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synced 2025-03-04 17:21:41 -05:00
Adding timeouts and restarts for $, make-request and reply-fetchers.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 63 additions and 37 deletions
@ -58,14 +58,17 @@
:documentation "HTTPS file-endpoint"
:initform nil)
:documentation "A list of functions to call after retrieving updates by FETCH-UPDATES."
:documentation "A list of functions to call after retrieving
updates by FETCH-UPDATES."
:type (proper-list function)
:initform nil)
:type (proper-list function)
:documentation "A queue for storing reply matchers."
:initform nil))
(:documentation "The TG-BOT type is just a basic data container to hold various transactional data. It does not feature polling or any other advanced features. Only the TOKEN initarg is required."))
(:documentation "The TG-BOT type is just a basic data container to
hold various transactional data. It does not feature polling or any
other advanced features. Only the TOKEN initarg is required."))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object tg-bot) &key &allow-other-keys)
(with-accessors ((token token)
@ -75,16 +78,28 @@
(setf endpoint (concatenate 'string api-uri "bot" token "/")
file-endpoint (concatenate 'string api-uri "file/" "bot" token "/"))))
(defgeneric add-reply-matcher (bot matcher result)
(:documentation "Adds a reply matcher function that takes one argument of type *UPDATE and returns T if the update is the desired reply. Returns a PROMISE."))
(define-condition reply-matcher-timeout-error (error)
(:documentation "Gets signalled if a reply doesn't arive in time."))
(defmethod add-reply-matcher ((bot tg-bot) matcher result)
(defgeneric add-reply-matcher (bot matcher result timeout)
(:documentation "Adds a reply matcher function to BOT that takes an
object of type *UPDATE and the the result of the api-call RESULT as
arguments and returns non-nil if the update is the desired
reply. The reply matcher will be removed after TIMEOUT
seconds. Returns a PROMISE that resolves to either the return value
of MATCHER. An condition is signaled on timeout."))
(defmethod add-reply-matcher ((bot tg-bot) matcher result &optional timeout)
(let ((promise (lparallel:promise)))
(push `(,promise ,matcher ,result) (slot-value bot 'reply-queue))
(push `(,promise ,matcher ,result ,(when timeout (+ (get-universal-time) timeout)))
(slot-value bot 'reply-queue))
(defgeneric add-update-hook (bot hook &optional key)
(:documentation "Adds an update hook that will be called with an *UPDATE object on each update, the return value is ignored. Returns a keyword to remove that hook."))
(:documentation "Adds an update hook that will be called with an
*UPDATE object on each update, the return value is ignored. Returns
a keyword to remove that hook."))
(defmethod add-update-hook ((bot tg-bot) hook &optional key)
(let ((final-key (if key key (gensym))))
@ -95,7 +110,8 @@
(defgeneric remove-update-hook (bot key)
(:documentation "Removes an update hook by its key which was returned open its registration. Returns t (success) or nil."))
(:documentation "Removes an update hook by its key which was
returned open its registration. Returns t (success) or nil."))
(defmethod remove-update-hook ((bot tg-bot) key)
(with-slots (update-hooks) bot
@ -111,29 +127,39 @@
(defmethod process-updates :before (bot updates)
(declare (type (vector *update) updates)))
(defun read-new-timeout ()
(format t "Enter a new timeout: ")
(multiple-value-list (eval (read))))
;; TODO: make slimm with functions
(defmethod process-updates ((bot tg-bot) updates)
(with-slots (reply-queue update-hooks) bot
(let ((unresolved nil)) ;; Process reply-matchers
(loop for update across updates do
(dolist (matcher-list reply-queue)
(let ((reply (apply (second matcher-list) (list update (third matcher-list)))))
(if reply
(lparallel:fulfill (first matcher-list) reply)
(push matcher-list unresolved))))
(destructuring-bind (promise matcher result timeout) matcher-list
(let ((reply (apply matcher (list update result))))
(if (or (not timeout) (> timeout (get-universal-time)))
(if reply
(lparallel:fulfill promise reply)
(push matcher-list unresolved))
(restart-case (error 'reply-matcher-timeout-error)
(remove-handler () nil)
(reset-timeout (new-timeout)
:interactive read-new-timeout
(setf (fourth matcher-list) (+ (get-universal-time) new-timeout))
(push matcher-list unresolved))))))))
(dolist (hook update-hooks) ; process hooks
(funcall (cdr hook) updates)))
(setf reply-queue unresolved))))
(defun make-tg-bot (token &optional api-url)
"Create a new TG-BOT instance. Takes a TOKEN string and optionally an API-URL string."
(make-instance 'tg-bot :token token :api-uri api-url))
(defun get-class-slots (obj)
"Get a list of class slots, useful to inspect Fluid classes. SBCL only."
(mapcar #'sb-mop:slot-definition-name
(class-of obj))))
(let ((args (if api-url
`(:token ,token :api-url api-url)
`(:token ,token))))
(apply #'make-instance `(tg-bot ,@args))))
(defun recursive-change-class (object class)
"Casts and object and its members into the telegram specific classes."
@ -163,8 +189,8 @@
(defun make-request (b name options &key (return-type nil))
"Perform HTTP request to 'name API method with 'options JSON-encoded object."
(defun make-request (b name options &key (return-type nil) (timeout 10))
"Perform HTTP request to NAME API method with OPTIONS JSON-encoded object."
(let* ((results (multiple-value-list
(handler-bind ((dex:http-request-bad-request #'dex:ignore-and-continue))
@ -172,6 +198,7 @@
:method :post
:want-stream t
:headers '(("Content-Type" . "Application/Json"))
:timeout timeout
:content (json:encode-json-alist-to-string options)))))
(message (nth 0 results)))
@ -261,13 +288,12 @@
(:documentation "Fetches updates from the API. See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates."))
(defmethod fetch-updates ((b tg-bot) &key limit (timeout 1))
(error "lol")
(let* ((current-id (id b))
(results ($ (get-updates
:limit limit
:timeout timeout
:offset current-id)
(:bot b))))
(:bot b :timeout (1+ timeout)))))
(when (> (length results) 0)
(let ((id (get-latest-update-id results)))
(setf (id b) id)
@ -301,31 +327,31 @@
(wrap-$ ,@body))
(defun make-$-method-call (method bot args)
(defun make-$-method-call (method bot args timeout)
"Generate a call to MAKE-REQUEST."
`(apply #'make-request (cons ,bot (,method ,@args))))
`(apply #'make-request (nconc (list ,bot) (,method ,@args) (list :timeout ,timeout))))
(defmacro $* ((method &rest args) &body body)
"Call api method with standard BOT and RESULT-VAR. See $."
`($ (,method ,@args) () ,@body))
(defmacro $ ((method &rest args)
(&key (bot '*bot*) (return-var +return-var+) (parallel nil) (with-reply nil))
(&key (bot '*bot*) (return-var +return-var+) (parallel nil) (with-reply nil) (timeout 10))
&body body)
"Call an API method. If a body is given the result of the call will be bound to RETURN-VAR and the body will be included. Subsequent calls to $ can be inlined like ($ ... FORMS (:INLINE $ ...) FORMS*) => ($ ... FORMS ($ ... FORMS*))."
(when (not (find method *api-methods*)) (error "No such API method."))
(let ((return-val-sym (gensym)))
`(let* ((,return-val-sym ,(if parallel
`(lparallel:future ,(make-$-method-call method bot args))
(make-$-method-call method bot args)))
,@(when with-reply
(check-type with-reply cons)
`((,(car with-reply)
,(if parallel
(add-reply-matcher ,bot ,(cdr with-reply) (lparallel:force ,return-val-sym))))
`(add-reply-matcher ,bot ,(cdr with-reply) ,return-val-sym))))))
`(lparallel:future ,(make-$-method-call method bot args timeout))
(make-$-method-call method bot args timeout)))
,@(when with-reply
(destructuring-bind (reply-sym matcher &key timeout) with-reply
,(if parallel
(add-reply-matcher ,bot ,matcher (lparallel:force ,return-val-sym) ,timeout)))
`(add-reply-matcher ,bot ,matcher ,return-val-sym ,timeout)))))))
,(make-optional-body body return-var return-val-sym))))
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