mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 18:41:38 -05:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into 38-fixing-testing
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 254 additions and 216 deletions
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"cells": [],
"metadata": {},
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"cells": [],
"metadata": {},
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -49,11 +49,79 @@ package. The URL request is of the form:
ws://{server_address}:{port}/api/kernels/{kernel id from previous REST query}/channels?session_id={session id}
** How a Worksheet is Displayed
EIN relies heavily on EIEIO and EWOC.
EWOC PP eventually calls ~[[file:lisp/ein-cell.el::ein:cell-append-mime-type][ein:cell-append-mime-type]]~ for output. Latex is
considered text, but should be able to convert to image using dvitopng,
imagemagick, other?
* Enhancements/Fixes
** Support company-mode
** Inline latex
See issue [[https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook/issues/88][#88]].
*** For Further Investigation
- [[https://github.com/zk-phi/magic-latex-buffer][magic-latex-buffer.el]]
- [[https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/preview-latex.html][preview-latex.el]]
- Another [[https://github.com/aaptel/preview-latex/][preview-latex]] package (based on org-latex-preview).
*** Inline using org-latex-preview
[[http://orgmode.org/manual/Previewing-LaTeX-fragments.html#Previewing-LaTeX-fragments][Documentation]] for this facility in org.
Does it work here?
Some inline Latex math $a^2=b$.
Yes, but nedd MiKTeX installed if on windows.
If org-latex-preview is working then [[https://github.com/aaptel/preview-latex][p]]x will also work, though the code for
~[[file:~/.emacs.d/elpa/px-20141006.548/px.el::(defun%20px--create-preview%20(at)][px--create-preview]]~ needs to be patched as the signature for `org-format-latex`
has changed.
*** Using magic-latex-buffer
Per the [[https://github.com/zk-phi/magic-latex-buffer][documentation]] all you need to do to configure is to add a hook:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'magic-latex-buffer)
Or manually activate by calling ~M-x magic-latex-buffer~.
Use variable ~ein:notebook-first-open-hook~ to enable?
This works, at least for viewing, but the images that get inserted confuse ein
when saving a notebook and generate errors in Jupter. Can be worked around by
disabling ~magic-latex-buffer~ before saving. One hack is to advise
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar ein:magic-latex-enabled-p nil)
(defun ein:disable-magic-latex-maybe (&rest args)
(when ein:magic-latex-enabled-p
(ein:log 'debug "Disabling magic-latex.")
(magic-latex-buffer -1)))
(defun ein:enable-magic-latex-maybe (&rest args)
(when ein:magic-latex-enabled-p
(ein:log 'debug "Enabling magic-latex.")
(magic-latex-buffer t)))
(advice-add #'ein:notebook-save-notebook :before #'ein:disable-magic-latex-maybe)
(advice-add #'ein:notebook-save-notebook :after #'ein:enable-magic-latex-maybe)
(advice-add #'ein:cell-execute-internal :before #'ein:disable-magic-latex-maybe)
(advice-add #'ein:cell-execute-internal :after #'ein:enable-magic-latex-maybe)
** XWidget Support/Interactive Widgets
For the most part this is a non-starter since in Jupyter this is built on web
@ -75,9 +143,10 @@ with the jupyter server.
**** Websocket data for comm_msg
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
[WS] Received: {"msg_id": "fe357d60-e83a-49ac-821f-7d99cdf20b8a", "content": {"data": {"description": "", "orientation": "horizontal", "continuous_update": true, "_model_name": "WidgetModel", "font_size": "", "step": 1, "background_color": null, "padding": "", "slider_color": null, "height": "", "_view_module": "", "margin": "", "color": null, "width": "", "font_family": "", "border_color": null, "_dom_classes": [], "min": -10, "_range": false, "disabled": false, "_model_module": null, "_view_name": "IntSliderView", "max": 30, "version": 0, "font_style": "", "msg_throttle": 3, "value": 10, "readout": true, "font_weight": "", "_css": [], "border_width": "", "visible": true, "border_style": "", "border_radius": ""}, "target_name": "ipython.widget", "comm_id": "c1059008e6d046209c9d63de036c1aff", "target_module": null}, "channel": "iopub", "metadata": {}, "msg_type": "comm_open", "buffers": [], "header": {"username": "username", "session": "eb518e76-61af-4bff-9fb0-49fb78883056", "msg_id": "fe357d60-e83a-49ac-821f-7d99cdf20b8a", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.948495", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "comm_open"}, "parent_header": {"username": "username", "session": "5b01e727-3ce9-416f-bb67-f9400b719e33", "msg_id": "6dd8ea4c-325a-4938-8ad9-d68e2e4dbb0b", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.879558", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "execute_request"}} {"msg_id": "30514644-45e1-45c7-a5db-42c9ee22e9ec", "content": {"data": {"buffers": [], "state": {"description": "x"}, "method": "update"}, "comm_id": "c1059008e6d046209c9d63de036c1aff"}, "channel": "iopub", "metadata": {}, "msg_type": "comm_msg", "buffers": [], "header": {"username": "username", "session": "eb518e76-61af-4bff-9fb0-49fb78883056", "msg_id": "30514644-45e1-45c7-a5db-42c9ee22e9ec", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.964124", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "comm_msg"}, "parent_header": {"username": "username", "session": "5b01e727-3ce9-416f-bb67-f9400b719e33", "msg_id": "6dd8ea4c-325a-4938-8ad9-d68e2e4dbb0b", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.879558", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "execute_request"}} {"msg_id": "fc005b54-774c-4920-860f-cec08cb5b5ba", "content": {"data": {"buffers": [], "state": {"children": ["IPY_MODEL_c1059008e6d046209c9d63de036c1aff"]}, "method": "update"}, "comm_id": "237329515cca473985d6fa52ec0c93a1"}, "channel": "iopub", "metadata": {}, "msg_type": "comm_msg", "buffers": [], "header": {"username": "username", "session": "eb518e76-61af-4bff-9fb0-49fb78883056", "msg_id": "fc005b54-774c-4920-860f-cec08cb5b5ba", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.964124", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "comm_msg"}, "parent_header": {"username": "username", "session": "5b01e727-3ce9-416f-bb67-f9400b719e33", "msg_id": "6dd8ea4c-325a-4938-8ad9-d68e2e4dbb0b", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.879558", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "execute_request"}} {"msg_id": "65240518-737e-4614-8ad1-7d9fcfc567bd", "content": {"data": {"method": "display"}, "comm_id": "237329515cca473985d6fa52ec0c93a1"}, "channel": "iopub", "metadata": {}, "msg_type": "comm_msg", "buffers": [], "header": {"username": "username", "session": "eb518e76-61af-4bff-9fb0-49fb78883056", "msg_id": "65240518-737e-4614-8ad1-7d9fcfc567bd", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.964124", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "comm_msg"}, "parent_header": {"username": "username", "session": "5b01e727-3ce9-416f-bb67-f9400b719e33", "msg_id": "6dd8ea4c-325a-4938-8ad9-d68e2e4dbb0b", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.879558", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "execute_request"}} {"msg_id": "6b0b41e2-5af0-4690-9902-9e73a61cf0e3", "content": {"wait": true}, "channel": "iopub", "metadata": {}, "msg_type": "clear_output", "buffers": [], "header": {"username": "username", "session": "eb518e76-61af-4bff-9fb0-49fb78883056", "msg_id": "6b0b41e2-5af0-4690-9902-9e73a61cf0e3", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.964124", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "clear_output"}, "parent_header": {"username": "username", "session": "5b01e727-3ce9-416f-bb67-f9400b719e33", "msg_id": "6dd8ea4c-325a-4938-8ad9-d68e2e4dbb0b", "date": "2016-03-24T07:24:50.879558", "version": "5.0", "msg_type": "execute_request"}}
** Working with jupyterhub
Jupyterhub requires authentication using username/password, as opposed to just
@ -90,20 +159,20 @@ this.
The REST API for this looks like POST http://{host}:{port}/hub/login, username and password
parameters in the POST.
Also looks like the content REST API has been modified so that querys are of the
Also looks like the content REST API has been modified so that queries are of the
form: /user/<username>/<command>.
** Imenu/Speedbar Cooperation
Seems to be a couple ways of doing this:
1. Configuring `[[http://emacswiki.org/emacs/ImenuMode#toc12][imenu-generic-expression]]` regex's.
1. Configuring ~[[http://emacswiki.org/emacs/ImenuMode#toc12][imenu-generic-expression]]~ regex's.
2. Redefining imenu-create-index ala python.el.
(2) seems to be the more elegant solution.
EIN currently has minimal support for imenu through
`[[file:lisp/ein-worksheet.el::ein:worksheet-imenu-create-index][ein:worksheet-imenu-create-index]]`, but all it does is look for
~[[file:lisp/ein-worksheet.el::ein:worksheet-imenu-create-index][ein:worksheet-imenu-create-index]]~, but all it does is look for
headings. Somehow this fails to work with speedbar and also does not handle
indexing Python code (i.e. variables, function, classes, etc.).
@ -141,6 +210,9 @@ Get rid of all those cl compile warnings?
Also look at using [[https://github.com/magnars/s.el][s]] and [[https://github.com/rejeep/f.el][f]].
** Us cl-generic?
eieio is being deprecated and cl-generic is the recommended replacement..
** Access password protected notebooks (issue [[https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook/issues/57][#57]])
This is what I have found out so far:
@ -160,7 +232,8 @@ Not sure if that makes sense, but for the moment that is my theory on what's
happening. Somehow we need to provide the security cookie with the websocket
connect request.
<2015-06-09 Tue> SOLVED(?) - issue is that emacs-websocket needs to provide more info with the connection header:
<2015-06-09 Tue> SOLVED(?) - issue is that emacs-websocket needs to provide more
info with the connection header:
1. Specify the port along with the url.
2. Pass along a security cookie.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; ein-cell.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; ein-cell-output.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-insert-output'."
(if (and (fboundp 'shr-insert-document)
(fboundp 'libxml-parse-xml-region))
'(emacs-lisp svg image/svg png image/png jpeg image/jpeg text text/plain html text/html latex text/latex javascript text/javascript))
'(emacs-lisp svg image/svg png image/png jpeg image/jpeg html text/html latex text/latex javascript text/javascript text text/plain))
"Output types to be used in notebook.
First output-type found in this list will be used.
This variable can be a list or a function returning a list given
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ If the text type output contains a newline, it is assumed be a
prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type."
(if (ein:aand (plist-get data :text) (string-match-p "\n" it))
'(emacs-lisp svg image/svg png image/png jpeg image/jpeg text text/plain html text/html latex text/latex javascript text/javascript)
'(emacs-lisp svg image/svg png image/png jpeg image/jpeg html text/html text text/plain latex text/latex javascript text/javascript)))
'(emacs-lisp svg image/svg png image/png jpeg image/jpeg html text/html latex text/latex javascript text/javascript text text/plain)))
(defun ein:fix-mime-type (type)
(ein:aif (assoc type ein:mime-type-map)
Add table
Reference in a new issue