Bastien Dejean c32f30aa7e Remove setting: history_aware_focus
The new implementation of the DIR descriptor is based on

Fixes #467.
2016-04-28 10:33:30 +02:00

18 lines
449 B
Executable file

#! /bin/sh
sxhkd &
bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
bspc config border_width 2
bspc config window_gap 12
bspc config split_ratio 0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle true
bspc config gapless_monocle true
bspc rule -a Gimp desktop='^8' state=floating follow=on
bspc rule -a Chromium desktop='^2'
bspc rule -a mplayer2 state=floating
bspc rule -a focus=on
bspc rule -a Screenkey manage=off