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synced 2025-03-04 16:51:38 -05:00
Draft framework for making pytools more language agnostic.
Support will depend on a particular programming language's ability to introspect and, more importantly, my time & ability as a programmer.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 209 additions and 62 deletions
@ -31,7 +31,73 @@
(require 'ein-kernel)
(require 'ein-notebook)
(require 'ein-shared-output)
;; (require 'ein-shared-output)
;;; Support tooling in languages other than Python
(defvar *ein:langtools-db* (make-hash-table)
"Lookup table tool support functions for a given language. Keys
are symbols representing the language of a running
kernel (i.e. (make-symbol (ein:kernelinfo-language <kinfo>)).
Values are an plist of (TOOL-COMMAND-NAME LANG-CODE). TOOL-COMMAND-NAME is a symbol,
LANG-CODE is a string suitable for passing to format.")
(defun ein:define-langtool-command (language tool-command code)
(ein:aif (gethash language *ein:langtools-db*)
(plist-put it tool-command code)
(setf (gethash language *ein:langtools-db*)
(list tool-command code))))
(defun ein:get-langtool-command (language tool-command)
(plist-get (gethash language *ein:langtools-db*) tool-command))
(cl-defmacro ein:make-langtool (language defs)
(let ((expr (cl-loop for d in defs
collecting `(ein:define-langtool-command ',language ',(car d) ,(cdr d)))))
(cl-defmacro ein:langtool-execute-command (kernel command &key args output)
(let ((lang (cl-gensym))
(cmd (cl-gensym)))
`(let* ((,lang (intern (ein:$kernelspec-language (ein:$kernel-kernelspec ,kernel))))
(,cmd (ein:get-langtool-command ,lang ,command)))
(if ,cmd
,(if (listp args)
`(format ,cmd ,@args)
`(format ,cmd ,args))
,(if (not (null output))
`(list :output (cons ,@output))))
(error "ein-pytools: Langtool command not defined for %s in language %s" ,command ,lang))))))
(ein:make-langtool python
((get-notebook-dir . "print(__import__('os').getcwd(),end='')")
(add-sys-path . "__import__('sys').path.append('%s')")
(request-tooltip . "__ein_print_object_info_for(%s)")
(request-help . "%s?")
(object-info-request . "__ein_print_object_info_for(%s)")
(find-source . "__ein_find_source('%s')")
(run-doctest . "__ein_run_docstring_examples(%s)")
(set-figure-size . "__ein_set_figure_size('[%s, %s]')")
(set-figure-dpi . "__ein_set_figure_dpi('%s')")
(set-figure-param . "__ein_set_matplotlib_param('%s', '%s', '%s')")
(get-figure-param . "__ein_get_matplotlib_params()")
(export . "__ein_export_nb(r'%s', '%s')")
(tools-file . "ein_remote_safe.py")))
(ein:make-langtool hy
((find-source . "(ein-find-source \"%s\")")
(request-tooltip . "(ein-print-object-info-for \"%s\")")
(object-info-request . "(ein-print-object-info-for \"%s\")")
(tools-file . "ein_hytools.hy")))
(defun ein:goto-file (filename lineno &optional other-window)
"Jump to file FILEAME at line LINENO.
@ -60,7 +126,10 @@ If OTHER-WINDOW is non-`nil', open the file in the other window."
(defun ein:pytools-load-safely (kernel)
(let ((pytools-file (format "%s/%s" ein:source-dir "ein_remote_safe.py")))
(let* ((fname (ein:get-langtool-command (intern (ein:$kernelspec-language
(ein:$kernel-kernelspec kernel)))
(pytools-file (format "%s/%s" ein:source-dir fname)))
(insert-file-contents pytools-file)
@ -76,9 +145,7 @@ working."
(ein:pytools-load-safely (ein:get-kernel-or-error)))
(defun ein:pytools-add-sys-path (kernel)
(format "__import__('sys').path.append('%s')" ein:source-dir)))
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'add-sys-path :args ein:source-dir))
(defun ein:set-buffer-file-name (nb msg-type content -not-used-)
(let ((buf (ein:notebook-buffer nb)))
@ -92,14 +159,15 @@ working."
(defun ein:pytools-get-notebook-dir (packed)
(cl-multiple-value-bind (kernel notebook) packed
(format "print(__import__('os').getcwd(),end='')")
:output (cons
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'get-notebook-dir
:output (#'ein:set-buffer-file-name notebook))))
;; (ein:kernel-execute
;; kernel
;; (format "print(__import__('os').getcwd(),end='')")
;; (list
;; :output (cons
;; #'ein:set-buffer-file-name
;; notebook)))
;;; Tooltip and help
@ -113,16 +181,16 @@ working."
(unless (ein:pytools-magic-func-p func)
(if (>= (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel) 3)
(format "__ein_print_object_info_for(%s)" func)
:output (cons
(lambda (name msg-type content -metadata-not-used-)
(ein:case-equal msg-type
(("stream" "display_data")
(ein:pytools-finish-tooltip name (ein:json-read-from-string (plist-get content :text)) nil))))
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'object-info-request :args func
((lambda (name msg-type content -metadata-not-used-)
(ein:case-equal msg-type
(("stream" "display_data")
(ein:pytools-finish-tooltip name
(plist-get content :text))
kernel func (list :object_info_reply
(cons #'ein:pytools-finish-tooltip nil))))))
@ -214,14 +282,18 @@ pager buffer. You can explicitly specify the object by selecting it."
(unless (equal (point) (marker-position last))
(push (point-marker) ein:pytools-jump-stack))
(setq ein:pytools-jump-stack (list (point-marker)))))
(format "__ein_find_source('%s')" object)
(list kernel object other-window notebook)))))
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'find-source :args object
:output (#'ein:pytools-jump-to-source-1
(list kernel object other-window notebook))))
;; (ein:kernel-execute
;; kernel
;; (format "__ein_find_source('%s')" object)
;; (list
;; :output
;; (cons
;; #'ein:pytools-jump-to-source-1
;; (list kernel object other-window notebook))))
(defun ein:pytools-find-source (kernel object &optional callback)
"Find the file and line where object is defined.
@ -230,14 +302,18 @@ useful for other purposes. If the definition for object can be
found and when callback isort specified, the callback will be
called with a cons of the filename and line number where object
is defined."
(format "__ein_find_source('%s')" object)
(list kernel object callback)))))
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'find-source :args object
:output (#'ein:pytools-finish-find-source
(list kernel object callback))))
;; (ein:kernel-execute
;; kernel
;; (format "__ein_find_source('%s')" object)
;; (list
;; :output
;; (cons
;; #'ein:pytools-finish-find-source
;; (list kernel object callback))))
(defun ein:pytools-finish-find-source (packed msg-type content -ignored-)
(cl-destructuring-bind (kernel object callback) packed
@ -297,9 +373,11 @@ given, open the last point in the other window."
(defun ein:pytools-doctest ()
"Do the doctest of the object at point."
(let ((object (ein:object-at-point)))
(let* ((object (ein:object-at-point))
(kernel (ein:get-kernel))
(cmd (ein:get-langtool-command kernel 'run-docstring)))
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_run_docstring_examples(%s)" object)
(format cmd object)
(defun ein:pytools-whos ()
@ -410,40 +488,43 @@ Currently EIN/IPython supports exporting to the following formats:
(defun ein:pytools-set-figure-size (width height)
"Set the default figure size for matplotlib figures. Works by setting `rcParams['figure.figsize']`."
(interactive "nWidth: \nnHeight: ")
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_set_figure_size('[%s, %s]')" width height)
(let ((kernel (ein:get-kernel)))
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'set-figure-size :args (width height)))
;; (ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
;; (format "__ein_set_figure_size('[%s, %s]')" width height)
;; nil)
(defun ein:pytools-set-figure-dpi (dpi)
"Set the default figure dpi for matplotlib figures. Works by setting `rcParams['figure.figsize']`."
(interactive "nFigure DPI: ")
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_set_figure_dpi('%s')" dpi)
(let ((kernel (ein:get-kernel)))
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'set-figure-dpi :args dpi)))
(defun ein:pytools-set-matplotlib-parameter (param value)
"Generically set any matplotlib parameter exposed in the matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams variable. Value is evaluated as a Python expression, so be careful of side effects."
(list (completing-read "Parameter: " (ein:pytools--get-matplotlib-params) nil t)
(read-string "Value: " nil)))
(let* ((split (cl-position ?. param))
(let* ((kernel (ein:get-kernel))
(split (cl-position ?. param))
(family (cl-subseq param 0 split))
(setting (cl-subseq param (1+ split))))
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_set_matplotlib_param('%s', '%s', '%s')" family setting value)
(ein:langtool-execute-command kernel 'set-figure-param :args (family setting value))))
(defun ein:pytools--get-matplotlib-params ()
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format "__ein_get_matplotlib_params()")
(with-current-buffer (ein:shared-output-create-buffer)
(ein:wait-until #'(lambda ()
(slot-value (slot-value *ein:shared-output* :cell) :outputs))
(let ((outputs (first (slot-value (slot-value *ein:shared-output* :cell) :outputs))))
(ein:json-read-from-string (plist-get outputs :text)))))
(let* ((kernel (ein:get-kernel))
(cmd (ein:get-langtool-command kernel 'get-figure-param)))
(ein:shared-output-eval-string (ein:get-kernel)
(format cmd)
(with-current-buffer (ein:shared-output-create-buffer)
(ein:wait-until #'(lambda ()
(slot-value (slot-value *ein:shared-output* :cell) :outputs))
(let ((outputs (first (slot-value (slot-value *ein:shared-output* :cell) :outputs))))
(ein:json-read-from-string (plist-get outputs :text))))))
(defun ein:pytools--estimate-screen-dpi ()
(let* ((pixel-width (display-pixel-width))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
;; Hy utilities useable from ein.
;; Copyright (C) 2020- John Miller
;; Author: John Miller <millejoh at mac.com>
;; ein_hytools.hy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
;; later version.
;; ein_hytools.hy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
;; details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
;; ein.py. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(setv --ein-hytools-version-- "1.0.0")
(import [matplotlib [rc :as --ein-rc
rcParams as --ein-rcParams]])
(setv ein-matplotlib-available True)
(except [ImportError]
(setv ein-matplotlib-available False)))
(defn ein-find-edit-target [name]
(import [inspect [getsourcefile getsourcelines]])
(import hy)
(setv obj (eval (hy.read-str name)))
(except [NameError]
(return False))
(setv sfile (getsourcefile obj))
(setv sline (get (getsourcelines obj) -1))
(if (and sfile sline)
(return (, sfile sline False))
(return False)))))
(defn ein-find-source [name]
(setv ret (--ein-find-edit-target name))
(if ret
(setv (, filename lineno use-temp) ret)
(if (not use-temp)
(print filename)
(print lineno)
(raise (RuntimeError (.format "Source code for {0} cannot be found" name))))
(defn ein-print-object-info-for [obj]
(import json)
(import [IPython.core [oinspect]])
(setv inspector (oinspect.Inspector))
(setv oinfo (inspector.info obj))
(except [Exception]
(setv oinfo (inspector.info None))))
(print (json.dumps oinfo)))
@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ def __ein_object_info_for(obj):
except Exception:
return inspector.info(None)
def __ein_print_object_info_for(obj):
import json
Add table
Reference in a new issue