2019-08-14 11:03:56 +02:00

270 lines
10 KiB
Common Lisp

;; Load the api spec
(defvar *url* "")
(defvar *request* "")
(defvar *parsed-content* nil)
(defvar *out-package*
(defvar *out-file* "out/out.lisp")
;; Unimportant categories
(defconstant +unimportant-categories+ #("Recent Changes"
"Authorizing your bot"
"Making requests"
"Getting updates"
(defconstant +type-map+
'(("Integer" . integer)
("String" . string)
("Boolean" . boolean)))
(defconstant +blacklist+
#("Formatting options" "Inline mode methods" "CallbackGame")
"Headers not to be mistaken for methods or types.")
; Structures ;
(defstruct tg-param
(name "" :type string)
(type nil :type (or list symbol))
(optional t :type boolean)
(desc "" :type string))
(defun param->keyword (param)
(-> (tg-param-name param) (string-upcase) (make-keyword)))
(defstruct (tg-object
(:constructor create-tg-object (name parameters doc anchor type)))
(name "" :type string)
(type "" :type keyword)
(parameters nil :type vector)
(doc "" :type string)
(anchor "" :type string))
; Scraping ;
(defun find-categories ()
"Returns an alist of categories from the telegram api spec."
(let ((cat-data
#'(lambda (el)
(find (lquery-funcs:text el) +unimportant-categories+ :test 'string-equal))
(lquery:$ *parsed-content* "#dev_page_content h3"))))
(map 'list #'(lambda (el) (cons (lquery-funcs:text el) el)) cat-data)))
(defun tg-type->lisp-type (type-str)
(let ((types (ppcre:split " or " type-str)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (single-type)
(let* ((is-array (search "Array of " single-type))
(type (assoc single-type +type-map+ :test #'string=)))
(if is-array nil ;todo support arrays
(if type
(cdr type)
(camel->symbol single-type)))))
(defun parse-parameters (param-table)
"Creates a vector of th-parameter from an apropriate table element (description of a method)."
(->> (lquery:$ param-table "tr")
(map 'vector #'(lambda (el)
(lquery:$ el "td" (text))))
(remove-if #'(lambda (el) (not (= (length el) 4))))
(map 'vector
#'(lambda (el)
(match el
((array :rank 1 :contents (name type optional doc))
(make-tg-param :name name
:type (tg-type->lisp-type type)
:optional (string= "Optional" optional)
:desc doc)))))))
(defun parse-fields (field-table)
"Creates a vector of th-parameter from an apropriate table element (description of a method)."
(->> (lquery:$ field-table "tr")
(map 'vector #'(lambda (el)
(lquery:$ el "td" (text))))
(remove-if #'(lambda (el)
(not (= (length el) 3))))
(map 'vector
#'(lambda (el)
(match el
((array :rank 1 :contents (name type desc))
(multiple-value-bind (doc optional) (ppcre:regex-replace "Optional\\. " desc "")
(make-tg-param :name name
:type (tg-type->lisp-type type)
:optional optional
:desc doc))))))))
(defun detect-api-type (table)
"Detects the type of the declaration in the api. 3 collumns => field, 4 collumns => parameter."
(case (lquery:$ table "tr" (first) (children) (length))
(3 :object)
(4 :method)
(otherwise :method)))
(defun parse-h4 (h4)
"Parses an H4 into a method or a struct."
(declare (type plump-dom:element h4))
(let ((name (lquery:$1 h4 (text))))
(when (or (not (and (lquery:$ h4 (is "h4"))
(lquery:$ h4 (next) (is "p"))))
(find name +blacklist+ :test #'string=))
(return-from parse-h4 nil))
(let* ((anchor (lquery:$1 h4 "a" (attr :href)))
(doc-elt (lquery:$1 h4 (next)))
(doc (lquery:$1 doc-elt (text))))
(h4->tg-object h4 name anchor doc))))
(defun has-table-p (h4)
"Checks if there is a corresponding table to a h4."
(emptyp (lquery:$ h4 (next-until "table") (filter "h4"))))
(defun h4->tg-object (h4 name anchor doc)
(declare (type plump-dom:element h4))
(let* ((table (lquery:$ h4 (next-until "table") (next)))
(type (detect-api-type table))
(params (if (has-table-p h4)
(case type
(parse-parameters table))
(parse-fields table)))
(create-tg-object name params doc anchor type)))
(defun parse-categories (categories)
"Parses the given categorues into a `tg-method` returning an alist of (name . (vektor of parsed))."
#'(lambda (it)
(let ((name (car it))
(element (cdr it))
(parsed nil))
(do ((el (lquery:$1 element (next)) (lquery:$1 el (next))))
((or (not (lquery:$1 el (next))) (lquery:$ el (is "h3"))))
(when (lquery:$ el (is "h4"))
(let ((meth (parse-h4 el)))
(when meth (push meth parsed)))))
(cons name (nreverse parsed))))
; Code Generator ;
(defun separate-params (params)
"Separates a sequence of `tg-param` into (required optional)"
(reduce (lambda (a b)
(if (tg-param-optional a)
(push a (second b))
(push a (first b)))
:initial-value (list nil nil)
:from-end t))
(defun param->arg (param)
"Converts a TG-PARAM into a symbol to be used as argument.n"
(-> (tg-param-name param) (snake->symbol)))
(defun tg-object->lisp (object)
(let* ((name (tg-object-name object))
(name-sym (camel->symbol name))
(params (tg-object-parameters object))
(sep-params (separate-params params))
(req-args (first sep-params))
(opt-args (second sep-params))
(type (tg-object-type object))
(docstring (make-docstring-from-tg-object object)))
(case type
(:method (tg-object->function name name-sym req-args opt-args docstring))
(:object (tg-object->clos name name-sym params docstring)))))
(defun make-docstring-from-tg-object (object)
(format nil "~a~a~%~a" *url* (tg-object-anchor object) (tg-object-doc object)))
(defun make-argument-list (req-args opt-args)
`(,@(map 'list #'param->arg req-args) ,@(if opt-args `(&key ,@(map 'list #'param->arg opt-args)))))
(defun tg-object->function (name name-sym req-args opt-args docstring)
"Creates a function for use in `cl-telegram-bot` from a tg-object."
`(defun ,name-sym (bot ,@(make-argument-list req-args opt-args))
#'(lambda (opt)
(when (tg-param-type opt)
`(check-type ,(param->arg opt) (or ,@(tg-param-type opt)))))
(let ((options
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (opt)
`(cons ,(param->keyword opt)
,(param->arg opt)))
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (param)
`(when ,(param->arg param)
(nconc options (list (cons ,(param->keyword param) ,(param->arg param))))))
(make-request bot ,name options))))
;; TODO: convert name to kw, symbol directly in class
(defun tg-object->clos (name name-sym params docstring)
"Creates clos object from a tg-object."
`(defclass ,name-sym ()
((type-name :allocation :class
:reader name
:initform ,name)
,@(map 'list #'(lambda (param)
(let* ((pname-sym (param->arg param))
(pname-kw (make-keyword pname-sym))
(optional (tg-param-optional param))
(type (tg-param-type param))
(doc (tg-param-desc param)))
:initarg ,pname-kw
,@(when optional
'(:initform nil))
:accessor ,pname-sym
:type (or ,@type)
:documentation ,doc)))
(:documentation ,docstring)))
(defun write-file-header (stream)
(write `(in-package ,*out-package*) :stream stream))
(defun print-objects (parsed-cats stream)
"Takes parsed categories and prints them out to functions."
(dolist (item parsed-cats)
(let ((name (car item))
(objects (cdr item)))
(format stream "~%;----~a----~%" name)
(dolist (object objects)
(write (tg-object->lisp object) :stream stream) ; nicer with generics
(format stream "~%~%")
(defun generate-and-write-functions ()
"Discovers and generates methods from the telegram api as funcions and writes them to a file."
(with-open-file (out *out-file* :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(write-file-header out)
(-> (find-categories) (parse-categories) (print-objects out))))
(defun scrape-to-disk (&key (url *url*) (out-file *out-file*) (out-package *out-package*))
"Main entry. Makes the web request and scrapes the telegram api docs."
(let* ((*request* (dex:get url))
(*parsed-content* (plump:parse *request*))
(*out-package* out-package)
(*out-file* out-file))