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Scenario: try autosaving
Given new default notebook
And I call "ein:notebook-enable-autosaves"
Then I should see message "ein:notebook-autosave-frequency is 0"
2018-11-02 00:00:10 -04:00
Scenario: not running server locally
Given I enable "ein:enable-eldoc-support"
Given I fset "ein:pytools-add-sys-path" to "ignore"
2018-11-02 00:00:10 -04:00
Given new default notebook
And I type "import math"
And I press "C-a"
And I call eldoc-documentation-function
And I switch to log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
Then I should not see "ein:completions--prepare-oinfo"
Scenario: kernel restart succeeds
Given new default notebook
When I type "import math"
And I wait for cell to execute
And I kill processes like "websocket"
And I switch to log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
Then I should see "WS closed unexpectedly"
And I switch to buffer like "Untitled"
And header says "Kernel requires reconnect C-c C-r"
And I press "C-c C-r"
And I wait for the smoke to clear
And header does not say "Kernel requires reconnect C-c C-r"
And I clear log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
And I reconnect kernel
And I switch to log expr "ein:log-all-buffer-name"
Then I should not see "[warn]"
And I should not see "[error]"
And I should see "ein:kernel-start--complete"