Add raw and heading cell types; Now it can read v3

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Takafumi Arakaki 2012-05-19 23:45:59 +02:00
parent b9b5dc57ba
commit 10fb29f7d4

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@ -87,8 +87,12 @@
(defclass ein:markdowncell (ein:textcell)
((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "markdown")))
(defclass ein:rstcell (ein:textcell)
((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "rst")))
(defclass ein:rawcell (ein:textcell)
((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "raw")))
(defclass ein:headingcell (ein:textcell)
((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "heading")
(level :initarg :level :initform 1)))
;;; Cell factory
@ -99,7 +103,8 @@
(("text") 'ein:textcell)
(("html") 'ein:htmlcell)
(("markdown") 'ein:markdowncell)
(("rst") 'ein:rstcell)))
(("raw") 'ein:rawcell)
(("heading") 'ein:headingcell)))
(defun ein:cell-from-type (type &rest args)
(apply (ein:cell-class-from-type type) "Cell" args))
@ -123,6 +128,12 @@
(oset cell :input it))
(defmethod ein:cell-init ((cell ein:headingcell) data)
(ein:aif (plist-get data :level)
(oset cell :level it))
(defmethod ein:cell-convert ((cell ein:basecell) type)
(let ((new (ein:cell-from-type type)))
;; copy attributes
@ -292,6 +303,10 @@ A specific node can be specified using optional ARGS."
(format "In [%s]:" (oref cell :cell-type))))
(defmethod ein:cell-insert-prompt ((cell ein:headingcell))
(format "In [%s %s]:" (oref cell :cell-type) (oref cell :level))))
(defun ein:cell-insert-input (cell)
;; Newlines must allow insertion before/after its position.
(insert (propertize "\n" 'read-only t 'rear-nonsticky t)
@ -587,6 +602,10 @@ If END is non-`nil', return the location of next element."
`((cell_type . ,(oref cell :cell-type))
(source . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell))))
(defmethod ein:cell-to-json ((cell ein:headingcell))
(let ((json (call-next-method)))
(append json `((level . ,(oref cell :level))))))
(defun ein:cell-next (cell)
"Return next cell of the given CELL or nil if CELL is the last one."
(ein:aif (ewoc-next (oref cell :ewoc)