2020-02-03 13:24:32 +08:00

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;;; doom-modeline-core.el --- The core libraries for doom-modeline -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Vincent Zhang
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; The core libraries for doom-modeline.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'all-the-icons)
(require 'shrink-path)
(require 'subr-x)
;; Compatibilities
(unless (>= emacs-major-version 26)
;; Define `if-let*' and `when-let*' variants for 25 users.
(unless (fboundp 'if-let*) (defalias 'if-let* #'if-let))
(unless (fboundp 'when-let*) (defalias 'when-let* #'when-let))))
;; Dont compact font caches during GC.
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(setq inhibit-compacting-font-caches t))
;;`file-local-name' is introduced in 25.2.2.
(unless (fboundp 'file-local-name)
(defun file-local-name (file)
"Return the local name component of FILE.
It returns a file name which can be used directly as argument of
`process-file', `start-file-process', or `shell-command'."
(or (file-remote-p file 'localname) file)))
;; Set correct font width for `all-the-icons' for appropriate mode-line width.
;; @see
(defun doom-modeline--set-char-widths (alist)
"Set correct widths of icons characters in ALIST."
(while (char-table-parent char-width-table)
(setq char-width-table (char-table-parent char-width-table)))
(dolist (pair alist)
(let ((width (car pair))
(chars (cdr pair))
(table (make-char-table nil)))
(dolist (char chars)
(set-char-table-range table char width))
(optimize-char-table table)
(set-char-table-parent table char-width-table)
(setq char-width-table table))))
(defun doom-moddeline--set-font-widths (alist)
(let (fonts)
(dolist (pair alist)
(push (string-to-char (cdr pair)) fonts))
`((2 . ,fonts)))))
(defconst doom-modeline-rhs-icons-alist
'(;; vcs
("git-compare" . "\xf0ac")
("git-merge" . "\xf023")
("arrow-down" . "\xf03f")
("alert" . "\xf02d")
("git-branch" . "\xf020")
;; checker
("do_not_disturb_alt" . "\xe611")
("check" . "\xe5ca")
("access_time" . "\xe192")
("sim_card_alert" . "\xe624")
("pause" . "\xe034")
("priority_high" . "\xe645")
;; Minions
("gear" . "\xf02f")
;; Persp
("aspect_ratio" . "\xe85b")
;; Preview
("pageview" . "\xe8a0")
;; LSP
("rocket" . "\xf135")
;; GitHub
("github" . "\xf09b")
;; debug
("bug" . "\xf188")
;; Mail
("email" . "\xe0be")
;; IRC
("message" . "\xe0c9")
;; Battery
("battery-charging" . "\xe939")
("battery-empty" . "\xf244")
("battery-full" . "\xf240")
("battery-half" . "\xf242")
("battery-quarter" . "\xf243")
("battery-three-quarters" . "\xf241")))
(doom-moddeline--set-font-widths doom-modeline-rhs-icons-alist)
;; Customizations
(defgroup doom-modeline nil
"A minimal and modern mode-line."
:group 'mode-line
:link '(url-link :tag "Homepage" ""))
(defcustom doom-modeline-height 25
"How tall the mode-line should be. It's only respected in GUI.
If the actual char height is larger, it respects the actual char height."
:type 'integer
:set (lambda (sym val)
(set sym (if (> val 0) val 1)))
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-bar-width (if (eq system-type 'darwin) 3 6)
"How wide the mode-line bar should be. It's only respected in GUI."
:type 'integer
:set (lambda (sym val)
(set sym (if (> val 0) val 1)))
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-project-detection
(cond ((fboundp 'ffip-get-project-root-directory) 'ffip)
((fboundp 'projectile-project-root) 'projectile)
((fboundp 'project-current) 'project)
(t nil))
"How to detect the project root.
The default priority is `ffip' > `projectile' > `project'.
nil means to use `default-directory'.
The project management packages have some issues on detecting project root.
e.g. `projectile' doesn't handle symlink folders well, while `project' is
unable to hanle sub-projects.
Specify another one if you encounter the issue."
:type '(choice
(const :tag "Find File in Project" ffip)
(const :tag "Projectile" projectile)
(const :tag "Built-in Project" project)
(const :tag "Disable" nil))
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'truncate-upto-project
"Determines the style used by `doom-modeline-buffer-file-name'.
Given ~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/lisp/comint.el
truncate-upto-project => ~/P/F/emacs/lisp/comint.el
truncate-from-project => ~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/l/comint.el
truncate-with-project => emacs/l/comint.el
truncate-except-project => ~/P/F/emacs/l/comint.el
truncate-upto-root => ~/P/F/e/lisp/comint.el
truncate-all => ~/P/F/e/l/comint.el
relative-from-project => emacs/lisp/comint.el
relative-to-project => lisp/comint.el
file-name => comint.el
buffer-name => comint.el<2> (uniquify buffer name)"
:type '(choice (const truncate-upto-project)
(const truncate-upto-project)
(const truncate-from-project)
(const truncate-with-project)
(const truncate-except-project)
(const truncate-upto-root)
(const truncate-all)
(const relative-from-project)
(const relative-to-project)
(const file-name)
(const buffer-name))
(defcustom doom-modeline-icon (display-graphic-p)
"Whether display the icons in mode-line.
It respects `all-the-icons-color-icons'.
While using the server mode in GUI, should set the value explicitly."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t
"Whether display the icon for `major-mode'.
It respects `doom-modeline-icon'."
:type 'boolean
(defcustom doom-modeline-major-mode-color-icon t
"Whether display the colorful icon for `major-mode'.
It respects `doom-modeline-major-mode-icon'."
:type 'boolean
(defcustom doom-modeline-buffer-state-icon t
"Whether display the icon for the buffer state.
It respects `doom-modeline-icon'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-buffer-modification-icon t
"Whether display the modification icon for the buffer.
It respects `doom-modeline-icon' and `doom-modeline-buffer-state-icon'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-unicode-fallback nil
"Whether to use unicode as a fallback (instead of ASCII) when not using icons."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-minor-modes nil
"Whether display the minor modes in mode-line."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-enable-word-count nil
"If non-nil, a word count will be added to the selection-info modeline segment."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-continuous-word-count-modes
'(markdown-mode gfm-mode org-mode)
"Major modes in which to display word count continuously.
Respects `doom-modeline-enable-word-count'."
:type 'list
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-buffer-encoding t
"Whether display the buffer encoding."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-indent-info nil
"Whether display the indentation information."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-checker-simple-format t
"If non-nil, only display one number for checker information if applicable."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-number-limit 99
"The maximum number displayed for notifications."
:type 'integer
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-vcs-max-length 12
"The maximum displayed length of the branch name of version control."
:type 'integer
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-persp-name t
"Whether display the perspective name.
Non-nil to display in mode-line."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-display-default-persp-name nil
"If non nil the default perspective name is displayed in the mode-line."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-lsp t
"Whether display the `lsp' state.
Non-nil to display in mode-line."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-github nil
"Whether display the GitHub notifications.
It requires `ghub' and `async' packages."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-github-interval 1800 ; (* 30 60)
"The interval of checking GitHub."
:type 'integer
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-env-version t
"Whether display the environment version."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-modal-icon t
"Whether display the modal state icon.
Including `evil', `overwrite', `god', `ryo' and `xah-fly-keys', etc."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-mu4e nil
"Whether display the mu4e notifications.
It requires `mu4e-alert' package."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-gnus nil
"Wheter to display notifications from gnus
It requires `gnus' to be setup"
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-gnus-timer 2
"The wait time in minutes before gnus fetches mail
if nil, don't set up a hook"
:type 'integer
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-irc t
"Whether display the irc notifications.
It requires `circe' or `erc' package."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-irc-buffers nil
"Whether display the unread irc buffers."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-irc-stylize 'identity
"Function to stylize the irc buffer names."
:type 'function
:group 'doom-modeline)
;; Faces
(defgroup doom-modeline-faces nil
"The faces of `doom-modeline'."
:group 'doom-modeline
:group 'faces
:link '(url-link :tag "Homepage" ""))
(defface doom-modeline-buffer-path
'((t (:inherit (mode-line-emphasis bold))))
"Face used for the dirname part of the buffer path."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-buffer-file
'((t (:inherit (mode-line-buffer-id bold))))
"Face used for the filename part of the mode-line buffer path."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-buffer-modified
'((t (:inherit (error bold) :background nil)))
"Face used for the 'unsaved' symbol in the mode-line."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode
'((t (:inherit (mode-line-emphasis bold))))
"Face used for the major-mode segment in the mode-line."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode
'((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face)))
"Face used for the minor-modes segment in the mode-line."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-project-parent-dir
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-comment-face bold))))
"Face used for the project parent directory of the mode-line buffer path."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-project-dir
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-string-face bold))))
"Face used for the project directory of the mode-line buffer path."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-project-root-dir
'((t (:inherit (mode-line-emphasis bold))))
"Face used for the project part of the mode-line buffer path."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-highlight
'((t (:inherit mode-line-emphasis)))
"Face for bright segments of the mode-line."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-panel
'((t (:inherit mode-line-highlight)))
"Face for 'X out of Y' segments, such as `anzu', `evil-substitute' and`iedit', etc."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-host
'((t (:inherit italic)))
"Face for remote hosts in the modeline."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-debug
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-doc-face bold))))
"Face for debug-level messages in the modeline. Used by vcs, checker, etc."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-info
'((t (:inherit (success bold))))
"Face for info-level messages in the modeline. Used by vcs, checker, etc."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-warning
'((t (:inherit (warning bold))))
"Face for warnings in the modeline. Used by vcs, checker, etc."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-urgent
'((t (:inherit (error bold))))
"Face for errors in the modeline. Used by vcs, checker, etc."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-unread-number
'((t (:inherit italic)))
"Face for unread number in the modeline. Used by GitHub, mu4e, etc."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-bar
'((t (:inherit highlight)))
"The face used for the left-most bar on the mode-line of an active window."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-bar-inactive
`((t (:background ,(face-foreground 'mode-line-inactive))))
"The face used for the left-most bar on the mode-line of an inactive window."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-evil-emacs-state
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-builtin-face bold))))
"Face for the Emacs state tag in evil state indicator."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-evil-insert-state
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-keyword-face bold))))
"Face for the insert state tag in evil state indicator."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-evil-motion-state
'((t :inherit (font-lock-doc-face bold)))
"Face for the motion state tag in evil state indicator."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-evil-normal-state
'((t (:inherit doom-modeline-info)))
"Face for the normal state tag in evil state indicator."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-evil-operator-state
'((t (:inherit doom-modeline-buffer-file)))
"Face for the operator state tag in evil state indicator."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-evil-visual-state
'((t (:inherit doom-modeline-warning)))
"Face for the visual state tag in evil state indicator."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-evil-replace-state
'((t (:inherit doom-modeline-urgent)))
"Face for the replace state tag in evil state indicator."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-persp-name
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-comment-face italic))))
"Face for the persp name."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-persp-buffer-not-in-persp
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-doc-face bold italic))))
"Face for the buffers which are not in the persp."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-lsp-success
'((t (:inherit success :weight normal)))
"Face for LSP success state."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-lsp-warning
'((t (:inherit warning :weight normal)))
"Face for LSP warning state."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-lsp-error
'((t (:inherit error :weight normal)))
"Face for LSP error state."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-lsp-running
'((t (:inherit compilation-mode-line-run :weight normal)))
"Face for LSP running state."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-battery-charging
'((t (:inherit success :weight normal)))
"Face for battery charging status."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-battery-full
'((t (:inherit success :weight normal)))
"Face for battery full status."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-battery-normal
'((t (:inherit mode-line :weight normal)))
"Face for battery normal status."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-battery-warning
'((t (:inherit warning :weight normal)))
"Face for battery warning status."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-battery-critical
'((t (:inherit error :weight normal)))
"Face for battery critical status."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-battery-error
'((t (:inherit error :weight normal)))
"Face for battery error status."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
(defface doom-modeline-buffer-timemachine
'((t (:inherit (doom-modeline-buffer-file italic underline))))
"Face for timemachine status."
:group 'doom-modeline-faces)
;; Externals
(declare-function face-remap-remove-relative 'face-remap)
(declare-function ffip-get-project-root-directory 'find-file-in-project)
(declare-function project-roots 'project)
(declare-function projectile-project-root 'projectile)
;; Modeline library
(defvar doom-modeline-fn-alist ())
(defvar doom-modeline-var-alist ())
(defmacro doom-modeline-def-segment (name &rest body)
"Defines a modeline segment NAME with BODY and byte compiles it."
(declare (indent defun) (doc-string 2))
(let ((sym (intern (format "doom-modeline-segment--%s" name)))
(docstring (if (stringp (car body))
(pop body)
(format "%s modeline segment" name))))
(cond ((and (symbolp (car body))
(not (cdr body)))
(add-to-list 'doom-modeline-var-alist (cons name (car body)))
`(add-to-list 'doom-modeline-var-alist (cons ',name ',(car body))))
(add-to-list 'doom-modeline-fn-alist (cons name sym))
(fset ',sym (lambda () ,docstring ,@body))
(add-to-list 'doom-modeline-fn-alist (cons ',name ',sym))
,(unless (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
`(let (byte-compile-warnings)
(byte-compile #',sym))))))))
(defun doom-modeline--prepare-segments (segments)
"Prepare mode-line `SEGMENTS'."
(let (forms it)
(dolist (seg segments)
(cond ((stringp seg)
(push seg forms))
((symbolp seg)
(cond ((setq it (cdr (assq seg doom-modeline-fn-alist)))
(push (list :eval (list it)) forms))
((setq it (cdr (assq seg doom-modeline-var-alist)))
(push it forms))
((error "%s is not a defined segment" seg))))
((error "%s is not a valid segment" seg))))
(nreverse forms)))
(defvar doom-modeline--width-cache nil)
(defun doom-modeline--window-font-width ()
"Cache the font width."
(let ((attributes (face-all-attributes 'default)))
(or (cdr (assoc attributes doom-modeline--width-cache))
(let ((width (window-font-width nil 'mode-line)))
(push (cons attributes width) doom-modeline--width-cache)
(defun doom-modeline-def-modeline (name lhs &optional rhs)
"Defines a modeline format and byte-compiles it.
NAME is a symbol to identify it (used by `doom-modeline' for retrieval).
LHS and RHS are lists of symbols of modeline segments defined with
(doom-modeline-def-modeline 'minimal
'(bar matches \" \" buffer-info)
'(media-info major-mode))
(doom-modeline-set-modeline 'minimal t)"
(let ((sym (intern (format "doom-modeline-format--%s" name)))
(lhs-forms (doom-modeline--prepare-segments lhs))
(rhs-forms (doom-modeline--prepare-segments rhs)))
(defalias sym
(lambda ()
(list lhs-forms
" "
'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive)
'display `((space :align-to (- (+ right right-fringe right-margin)
,(* (if (number-or-marker-p (face-attribute 'mode-line :height))
(/ (doom-modeline--window-font-width)
(frame-char-width) 1.0)
(cons "" rhs-forms))))))))
(concat "Modeline:\n"
(format " %s\n %s"
(prin1-to-string lhs)
(prin1-to-string rhs))))))
(put 'doom-modeline-def-modeline 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
(defun doom-modeline (key)
"Return a mode-line configuration associated with KEY (a symbol).
Throws an error if it doesn't exist."
(let ((fn (intern-soft (format "doom-modeline-format--%s" key))))
(when (functionp fn)
`(:eval (,fn)))))
(defun doom-modeline-set-modeline (key &optional default)
"Set the modeline format. Does nothing if the modeline KEY doesn't exist.
If DEFAULT is non-nil, set the default mode-line for all buffers."
(when-let ((modeline (doom-modeline key)))
(setf (if default
(default-value 'mode-line-format)
(buffer-local-value 'mode-line-format (current-buffer)))
(list "%e" modeline))))
;; Plugins
;; FIXME #183: Force to caculate mode-line height
;; @see
(defvar-local doom-modeline--size-hacked-p nil)
(defun doom-modeline-redisplay (&rest _)
"Call `redisplay' to trigger mode-line height calculations.
Certain functions, including e.g. `fit-window-to-buffer', base
their size calculations on values which are incorrect if the
mode-line has a height different from that of the `default' face
and certain other calculations have not yet taken place for the
window in question.
These calculations can be triggered by calling `redisplay'
explicitly at the appropriate time and this functions purpose
is to make it easier to do so.
This function is like `redisplay' with non-nil FORCE argument.
It accepts an arbitrary number of arguments making it suitable
as a `:before' advice for any function. If the current buffer
has no mode-line or this function has already been calle in it,
then this function does nothing."
(when (and mode-line-format (not doom-modeline--size-hacked-p))
(setq doom-modeline--size-hacked-p t)
(redisplay t)))
(advice-add #'fit-window-to-buffer :before #'doom-modeline-redisplay)
(advice-add #'resize-temp-buffer-window :before #'doom-modeline-redisplay)
;; Keep `doom-modeline-current-window' up-to-date
(defun doom-modeline--get-current-window ()
"Get the current window but should exclude the child windows."
(if (and (fboundp 'frame-parent) (frame-parent))
(frame-selected-window (frame-parent))
(defvar doom-modeline-current-window (doom-modeline--get-current-window))
(defun doom-modeline-set-selected-window (&rest _)
"Set `doom-modeline-current-window' appropriately."
(when-let ((win (doom-modeline--get-current-window)))
(unless (minibuffer-window-active-p win)
(setq doom-modeline-current-window win)
(defun doom-modeline-unset-selected-window ()
"Unset `doom-modeline-current-window' appropriately."
(setq doom-modeline-current-window nil)
(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'doom-modeline-set-selected-window)
(add-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook #'doom-modeline-set-selected-window)
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'doom-modeline-set-selected-window)
(add-hook 'delete-frame-functions #'doom-modeline-set-selected-window)
(advice-add #'handle-switch-frame :after #'doom-modeline-set-selected-window)
(cond ((not (boundp 'after-focus-change-function))
(add-hook 'focus-in-hook #'doom-modeline-set-selected-window)
(add-hook 'focus-out-hook #'doom-modeline-unset-selected-window))
((defun doom-modeline-refresh-frame ()
(setq doom-modeline-current-window nil)
(cl-loop for frame in (frame-list)
if (eq (frame-focus-state frame) t)
return (setq doom-modeline-current-window (frame-selected-window frame)))
(add-function :after after-focus-change-function #'doom-modeline-refresh-frame))))
;; Ensure modeline is inactive when Emacs is unfocused (and active otherwise)
(defvar doom-modeline-remap-face-cookie nil)
(defun doom-modeline-focus ()
"Focus mode-line."
(when doom-modeline-remap-face-cookie
(require 'face-remap)
(face-remap-remove-relative doom-modeline-remap-face-cookie)))
(defun doom-modeline-unfocus ()
"Unfocus mode-line."
(setq doom-modeline-remap-face-cookie (face-remap-add-relative 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive)))
(if (boundp 'after-focus-change-function)
(defun doom-modeline-focus-change ()
(if (frame-focus-state)
(add-function :after after-focus-change-function #'doom-modeline-focus-change))
(add-hook 'focus-in-hook #'doom-modeline-focus)
(add-hook 'focus-out-hook #'doom-modeline-unfocus))))
;; Modeline helpers
(defun doom-modeline--active ()
"Whether is an active window."
(eq (selected-window) doom-modeline-current-window))
(defsubst doom-modeline-vspc ()
"Text style with icons in mode-line."
(propertize " " 'face (if (doom-modeline--active)
'(:inherit (variable-pitch mode-line-inactive)))))
(defsubst doom-modeline-spc ()
"Text style with whitespace."
(propertize " " 'face (if (doom-modeline--active)
(defun doom-modeline--font-height ()
"Calculate the actual char height of the mode-line."
(let ((height (face-attribute 'mode-line :height)))
;; WORKAROUND: Fix tall issue of 27 on Linux
;; @see
(* (if (and (>= emacs-major-version 27)
(not (eq system-type 'darwin)))
(cond ((integerp height) (/ height 10))
((floatp height) (* height (frame-char-height)))
(t (frame-char-height)))))))
(defun doom-modeline-add-variable-watcher (symbol watch-function)
"Cause WATCH-FUNCTION to be called when SYMBOL is set if possible.
See docs of `add-variable-watcher'."
(when (fboundp 'add-variable-watcher)
(add-variable-watcher symbol watch-function)))
(defun doom-modeline-icon (icon-set icon-name unicode text face &rest args)
"Display icon of ICON-NAME with FACE and ARGS in mode-line.
ICON-SET includes `octicon', `faicon', `material', `alltheicons' and `fileicon'.
UNICODE is the unicode char fallback. TEXT is the ASCII char fallback."
(let ((face (or face 'mode-line)))
(or (when (and doom-modeline-icon
(not (string-empty-p icon-name)))
(pcase icon-set
(apply #'all-the-icons-octicon icon-name :face face args))
(apply #'all-the-icons-faicon icon-name :face face args))
(apply #'all-the-icons-material icon-name :face face args))
(apply #'all-the-icons-alltheicon icon-name :face face args))
(apply #'all-the-icons-fileicon icon-name :face face args))))
(when (and doom-modeline-unicode-fallback
(not (string-empty-p unicode))
(char-displayable-p (string-to-char unicode)))
(propertize unicode 'face face))
(when text (propertize text 'face face)))))
(defvar-local doom-modeline-project-root nil)
(defun doom-modeline-project-root ()
"Get the path to the root of your project.
Return `default-directory' if no project was found."
(setq doom-modeline-project-root
(or doom-modeline-project-root
(pcase doom-modeline-project-detection
(when (fboundp 'ffip-get-project-root-directory)
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(when (fboundp 'projectile-project-root)
(when (fboundp 'project-current)
(when-let ((project (project-current)))
(car (project-roots project))))))
(defun doom-modeline--make-xpm (face width height)
"Create an XPM bitmap via FACE, WIDTH and HEIGHT. Inspired by `powerline''s `pl/make-xpm'."
(when (and (display-graphic-p)
(image-type-available-p 'xpm))
" " 'display
(let ((data (make-list height (make-list width 1)))
(color (or (face-background face nil t) "None")))
"/* XPM */\nstatic char * percent[] = {\n\"%i %i 2 1\",\n\". c %s\",\n\" c %s\","
(length (car data)) (length data) color color)
(apply #'concat
(cl-loop with idx = 0
with len = (length data)
for dl in data
do (cl-incf idx)
(cl-loop for d in dl
if (= d 0) collect (string-to-char " ")
else collect (string-to-char "."))
(if (eq idx len) "\"};" "\",\n")))))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))))))
;; Fix: invalid-regexp "Trailing backslash" while handling $HOME on Windows
(defun doom-modeline-shrink-path--dirs-internal (full-path &optional truncate-all)
"Return fish-style truncated string based on FULL-PATH.
Optional parameter TRUNCATE-ALL will cause the function to truncate the last
directory too."
(let* ((home (expand-file-name "~"))
(path (replace-regexp-in-string
(s-concat "^" home) "~" full-path))
(split (s-split "/" path 'omit-nulls))
(split-len (length split))
(->> split
(--map-indexed (if (= it-index (1- split-len))
(if truncate-all (shrink-path--truncate it) it)
(shrink-path--truncate it)))
(s-join "/")
(setq shrunk))
(s-concat (unless (s-matches? (rx bos (or "~" "/")) shrunk) "/")
(unless (s-ends-with? "/" shrunk) "/"))))
(advice-add #'shrink-path--dirs-internal :override #'doom-modeline-shrink-path--dirs-internal)
(defun doom-modeline-buffer-file-name ()
"Propertized variable `buffer-file-name' based on `doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style'."
(let* ((buffer-file-name (file-local-name (or (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)) "")))
(buffer-file-truename (file-local-name (or buffer-file-truename (file-truename buffer-file-name) ""))))
(pcase doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename 'shrink))
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename nil 'shrink))
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename 'shrink 'shink 'hide))
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename 'shrink 'shink))
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-truncate buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename))
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-truncate buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename t))
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-relative buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename))
(doom-modeline--buffer-file-name buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename nil nil 'hide))
(pcase style
(`file-name (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
(`buffer-name (buffer-name)))
(let ((face (or (and (buffer-modified-p)
(and (doom-modeline--active)
(when face `(:inherit ,face))))))
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
'help-echo (concat buffer-file-truename
(unless (string= (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-truename)
(concat "\n" (buffer-name)))
"\nmouse-1: Previous buffer\nmouse-3: Next buffer")
'local-map mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap)))
(defun doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-truncate (file-path true-file-path &optional truncate-tail)
"Propertized variable `buffer-file-name' that truncates every dir along path.
If TRUNCATE-TAIL is t also truncate the parent directory of the file."
(let ((dirs (shrink-path-prompt (file-name-directory true-file-path)))
(active (doom-modeline--active)))
(if (null dirs)
(propertize "%b" 'face (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-file))
(let ((modified-faces (if (buffer-modified-p) 'doom-modeline-buffer-modified)))
(let ((dirname (car dirs))
(basename (cdr dirs))
(dir-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-project-root-dir)))
(file-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-file))))
(concat (propertize (concat dirname
(if truncate-tail (substring basename 0 1) basename)
'face (if dir-faces `(:inherit ,dir-faces)))
(propertize (file-name-nondirectory file-path)
'face (if file-faces `(:inherit ,file-faces)))))))))
(defun doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-relative (_file-path true-file-path &optional include-project)
"Propertized variable `buffer-file-name' showing directories relative to project's root only."
(let ((root (file-local-name (doom-modeline-project-root)))
(active (doom-modeline--active)))
(if (null root)
(propertize "%b" 'face (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-file))
(let* ((modified-faces (if (buffer-modified-p) 'doom-modeline-buffer-modified))
(relative-dirs (file-relative-name (file-name-directory true-file-path)
(if include-project (concat root "../") root)))
(relative-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-path)))
(file-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-file))))
(if (equal "./" relative-dirs) (setq relative-dirs ""))
(concat (propertize relative-dirs 'face (if relative-faces `(:inherit ,relative-faces)))
(propertize (file-name-nondirectory true-file-path)
'face (if file-faces `(:inherit ,file-faces))))))))
(defun doom-modeline--buffer-file-name (file-path _true-file-path &optional truncate-project-root-parent truncate-project-relative-path hide-project-root-parent)
"Propertized variable `buffer-file-name' given by FILE-PATH.
If TRUNCATE-PROJECT-ROOT-PARENT is non-nil will be saved by truncating project
root parent down fish-shell style.
~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/lisp/comint.el => ~/P/F/emacs/lisp/comint.el
If TRUNCATE-PROJECT-RELATIVE-PATH is non-nil will be saved by truncating project
relative path down fish-shell style.
~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/lisp/comint.el => ~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/l/comint.el
If HIDE-PROJECT-ROOT-PARENT is non-nil will hide project root parent.
~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/lisp/comint.el => emacs/lisp/comint.el"
(let ((project-root (file-local-name (doom-modeline-project-root)))
(active (doom-modeline--active))
(modified-faces (if (buffer-modified-p) 'doom-modeline-buffer-modified)))
(let ((sp-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-project-parent-dir)))
(project-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-project-dir)))
(relative-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-path)))
(file-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-file))))
;; project root parent
(unless hide-project-root-parent
(when-let (root-path-parent
(file-name-directory (directory-file-name project-root)))
(if (and truncate-project-root-parent
(not (string-empty-p root-path-parent))
(not (string= root-path-parent "/")))
(shrink-path--dirs-internal root-path-parent t)
(abbreviate-file-name root-path-parent))
'face sp-faces)))
;; project
(concat (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name project-root)) "/")
'face project-faces)
;; relative path
(when-let (relative-path (file-relative-name
(or (file-name-directory file-path) "./")
(if (string= relative-path "./")
(if truncate-project-relative-path
(substring (shrink-path--dirs-internal relative-path t) 1)
'face relative-faces)
;; file name
(propertize (file-name-nondirectory file-path) 'face file-faces)))))
(provide 'doom-modeline-core)
;;; doom-modeline-core.el ends here