Create notebook list
(widget-insert (format "IPython %s Notebook list\n\n" (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%)))
@ -560,7 +550,7 @@ Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
(widget-insert " ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:notebooklist-reload))
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:notebooklist-reload ein:%notebooklist% t))
"Reload List")
(widget-insert " ")
@ -571,125 +561,102 @@ Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
"Open In Browser")
(widget-insert "\n"))
(defun render-header ()
(defun render-header* (url-or-port &rest args)
"Render the header (for ipython>=3)."
;; Create notebook list
(if (< (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%) 4)
(format "IPython v%s Notebook list (%s)\n\n" (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%) (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%))
(format "Jupyter v%s Notebook list (%s)\n\n" (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%) (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(if (< (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%) 4)
(format "IPython v%s Notebook list (%s)\n\n" (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%) url-or-port)
(format "Jupyter v%s Notebook list (%s)\n\n" (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%) url-or-port)))
(let ((breadcrumbs (generate-breadcrumbs (ein:$notebooklist-path ein:%notebooklist%))))
(dolist (p breadcrumbs)
(lexical-let ((name (car p))
(path (cdr p)))
(widget-insert " | ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
(ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%)
(widget-insert " |\n\n"))
(let ((breadcrumbs (generate-breadcrumbs (ein:$notebooklist-path ein:%notebooklist%))))
(dolist (p breadcrumbs)
(lexical-let ((url-or-port url-or-port)
(name (car p))
(path (cdr p)))
(widget-insert " | ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port path))
(widget-insert " |\n\n"))
(lexical-let* ((url-or-port (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%))
(kernels (ein:list-available-kernels url-or-port)))
(if (null ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%)
(setq ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel% (ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port (caar kernels))))
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:notebooklist-new-notebook
"New Notebook")
(widget-insert " ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:notebooklist-reload))
"Reload List")
(widget-insert " ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:notebooklist-refresh-kernelspecs))
"Query Kernelspecs")
(widget-insert " ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
(ein:url url-or-port)))
"Open In Browser")
(lexical-let* ((url-or-port url-or-port)
(kernels (ein:list-available-kernels url-or-port)))
(if (null ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%)
(setq ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel% (ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port (caar kernels))))
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:notebooklist-new-notebook
"New Notebook")
(widget-insert " ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:notebooklist-reload ein:%notebooklist% t))
(widget-insert " ")
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
(browse-url (ein:url url-or-port)))
"Open In Browser")
(widget-insert "\n\nCreate New Notebooks Using Kernel: \n")
(let* ((radio-widget (widget-create 'radio-button-choice
:value (and ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel% (ein:$kernelspec-name ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%))
:notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
(setq ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%
(ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port (widget-value widget)))
(message "New notebooks will be started using the %s kernel."
(ein:$kernelspec-display-name ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%))))))
(dolist (k kernels)
(widget-radio-add-item radio-widget (list 'item :value (car k)
:format (format "%s\n" (cdr k)))))))
(widget-insert "\n"))
(widget-insert "\n\nCreate New Notebooks Using Kernel:\n")
(let* ((radio-widget (widget-create 'radio-button-choice
:value (and ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel% (ein:$kernelspec-name ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%))
:notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
(setq ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%
(ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port (widget-value widget)))
(message "New notebooks will be started using the %s kernel."
(ein:$kernelspec-display-name ein:%notebooklist-new-kernel%))))))
(if (null kernels)
(widget-insert "\n No kernels found.")
(dolist (k kernels)
(widget-radio-add-item radio-widget (list 'item :value (car k)
:format (format "%s\n" (cdr k)))))
(widget-insert "\n"))))))
(defun render-opened-notebooks ()
(defun render-opened-notebooks (url-or-port &rest args)
"Render the opened notebooks section (for ipython>=3)."
;; Opened Notebooks Section
(widget-insert "\n---------- All Opened Notebooks ----------\n\n")
(loop for buffer in (ein:notebook-opened-buffers)
do (progn (widget-create
:notify (lexical-let ((buffer buffer))
(lambda (&rest ignore)
(switch-to-buffer buffer)))
:notify (lexical-let ((buffer buffer))
(lambda (&rest ignore)
(kill-buffer buffer)
(run-at-time 1 nil
(widget-insert " : " (buffer-name buffer))
(widget-insert "\n"))))
(defun render-directory-ipy3 ()
"Call render-direcory with ipy-at-least-3 true."
(render-directory t))
(defun render-directory-ipy2 ()
"Call render-direcory with ipy-at-least-3 false."
(render-directory nil))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(widget-insert "\n---------- All Opened Notebooks ----------\n\n")
(loop for buffer in (ein:notebook-opened-buffers)
do (progn (widget-create
:notify (lexical-let ((buffer buffer))
(lambda (&rest ignore)
(switch-to-buffer buffer)))
:notify (lexical-let ((buffer buffer))
(lambda (&rest ignore)
(kill-buffer buffer)
(run-at-time 1 nil
(widget-insert " : " (buffer-name buffer))
(widget-insert "\n")))))
(defun ein:format-nbitem-data (name last-modified)
(let ((dt (date-to-time last-modified)))
(format "%-40s%+20s" name
(ein:format-time-string ein:notebooklist-date-format dt))))
(defun render-directory (ipy-at-least-3)
"Render directory.
IPY-AT-LEAST-3 used to keep track of version."
(widget-insert "\n------------------------------------------\n\n")
(unless ipy-at-least-3
(let (api-version (ein:$notebooklist-api-version ein:%notebooklist%))))
(let ((sessions #s(hash-table test equal data (:pending t))))
(ein:content-query-sessions sessions (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%) t)
(loop repeat 4
when (null (gethash :pending sessions))
return t
do (sleep-for 0 50))
(defun render-directory (url-or-port sessions)
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(widget-insert "\n------------------------------------------\n\n")
(ein:make-sorting-widget "Sort by" ein:notebooklist-sort-field)
(ein:make-sorting-widget "In Order" ein:notebooklist-sort-order)
(widget-insert "\n")
(loop for note in (ein:notebooklist--order-data (ein:$notebooklist-data ein:%notebooklist%)
for urlport = (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%)
for name = (plist-get note :name)
for path = (plist-get note :path)
for last-modified = (plist-get note :last_modified)
@ -698,27 +665,27 @@ IPY-AT-LEAST-3 used to keep track of version."
;; ((= 3 api-version)
;; (ein:get-actual-path (plist-get note :path))))
for type = (plist-get note :type)
for opened-notebook-maybe = (ein:notebook-get-opened-notebook urlport path)
for opened-notebook-maybe = (ein:notebook-get-opened-notebook url-or-port path)
do (widget-insert " ")
if (string= type "directory")
do (progn (widget-create
:notify (lexical-let ((urlport urlport)
(path name))
:notify (lexical-let ((url-or-port url-or-port)
(name name))
(lambda (&rest ignore)
(ein:notebooklist-open urlport
(ein:url (ein:$notebooklist-path ein:%notebooklist%)
;; each directory creates a whole new notebooklist
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port
(ein:url (ein:$notebooklist-path ein:%notebooklist%) name))))
(widget-insert " : " name)
(widget-insert "\n"))
if (and (string= type "file") ipy-at-least-3)
if (and (string= type "file") (> (ein:need-ipython-version url-or-port) 2))
do (progn (widget-create
:notify (lexical-let ((urlport urlport)
:notify (lexical-let ((url-or-port url-or-port)
(path path))
(lambda (&rest ignore)
(ein:notebooklist-open-file urlport path)))
(ein:notebooklist-open-file url-or-port path)))
(widget-insert " ------ ")
@ -765,8 +732,7 @@ IPY-AT-LEAST-3 used to keep track of version."
(widget-insert " : " (ein:format-nbitem-data name last-modified))
(widget-insert "\n")))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-render ()
(defun ein:notebooklist-render (ipy-version)
"Render notebook list widget.
Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
@ -775,26 +741,36 @@ Notebook list data is passed via the buffer local variable
(mapc #'funcall ein:notebook-list-render-order)
(let ((url-or-port (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%)))
(ein:content-query-sessions url-or-port
(apply-partially #'ein:notebooklist-render--finish ipy-version url-or-port))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-render--finish (ipy-version url-or-port sessions)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'render-header) (if (< ipy-version 3)
(mapc (lambda (x) (funcall (symbol-function x) url-or-port sessions))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(goto-char (point-min))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-list-notebooks ()
"Return a list of notebook path (NBPATH). Each element NBPATH
is a string of the format \"URL-OR-PORT/NOTEBOOK-NAME\"."
(apply #'append
(loop for nblist in (ein:notebooklist-list)
for url-or-port = (ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port nblist)
for api-version = (ein:$notebooklist-api-version nblist)
(loop for note in (ein:get-content-hierarchy url-or-port)
collect (format "%s/%s" url-or-port
(ein:$content-path note)
(loop for content in (ein:content-need-hierarchy url-or-port)
when (string= (ein:$content-type content) "notebook")
collect (format "%s/%s" url-or-port
(ein:$content-path content)))
;; (if (= api-version 3)
;; (loop for note in (ein:make-content-hierarchy "" url-or-port)
;; (loop for note in (ein:content-need-hierarchy url-or-port)
;; collect (format "%s/%s" url-or-port
;; (ein:$content-path note)
;; ))
@ -807,6 +783,7 @@ is a string of the format \"URL-OR-PORT/NOTEBOOK-NAME\"."
;;FIXME: Code below assumes notebook is in root directory - need to do a better
;; job listing notebooks in subdirectories and parsing out the path.
(defun ein:notebooklist-open-notebook-global (nbpath &optional callback cbargs)
"Choose notebook from all opened notebook list and open it.
Notebook is specified by a string NBPATH whose format is
@ -814,18 +791,18 @@ Notebook is specified by a string NBPATH whose format is
When used in lisp, CALLBACK and CBARGS are passed to `ein:notebook-open'."
(list (completing-read
"Open notebook [URL-OR-PORT/NAME]: "
(let* ((url-or-port (substring nbpath 0 (cl-position ?/ nbpath)))
(path (substring nbpath (1+ (cl-position ?/ nbpath)))))
(when (and (stringp url-or-port)
(string-match "^[0-9]+$" url-or-port))
(setq url-or-port (string-to-number url-or-port)))
(ein:notebook-open url-or-port path nil callback cbargs)
(ein:log 'info "Notebook '%s' not found" nbpath)))
(list (if noninteractive
(car (ein:notebooklist-list-notebooks))
"Open notebook [URL-OR-PORT/NAME]: "
(let* ((parsed (url-generic-parse-url nbpath))
(path (url-filename parsed)))
(ein:notebook-open (substring nbpath 0 (- (length nbpath) (length path)))
(substring path 1) nil callback cbargs)))
(defun ein:notebooklist-load (&optional url-or-port)
"Load notebook list but do not pop-up the notebook list buffer.
@ -844,7 +821,7 @@ in order to make this code work.
See also:
`ein:connect-to-default-notebook', `ein:connect-default-notebook'."
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port t))
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port "" t))
(defun ein:notebooklist-find-server-by-notebook-name (name)
@ -855,7 +832,7 @@ See also:
for ipython-version = (ein:$notebooklist-api-version nblist)
(if (>= ipython-version 3)
(loop for note in (ein:make-content-hierarchy "" url-or-port)
(loop for note in (ein:content-need-hierarchy url-or-port)
when (equal (ein:$content-name note) name)
do (return-from outer
(list url-or-port (ein:$content-path note))))
@ -866,7 +843,7 @@ See also:
(format "%s/%s" (plist-get note :path) (plist-get note :name))))))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-open-notebook-by-file-name
(&optional filename noerror buffer-callback)
(&optional filename noerror buffer-callback)
"Find the notebook named as same as the current file in the servers.
Open the notebook if found. Note that this command will *not*
upload the current file to the server.
@ -901,18 +878,18 @@ FIMXE: document how to use `ein:notebooklist-find-file-callback'
when I am convinced with the API."
(ein:and-let* ((filename buffer-file-name)
((string-match-p "\\.ipynb$" filename)))
filename t ein:notebooklist-find-file-buffer-callback)))
filename t ein:notebooklist-find-file-buffer-callback)))
;;; Login
(defun ein:notebooklist-login (url-or-port password &optional retry-p)
"Login to IPython notebook server."
(interactive (list (ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port)
(read-passwd "Password: ")))
(ein:log 'debug "NOTEBOOKLIST-LOGIN: %s:%s" url-or-port password)
(list 'notebooklist-login url-or-port)
(ein:url url-or-port "login")
@ -964,6 +941,7 @@ Now you can open notebook list by `ein:notebooklist-open'." url-or-port))
(ein:notebooklist-login--error-1 url-or-port)))
(defun ein:notebooklist-change-url-port (new-url-or-port)
"Update the ipython/jupyter notebook server URL for all the
notebooks currently opened from the current notebooklist buffer.
@ -979,7 +957,7 @@ on all the notebooks opened from the current notebooklist."
(open-nb (ein:notebook-opened-notebooks #'(lambda (nb)
(equal (ein:$notebook-url-or-port nb)
(ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port current-nblist))))))
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "/" t)
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "" t)
(loop for x upfrom 0 by 1
until (or (get-buffer (format ein:notebooklist-buffer-name-template new-url-or-port))
(= x 100))
@ -987,7 +965,7 @@ on all the notebooks opened from the current notebooklist."
(dolist (nb open-nb)
(ein:notebook-update-url-or-port new-url-or-port nb))
(kill-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer old-url))
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "/" nil)))
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "" nil)))
(defun ein:notebooklist-change-url-port--deferred (new-url-or-port)
(lexical-let* ((current-nblist ein:%notebooklist%)
@ -999,22 +977,23 @@ on all the notebooks opened from the current notebooklist."
(ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port current-nblist))))))
(lambda ()
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "/" t)
(loop until (get-buffer (format ein:notebooklist-buffer-name-template new-url-or-port))
do (sit-for 0.1))))
(lambda ()
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "" t)
(loop until (get-buffer (format ein:notebooklist-buffer-name-template new-url-or-port))
do (sit-for 0.1))))
(deferred:nextc it
(lambda ()
(dolist (nb open-nb)
(ein:notebook-update-url-or-port new-url-or-port nb))))
(lambda ()
(dolist (nb open-nb)
(ein:notebook-update-url-or-port new-url-or-port nb))))
(deferred:nextc it
(lambda ()
(kill-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer old-url))
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "/" nil))))))
(lambda ()
(kill-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer old-url))
(ein:notebooklist-open new-url-or-port "" nil))))))
;;; Generic getter
(defun ein:get-url-or-port--notebooklist ()
(when (ein:$notebooklist-p ein:%notebooklist%)
(ein:$notebooklist-url-or-port ein:%notebooklist%)))
@ -1022,6 +1001,7 @@ on all the notebooks opened from the current notebooklist."
;;; Notebook list mode
(defun ein:notebooklist-prev-item () (interactive) (move-beginning-of-line 0))
(defun ein:notebooklist-next-item () (interactive) (move-beginning-of-line 2))
@ -1046,7 +1026,7 @@ on all the notebooks opened from the current notebooklist."
("New Junk Notebook" ein:junk-new)))))
(defun ein:notebooklist-revert-wrapper (&optional ignore-auto noconfirm preserve-modes)
(ein:notebooklist-reload ein:%notebooklist%))
(define-derived-mode ein:notebooklist-mode special-mode "ein:notebooklist"
"IPython notebook list mode.
@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ KEY, then call `request' with URL and SETTINGS. KEY is compared by
(setq settings (plist-put settings :timeout (/ timeout 1000.0))))
(ein:aif (gethash key ein:query-running-process-table)
(unless (request-response-done-p it)
(request-abort it))) ; This will run callbacks
;; This seems to result in clobbered cookie jars
;;(request-abort it) ; This will run callbacks
(ein:log 'info "Race! %s %s" key (request-response-data it))))
(let ((response (apply #'request (url-encode-url (ein:jupyterhub-correct-query-url-maybe url))
(ein:query-prepare-header url settings))))
(puthash key response ein:query-running-process-table)
@ -298,10 +298,13 @@ given in the session parameter."
(when (and (stringp session) (string= session "none"))
(error "You must specify a notebook or kernelspec as the session variable for ein code blocks."))
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port path) (ein:org-babel-parse-session session)
(if (null (gethash url-or-port ein:available-kernelspecs))
(ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port))
(if (null kernelspec)
(setq kernelspec (ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port "default")))
(when (null kernelspec)
;; Now is not the time to be getting kernelspecs.
;; If I must do so, need to inject a deferred callback chain like
;; in ein:notebooklist
;; (if (null (gethash url-or-port ein:available-kernelspecs))
;; (ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port))
(setq kernelspec (ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port "default")))
(cond ((null path)
(let* ((name ein:org-babel-default-session-name)
(new-session (format "%s/%s" url-or-port name)))
@ -45,17 +45,17 @@
;; "bindings are lexical... all references to the named functions
;; must appear physically within the body of the cl-flet"
(flet ((pop-to-buffer (buf) buf)
(ein:query-ipython-version (&optional url-or-port force) 3)
(ein:need-ipython-version (url-or-port) 3)
(ein:notebook-start-kernel (notebook))
(ein:notebook-enable-autosaves (notebook)))
(let ((notebook (ein:notebook-new ein:testing-notebook-dummy-url path kernelspec)))
(setf (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-new 8888 "/kernels" (ein:$notebook-events notebook) (ein:query-ipython-version)))
(ein:kernel-new 8888 "/kernels" (ein:$notebook-events notebook) (ein:need-ipython-version (ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook))))
(setf (ein:$kernel-events (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook))
; matryoshka: new-content makes a ein:$content using CONTENT as template
; populating its raw_content field with DATA's content field
(ein:notebook-request-open-callback notebook (ein:new-content content nil :data data))
(ein:notebook-request-open-callback notebook (ein:new-content (ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook) (ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook) data))
(ein:notebook-buffer notebook)))))
(defun ein:testing-notebook-make-data (name path cells)
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'ein-log)
(require 'request)
(defmacro ein:setq-if-not (sym val)
`(unless ,sym (setq ,sym ,val)))
@ -36,9 +37,11 @@
(defvar ein:testing-dump-file-messages nil
"File to save the ``*Messages*`` buffer.")
(defvar ein:testing-dump-file-debug nil)
(defvar ein:testing-dump-file-server nil
"File to save `ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name`.")
(defvar ein:testing-dump-server-log nil)
(defvar ein:testing-dump-file-request nil
"File to save `request-log-buffer-name`.")
(defun ein:testing-save-buffer (buffer-or-name file-name)
(when (and buffer-or-name (get-buffer buffer-or-name) file-name)
@ -47,29 +50,28 @@
(defun ein:testing-dump-logs ()
(ein:testing-save-buffer "*Messages*" ein:testing-dump-file-messages)
(ein:testing-save-buffer "*ein:jupyter-server*" ein:testing-dump-server-log)
(ein:testing-save-buffer ein:log-all-buffer-name ein:testing-dump-file-log))
(ein:testing-save-buffer "*ein:jupyter-server*" ein:testing-dump-file-server)
(ein:testing-save-buffer ein:log-all-buffer-name ein:testing-dump-file-log)
(ein:testing-save-buffer request-log-buffer-name ein:testing-dump-file-request))
(defvar ein:testing-dump-logs--saved nil)
(defun ein:testing-dump-logs-noerror ()
(if ein:testing-dump-logs--saved
(message "EIN:TESTING-DUMP-LOGS-NOERROR called but already saved.")
(condition-case err
(progn (ein:testing-dump-logs)
(setq ein:testing-dump-logs--saved t))
(message "Error while executing EIN:TESTING-DUMP-LOGS. err = %S"
(when ein:testing-dump-file-debug
(signal (car err) (cdr err)))))))
(defun ein:testing-wait-until (predicate &optional predargs ms interval)
"Wait until PREDICATE function returns non-`nil'.
PREDARGS is argument list for the PREDICATE function.
MS is milliseconds to wait. INTERVAL is polling interval in milliseconds."
(let* ((interval (or interval 300))
(count (max 1 (if ms (truncate (/ ms interval)) 25))))
(unless (loop repeat count
when (apply predicate predargs)
return t
do (sleep-for 0 interval))
(error "Timeout: %s" predicate))))
(defadvice ert-run-tests-batch (after ein:testing-dump-logs-hook activate)
"Hook `ein:testing-dump-logs-noerror' because `kill-emacs-hook'
"Hook `ein:testing-dump-logs-hook' because `kill-emacs-hook'
is not run in batch mode before Emacs 24.1."
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'ein:testing-dump-logs-noerror)
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'ein:testing-dump-logs)
(provide 'ein-testing)
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
(defun eintest:notebooklist-make-empty (&optional url-or-port)
"Make empty notebook list buffer."
(flet ((ein:query-kernelspecs (url-or-port &optional force-refresh))
(ein:content-query-sessions (session-hash url-or-port &optional force-sync)))
(flet ((ein:need-kernelspecs (url-or-port))
(ein:content-query-sessions (session-hash url-or-port)))
(make-ein:$content :url-or-port (or url-or-port ein:testing-notebook-dummy-url)
:ipython-version 3
:path ""))))
@ -16,29 +16,12 @@
(setq message-log-max t)
(defun ein:testing-wait-until (message predicate &optional predargs max-count)
"Wait until PREDICATE function returns non-`nil'.
PREDARGS is argument list for the PREDICATE function.
Make MAX-COUNT larger \(default 50) to wait longer before timeout."
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-WAIT-UNTIL start")
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-WAIT-UNTIL waiting on: %s" message)
(unless max-count (setq max-count 50))
(unless (loop repeat max-count
when (apply predicate predargs)
return t
;; borrowed from `deferred:sync!':
do (sit-for 0.2)
do (sleep-for 0.2))
(error "Timeout"))
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-WAIT-UNTIL end"))
(defun ein:testing-get-notebook-by-name (url-or-port notebook-name &optional path)
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-GET-NOTEBOOK-BY-NAME start")
(when path
(setq notebook-name (format "%s/%s" path notebook-name)))
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port path t)
(ein:testing-wait-until "ein:notebooklist-open"
(lambda () (and (bufferp (get-buffer (format ein:notebooklist-buffer-name-template url-or-port)))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (and (bufferp (get-buffer (format ein:notebooklist-buffer-name-template url-or-port)))
(ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
@ -60,31 +43,25 @@ Make MAX-COUNT larger \(default 50) to wait longer before timeout."
(ein:notebooklist-new-notebook url-or-port kernelspec path
(lambda (&rest -ignore-)
(setq created t)))
(ein:testing-wait-until "ein:notebooklist-new-notebook"
(lambda () created)))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () created)))
(ein:testing-get-notebook-by-name url-or-port "Untitled.ipynb" path)
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-GET-UNTITLED0-OR-CREATE end")))))
(defvar ein:notebooklist-after-open-hook nil)
(defadvice ein:notebooklist-url-retrieve-callback
(after ein:testing-notebooklist-url-retrieve-callback activate)
(defadvice ein:notebooklist-open--finish
(after ein:testing-notebooklist-open--finish activate)
"Advice to add `ein:notebooklist-after-open-hook'."
(run-hooks 'ein:notebooklist-after-open-hook))
(defun ein:testing-delete-notebook (url-or-port notebook &optional path)
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-DELETE-NOTEBOOK start")
(ein:notebooklist-open url-or-port (ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook) t)
(ein:testing-wait-until "ein:notebooklist-open"
(lambda ()
(bufferp (get-buffer (format ein:notebooklist-buffer-name-template url-or-port))))
nil 50)
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda ()
(bufferp (get-buffer (format ein:notebooklist-buffer-name-template url-or-port)))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)
(ein:testing-wait-until "ein:notebooklist-get-buffer"
(lambda () (eql major-mode 'ein:notebooklist-mode))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (eql major-mode 'ein:notebooklist-mode)))
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-DELETE-NOTEBOOK deleting notebook")
(ein:notebooklist-delete-notebook (ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook)))
(ein:log 'debug "TESTING-DELETE-NOTEBOOK end"))
@ -103,29 +80,24 @@ Make MAX-COUNT larger \(default 50) to wait longer before timeout."
(ein:log 'verbose "ERT OPEN-NOTEBOOKLIST start")
(ein:notebooklist-open *ein:testing-port* "/" t)
(lambda ()
(ein:notebooklist-get-buffer *ein:testing-port*))
nil 5000)
(ein:notebooklist-get-buffer *ein:testing-port*)))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer *ein:testing-port*)
(should (eql major-mode 'ein:notebooklist-mode))))
(ert-deftest 00-query-kernelspecs ()
(ein:log 'info "ERT QUERY-KERNELSPECS")
(ein:log 'info (format "ERT QUERY-KERNELSPECS: Pre-query kernelspec count %s." (hash-table-count ein:available-kernelspecs)))
(ein:query-kernelspecs *ein:testing-port*)
(should (>= (hash-table-count ein:available-kernelspecs) 1))
(ein:log 'info (format "ERT QUERY-KERNELSPECS: Post-query kernelspec %S." (ein:list-available-kernels *ein:testing-port*))))
(ein:log 'info (format "ERT QUERY-KERNELSPECS: Pre-query kernelspec count %s." (hash-table-count *ein:kernelspecs*)))
(should (>= (hash-table-count *ein:kernelspecs*) 1))
(ein:log 'info (format "ERT QUERY-KERNELSPECS: Post-query kernelspec %S." (ein:need-kernelspecs *ein:testing-port*))))
(ert-deftest 10-get-untitled0-or-create ()
(ein:log 'verbose "ERT TESTING-GET-UNTITLED0-OR-CREATE start")
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda () (ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
(ein:kernel-live-p it))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer notebook)
(should (equal (ein:$notebook-notebook-name ein:%notebook%)
@ -137,12 +109,10 @@ Make MAX-COUNT larger \(default 50) to wait longer before timeout."
(ein:log 'verbose "ERT TESTING-DELETE-UNTITLED0 creating notebook")
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda ()
(ein:aand notebook
(ein:$notebook-kernel it)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
nil 50)
(ein:kernel-live-p it))))
(ein:log 'verbose "ERT TESTING-DELETE-UNTITLED0 deleting notebook")
(ein:testing-delete-notebook *ein:testing-port* notebook))
(ein:log 'verbose
@ -157,17 +127,13 @@ Make MAX-COUNT larger \(default 50) to wait longer before timeout."
(ert-deftest 11-notebook-execute-current-cell-simple ()
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda () (ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
nil 50)
(ein:kernel-live-p it))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer notebook)
(call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
(insert "a = 100\na")
(let ((cell (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-execute-cell)))
(ein:testing-wait-until "ein:worksheet-execute-cell"
(lambda () (not (slot-value cell 'running)))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (not (slot-value cell 'running)))))
;; (message "%s" (buffer-string))
(should (search-forward-regexp "Out \\[[0-9]+\\]" nil t))
@ -183,7 +149,6 @@ See the definition of `create-image' for how it works."
(ert-deftest 12-notebook-execute-current-cell-pyout-image ()
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda () (ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer notebook)
@ -197,10 +162,7 @@ See the definition of `create-image' for how it works."
;; It seems in this case, watching `:running' does not work
;; well sometimes. Probably "output reply" (iopub) comes
;; before "execute reply" in this case.
(ein:testing-wait-until "ein:worksheet-execute-cell"
(lambda () (slot-value cell 'outputs))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (slot-value cell 'outputs)))
;; This cell has only one input
(should (= (length (oref cell :outputs)) 1))
;; This output is a SVG image
@ -220,17 +182,14 @@ See the definition of `create-image' for how it works."
(ert-deftest 13-notebook-execute-current-cell-stream ()
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda () (ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
nil 50)
(ein:kernel-live-p it))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer notebook)
(call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
(insert "print('Hello')")
(let ((cell (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-execute-cell)))
(ein:testing-wait-until "ein:worksheet-execute-cell"
(lambda () (not (oref cell :running)))
(ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (not (oref cell :running)))
(should-not (search-forward-regexp "Out \\[[0-9]+\\]" nil t))
(should (search-forward-regexp "^Hello$" nil t))))))
@ -238,28 +197,23 @@ See the definition of `create-image' for how it works."
(ert-deftest 14-notebook-execute-current-cell-question ()
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda () (ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
nil 50)
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer notebook)
(call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
(insert "range?")
(let ((cell (call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-execute-cell)))
(lambda () (not (oref cell :running)))
nil 50))
(lambda () (not (oref cell :running)))))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer (ein:$notebook-pager notebook))
(should (search-forward "Docstring:"))))))
(ert-deftest 15-notebook-request-help ()
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda () (ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
(ein:kernel-live-p it))))
(with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer notebook)
(call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
(let ((pager-name (ein:$notebook-pager ein:%notebook%)))
@ -269,9 +223,7 @@ See the definition of `create-image' for how it works."
(call-interactively #'ein:pytools-request-help)
;; Pager buffer will be created when got the response
(lambda () (get-buffer pager-name))
(lambda () (get-buffer pager-name)))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer pager-name)
(should (search-forward "Docstring:")))))))
@ -280,12 +232,10 @@ See the definition of `create-image' for how it works."
(let ((notebook (ein:testing-get-untitled0-or-create *ein:testing-port*)))
(lambda () (ein:aand (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-live-p it)))
(ein:kernel-live-p it))))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (prompt) t)))
(ein:jupyter-server-stop t ein:testing-dump-server-log))
(ein:jupyter-server-stop t ein:testing-dump-file-server))
(should-not (processp %ein:jupyter-server-session%))
(cl-flet ((orphans-find (pid) (search (ein:$kernel-kernel-id (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)) (alist-get 'args (process-attributes pid)))))
(should-not (loop repeat 10
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(require 'ein-dev)
(require 'ein-testing)
(require 'ein-jupyter)
(require 'ein-notebooklist)
(require 'deferred)
(ein:log 'info "Starting jupyter notebook server.")
@ -17,20 +18,21 @@
(defvar *ein:testing-port* nil)
(defvar *ein:testing-token* nil)
(ein:setq-if-not ein:testing-dump-file-log "./log/testfunc.log")
(ein:setq-if-not ein:testing-dump-file-messages "./log/testfunc.messages")
(ein:setq-if-not ein:testing-dump-server-log "./log/testfunc.server")
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-log (concat default-directory "log/testfunc.log"))
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-messages (concat default-directory "log/testfunc.messages"))
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-server (concat default-directory "log/testfunc.server"))
(setq ein:testing-dump-file-request (concat default-directory "log/testfunc.request"))
(setq message-log-max t)
(setq ein:force-sync t)
(setq ein:jupyter-server-run-timeout 120000)
(setq ein:content-query-timeout nil)
(setq ein:query-timeout nil)
(ein:log 'info "Staring local jupyter notebook server.")
(setq ein:jupyter-server-args '("--no-browser" "--debug"))
(deferred:sync! (ein:jupyter-server-start *ein:testing-jupyter-server-command* *ein:testing-jupyter-server-directory*))
;; (ein:testing-wait-until (lambda () (not (null (ein:notebooklist-list))))
;; nil 120000 5000)
(multiple-value-bind (url token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info)
(ein:log 'info (format "testing-start-server url: %s, token: %s" url token))
(setq *ein:testing-port* url)
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class TestRunner(BaseRunner):
self.notebook_dir = os.path.join(EIN_ROOT, "test")
self.lispvars = {
'ein:testing-dump-file-log': quote(self.logpath_log),
'ein:testing-dump-server-log': quote(self.logpath_server),
'ein:testing-dump-file-server': quote(self.logpath_server),
'ein:testing-dump-file-messages': quote(self.logpath_messages),
'ein:log-level': self.ein_log_level,
'ein:force-sync': "t",
Add table
Reference in a new issue