Rename doom-modeline--old-format to doom-modeline--default-format.

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Zhang 2020-02-23 01:00:32 +08:00
parent b88ec7fef7
commit 17abc0dba4

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@ -214,9 +214,10 @@ If DEFAULT is non-nil, set the default mode-line for all buffers."
;; Minor mode
(defvar doom-modeline--old-format mode-line-format
"Storage for the old `mode-line-format', so it can be restored when
`doom-modeline-mode' is disabled.")
(defvar doom-modeline--default-format mode-line-format
"Storage for the default `mode-line-format'.
So it can be restored when `doom-modeline-mode' is disabled.")
(defvar doom-modeline-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
@ -261,11 +262,11 @@ If DEFAULT is non-nil, set the default mode-line for all buffers."
(advice-add #'helm-display-mode-line :after #'doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline))
;; Restore mode-line
(setq-default mode-line-format doom-modeline--old-format)
(setq-default mode-line-format doom-modeline--default-format)
(dolist (bname '("*scratch*" "*Messages*"))
(if (buffer-live-p (get-buffer bname))
(with-current-buffer bname
(setq mode-line-format doom-modeline--old-format))))
(setq mode-line-format doom-modeline--default-format))))
;; Remove hooks
(remove-hook 'Info-mode-hook #'doom-modeline-set-info-modeline)