Treat bad response status as error

This commit is contained in:
sudodoki 2017-11-25 08:55:45 +02:00
parent 168c5edd15
commit 9153e00599

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@ -71,12 +71,18 @@
(defun make-request (b name options &key (streamp nil))
"Perform HTTP request to 'name API method with 'options JSON-encoded object."
(concatenate 'string (endpoint b) name)
:method :post
:want-stream streamp
:content-type "application/json"
:content (json:encode-json-alist-to-string options)))
(let* ((results (multiple-value-list
(concatenate 'string (endpoint b) name)
:method :post
:want-stream streamp
:content-type "application/json"
:content (json:encode-json-alist-to-string options))))
(status (cadr results))
(reason (car (last results))))
(when (<= 400 status 599)
(error 'request-error :what (format nil "request to ~A returned ~A (~A)" name status reason)))
(apply 'values results)))
(defun access (update &rest args)
"Access update field. update.first.second. ... => (access update 'first 'second ...). Nil if unbound."
@ -115,7 +121,9 @@
(decode (map 'string #'code-char object)))
(define-condition request-error (error)
((what :initarg :what :reader what)))
((what :initarg :what :reader what))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Request error: ~A" (what condition)))))
(defmacro find-json-symbol (sym)
`(find-symbol (symbol-name ,sym) json:*json-symbols-package*))