Adds a customizable option to toggle displaying the default perspective's name
on the modeline. Updates `doom-modeline-update-persp-name` to respect it.
+ Initializes the modeline segment on hack-local-variables-hook, which
is triggered as late as possible in the major mode activation process,
when file/dir-local variables have been processed. This allows users
to exploit file/dir-local variables to modify the behavior of this
mode-line segment.
+ Add doom-modeline-{before,after}-update-env-hook hooks. Useful for
injecting environment detection for things like conda and virtualenv.
+ Add customizable executable variables for each language. e.g.
+ Simplify language env definition into a macro.
+ Replaces the version string with "..." while we wait for a new one.
+ Add support for enh-ruby-mode.