Add ein:ac-chunk-candidates-from-list

This commit is contained in:
Takafumi Arakaki 2012-09-11 00:18:17 +02:00
parent 2627157e60
commit 91861e8fd2

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@ -50,6 +50,36 @@
table) table)
"`ein:dotty-syntax-table' plus \"~\" considered as a word character.") "`ein:dotty-syntax-table' plus \"~\" considered as a word character.")
;;; Chunk (adapted from auto-complete-chunk.el)
(defvar ein:ac-chunk-regex
(rx (group-n 1 (| (syntax whitespace)
(syntax open-parenthesis)
(syntax close-parenthesis)
(* (+ (| (syntax word) (syntax symbol)))
(syntax punctuation))
(+ (| (syntax word) (syntax symbol)))
(? (syntax punctuation))
"A regexp that matches to a \"chunk\" containing words and dots.")
(defun ein:ac-chunk-beginning ()
"Return the position where the chunk begins."
(+ (re-search-backward ein:ac-chunk-regex) (length (match-string 1))))))
(defun ein:ac-chunk-candidates-from-list (chunk-list)
"Return matched candidates in CHUNK-LIST."
(let* ((start (ein:ac-chunk-beginning)))
(when start
(loop with prefix = (buffer-substring start (point))
for cc in chunk-list
when (string-prefix-p prefix cc)
collect cc))))
;;; AC Source ;;; AC Source