# Clay [alpha] Standalone command line player for Google Play Music. This app wouldn't be possible without the wonderful [gmusicapi] and [VLC] libraries. This project is neither affiliated nor endorsed by Google. It's being actively developed, but is still in the early alpha version, so many features are missing and/or may be bugged. [![Screencast](./images/clay.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/tV348AEpiuQbFzDmDH3hGpqHK) # Requirements - Python 3.x (native) - [gmusicapi] (PYPI) - [urwid] (PYPI) - [PyYAML] (PYPI) - lib[VLC] (native, distributed with VLC player) # What works - Playback - Music library - Playlists - Queue - Configuration - Caching (partially) - Basic error handling # What is being developed - Search - Add to playlist - Like/dislike - Caching - Other functionality that is supported by [gmusicapi] # Installation 0. Install Python 3 and VLC. ## Method 1 (automatic) 1. Source the 'activate.sh' script. It will initialize the Python virtual env and install the dependencies: ```bash source activate.sh ``` 2. Run the player: ```bash ./app.py ``` ## Method 2 (manual) 1. Create & activate virtualenv: ```bash virtualenv .env source .env/bin/activate ``` 2. Install the requirements: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 3. Run the player: ```bash ./app.py ``` # Configuration In order to use this app, you need to know your Device ID. Typically gmusicapi should display possible IDs once you type a wrong one. Also be aware that this app has not been tested with 2FA yet. # Controls - `` - nagivate around - ` + 1..9` - switch active tab - `` - play selected track - ` w` - play/pause - ` e` - play next song - ` ` - seek backward/forward by 5% of the song duration - ` s` - toggle shuffle - ` r` - toggle song repeat # Credits Made by Andrew Dunai. Regards to [gmusicapi] and [VLC] who made this possible. [gmusicapi]: https://github.com/simon-weber/gmusicapi [VLC]: https://wiki.videolan.org/python_bindings [urwid]: urwid.org/ [pyyaml]: https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml