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;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
;;; ein-shared-output.el --- Output buffer for ein-connect.el
;; Copyright (C) 2012- Takafumi Arakaki
2012-07-01 20:18:05 +02:00
;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at gmail.com>
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; ein-shared-output.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; ein-shared-output.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with ein-shared-output.el. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; When executing code from outside of notebook, some place for output
;; is needed. This module buffer containing one special cell for that
;; purpose.
;; TODO - Undo accounting is almost certainly broken by this module
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'eieio)
(require 'ein-cell)
2012-05-24 14:43:28 +02:00
;;; Classes and variables
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(defclass ein:shared-output-cell (ein:codecell)
((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "shared-output")
;; (element-names :initform (:prompt :output :footer))
2012-06-08 15:30:04 +02:00
(popup :initarg :popup :initform nil :type boolean)
(callback :initarg :callback :initform #'ignore :type function))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
"A singleton cell to show output from non-notebook buffers.")
(defclass ein:shared-output ()
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
((cell :initarg :cell :type ein:shared-output-cell)
(events :initarg :events :type ein:events)
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(ewoc :initarg :ewoc :type ewoc)))
(defvar *ein:shared-output* nil
"Hold an instance of `ein:shared-output'.")
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(defconst ein:shared-output-buffer-name "*ein:shared-output*")
2012-05-24 14:43:28 +02:00
;;; Cell related
(cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-prompt ((cell ein:shared-output-cell))
"Insert prompt of the CELL in the buffer.
Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-pp'."
;; Newline is inserted in `ein:cell-insert-input'.
2017-10-24 12:42:41 -05:00
(format "In [%s]" (or (ein:oref-safe cell 'input-prompt-number) " "))
(when (slot-value cell 'autoexec) " %s" ein:cell-autoexec-prompt))
'font-lock-face 'ein:cell-input-prompt))
(cl-defmethod ein:cell-execute ((cell ein:shared-output-cell) kernel code popup
&rest args)
(unless (plist-get args :silent)
(setq args (plist-put args :silent nil)))
2017-11-04 11:27:06 -05:00
(setf (slot-value cell 'popup) popup)
(setf (slot-value cell 'kernel) kernel)
(apply #'ein:cell-execute-internal cell kernel code args))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(cl-defmethod ein:cell--handle-execute-reply ((cell ein:shared-output-cell)
content _metadata)
(ein:log 'debug
"ein:cell--handle-execute-reply (cell ein:shared-output-cell): %s"
;; do the normal drawing
(ein:aif (ein:oref-safe cell 'callback)
(funcall it cell)
;; clear the way for waiting block in `ob-ein--execute-async'
2019-02-20 08:24:07 -05:00
(message "got here ein:cell--handle-execute-reply %s" content)
(setf (slot-value cell 'callback) #'ignore))))
2012-05-24 14:43:28 +02:00
;;; Main
(defun ein:shared-output-create-buffer ()
"Get or create the shared output buffer."
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(get-buffer-create ein:shared-output-buffer-name))
(defun ein:shared-output-buffer ()
"Get the buffer associated with `*ein:shared-output*'."
(ewoc-buffer (slot-value *ein:shared-output* 'ewoc)))
(defun ein:shared-output-buffer-p (&optional buffer)
"Return non-`nil' when BUFFER (or current buffer) is shared-output buffer."
(eq (or buffer (current-buffer)) (ein:shared-output-buffer)))
(defun ein:shared-output-healthy-p ()
(and (ein:shared-output-p *ein:shared-output*)
(buffer-live-p (ein:shared-output-buffer))))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(defun ein:shared-output-get-or-create ()
(if (ein:shared-output-healthy-p)
(with-current-buffer (ein:shared-output-create-buffer)
2012-08-26 13:25:47 +02:00
;; FIXME: This is a duplication of `ein:worksheet-render'.
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
;; Apply read-only text property to newlines by
;; setting nonsep flag to `ein:ewoc-create'
(ewoc (let ((buffer-undo-list t))
(ein:ewoc-create 'ein:worksheet-pp
(ein:propertize-read-only "\n")
nil t)))
(events (ein:events-new))
(cell (ein:shared-output-cell :ewoc ewoc
:events events)))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(ein:shared-output-bind-events events)
(setq *ein:shared-output*
(ein:shared-output :ewoc ewoc :cell cell
:events events))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(ein:cell-enter-last cell))
(setq buffer-read-only t)
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(defun ein:shared-output-bind-events (events)
"Add dummy event handlers."
(ein:events-on events 'set_dirty.Worksheet #'ignore)
(ein:events-on events 'maybe_reset_undo.Worksheet #'ignore))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(defun ein:shared-output-get-cell ()
"Get the singleton shared output cell.
Create a cell if the buffer has none."
2017-10-24 12:42:41 -05:00
(slot-value (ein:shared-output-get-or-create) 'cell))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(defun ein:shared-output-get-kernel ()
(let ((cell (ein:shared-output-get-cell)))
(when (slot-boundp cell :kernel)
2017-10-24 12:42:41 -05:00
(slot-value cell 'kernel))))
2012-09-01 20:51:55 +02:00
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(defun ein:shared-output-pop-to-buffer ()
2012-06-11 06:15:34 +02:00
"Open shared output buffer."
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(pop-to-buffer (ein:shared-output-create-buffer)))
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(cl-defmethod ein:shared-output-show-code-cell ((cell ein:codecell))
"Show code CELL in shared-output buffer."
(let ((new (ein:cell-convert cell "shared-output")))
;; Make sure `*ein:shared-output*' is initialized:
(with-current-buffer (ein:shared-output-create-buffer)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(ein:cell-max-num-outputs nil))
(setf (slot-value new 'ewoc) (slot-value *ein:shared-output* 'ewoc))
(setf (slot-value new 'events) (slot-value *ein:shared-output* 'events))
(erase-buffer) ; because there are only one cell anyway
(setf (slot-value *ein:shared-output* 'cell) new)
(ein:cell-enter-last new)
(pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
2012-09-01 20:51:55 +02:00
(defun ein:shared-output-show-code-cell-at-point ()
"Show code cell at point in shared-output buffer.
It is useful when the output of the cell at point is truncated.
See also `ein:cell-max-num-outputs'."
(let ((cell (ein:get-cell-at-point)))
(if (ein:codecell-p cell)
(ein:shared-output-show-code-cell cell)
(error "No code cell at point."))))
(defvar ein:shared-output-eval-string-history nil
"History of the `ein:shared-output-eval-string' prompt.")
2012-09-01 20:51:55 +02:00
(defun ein:shared-output-eval-string (kernel code popup &rest args)
"Evaluate a piece of code. Prompt will appear asking the code to run.
This is handy when you want to execute something quickly without
making a cell. If the code outputs something, it will go to the
shared output buffer. You can open the buffer by the command
.. ARGS is passed to `ein:kernel-execute'. Unlike `ein:kernel-execute',
`:silent' is `nil' by default."
(list nil
"IP[y]: "
(when (region-active-p)
(buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(unless kernel (setq kernel (ein:get-kernel-or-error)))
(let ((cell (ein:shared-output-get-cell)))
(apply #'ein:cell-execute cell kernel (ein:trim-indent code) popup args)))
;;; Generic getter
(defun ein:get-url-or-port--shared-output ()
(ein:aand (ein:get-kernel--shared-output) (ein:kernel-url-or-port it)))
;; (defun ein:get-notebook--shared-output ())
(defun ein:get-kernel--shared-output ()
(let ((cell (ein:get-cell-at-point--shared-output)))
(when (and (eieio-object-p cell) (slot-boundp cell :kernel))
2017-10-24 12:42:41 -05:00
(slot-value cell 'kernel))))
(defun ein:get-cell-at-point--shared-output ()
(when (and (ein:shared-output-p *ein:shared-output*)
(slot-value *ein:shared-output* 'cell)))
(defun ein:get-traceback-data--shared-output ()
(ein:aand (ein:get-cell-at-point--shared-output) (ein:cell-get-tb-data it)))
;;; ein:shared-output-mode
(defvar ein:shared-output-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map "\C-c\C-x" 'ein:tb-show)
(define-key map "\M-." 'ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-.") 'ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command)
"The map for ein:shared-output-mode-map.")
(define-derived-mode ein:shared-output-mode special-mode "ein:so"
"Shared output mode."
2012-06-08 19:02:11 +02:00
(add-hook 'ein:shared-output-mode-hook 'ein:truncate-lines-on)
2012-05-24 12:54:41 +02:00
(provide 'ein-shared-output)
;;; ein-shared-output.el ends here