Add PROP option to ein:cell-goto

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Takafumi Arakaki 2012-10-05 12:12:06 +02:00
parent 4ae699dabc
commit 8297363d2b

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@ -640,13 +640,20 @@ Return `nil' always for non-code cells."
prompt EWOC node."
(ein:cell-set-autoexec cell (not (ein:cell-autoexec-p cell))))
(defmethod ein:cell-goto ((cell ein:basecell) &optional relpos)
(defmethod ein:cell-goto ((cell ein:basecell) &optional relpos prop)
"Go to the input area of the given CELL.
RELPOS is the position relative to the input area. Default is 0."
RELPOS is the position relative to the input area. Default is 0.
PROP is a name of cell element. Default is `:input'.
\(fn cell relpos prop)"
(unless relpos (setq relpos 0))
(ewoc-goto-node (oref cell :ewoc) (ein:cell-element-get cell :input))
;; `1+' to skip the newline
(forward-char (1+ relpos)))
(unless prop (setq prop :input))
(ewoc-goto-node (oref cell :ewoc) (ein:cell-element-get cell prop))
(let ((offset (case prop
((:input :before-output) 1)
(:after-input -1)
(t 0))))
(forward-char (+ relpos offset))))
(defmethod ein:cell-relative-point ((cell ein:basecell) &optional pos)
"Return the point relative to the input area of CELL.