Change the default value of doom-modeline-window-width-limit.

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Zhang 2020-02-25 04:40:35 +08:00
parent 25b79dff8f
commit 41015d72e7
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Run `M-x customize-group RET doom-modeline RET` or set the variables.
;; The limit of the window width.
;; If `window-width' is smaller than the limit, some information won't be displayed.
(setq doom-modeline-window-width-limit (+ fill-column 20))
(setq doom-modeline-window-width-limit fill-column
;; How to detect the project root.
;; The default priority of detection is `ffip' > `projectile' > `project'.

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@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ If the actual char height is larger, it respects the actual char height."
(set sym (if (> val 0) val 1)))
:group 'doom-modeline)
(defcustom doom-modeline-window-width-limit (+ fill-column 20)
(defcustom doom-modeline-window-width-limit fill-column
"The limit of the window width.
If `window-width' is smaller than the limit, some information won't be displayed."