Mock up worksheet rendering

This commit is contained in:
Takafumi Arakaki 2012-08-16 15:24:45 +02:00
parent 66dac516cf
commit 91c733d8c9

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@ -28,14 +28,75 @@
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'eieio)
(require 'ewoc)
(require 'ein)
(require 'ein-utils)
(require 'ein-cell)
(declare-function ein:$notebook-url-or-port "ein-notebook")
(defvar ein:worksheet-buffer-name-template "*ein: %s/%s*")
(defclass ein:worksheet ()
((ewoc :initarg :ewoc :type ewoc)
(data :initarg :date)
(metadata :initarg :metadata)
(;; Recursive reference to notebook... but needs notebook name here.
(notebook :initarg :notebook :type ein:$notebook)
(data :initarg :data)
(ewoc :initarg :ewoc :type ewoc)
(kernel :initarg :kernel :type ein:$kernel)
(dirty :initarg :dirty :type boolean)
(metadata :initarg :metadata :initform nil)
(events :initarg :events)
(notification :initarg :notification)))
(ein:deflocal ein:@worksheet nil
"Buffer local variable to store an instance of `ein:worksheet'.")
(defun ein:worksheet-from-json (data)
(make-instance 'ein:worksheet :data data))
(defmethod ein:worksheet-notebook-name ((ws ein:worksheet))
(ein:notebook-name (oref ws :notebook)))
(defmethod ein:worksheet-url-or-port ((ws ein:worksheet))
(ein:$notebook-url-or-port (oref ws :notebook)))
(defmethod ein:worksheet-name ((ws ein:worksheet))
(plist-get (oref ws :metadata) :name))
(defmethod ein:worksheet-buffer ((ws ein:worksheet))
(ein:and-let* (((slot-boundp ws :ewoc))
(ewoc (oref ws :ewoc)))
(ewoc-buffer ewoc)))
(defmethod ein:worksheet--get-buffer ((ws ein:worksheet))
(or (ein:worksheet-buffer ws)
(format ein:worksheet-buffer-name-template
(ein:worksheet-url-or-port ws)
(let ((nb-name (ein:worksheet-notebook-name ws)))
(ein:aif (ein:worksheet-name ws)
(concat nb-name "/" it)
(defmethod ein:worksheet-render ((ws ein:worksheet))
(with-current-buffer (ein:worksheet--get-buffer ws)
(setq ein:@worksheet ws)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(let ((ewoc (ein:ewoc-create 'ein:worksheet-pp
(ein:propertize-read-only "\n")
nil t)))
(mapc (lambda (cell-data)
(ein:cell-from-json cell-data :ewoc ewoc)))
(plist-get (oref ws :data) :cells))))))
(defun ein:worksheet-pp (ewoc-data)
(let ((path (ein:$node-path ewoc-data))
(data (ein:$node-data ewoc-data)))
(case (car path)
(cell (ein:cell-pp (cdr path) data)))))
(provide 'ein-worksheet)