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:man source: Bspwm
:man version: {revnumber}
:man manual: Bspwm Manual
bspwm - Tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
*bspwm* [*-h*|*-v*|*-s* _PANEL_FIFO_|*-p* _PANEL_PREFIX_]
*bspwm* is a tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree.
It is controlled and configured via *bspc*.
*bspwm* have only two sources of informations: the X events it receives and the messages it reads on a dedicated socket.
Its configuration file is _$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bspwm/autostart_.
Keyboard and pointer bindings are defined with https://github.com/baskerville/sxhkd[sxhkd].
Example configuration files can be found in the *examples* directory.
Splitting Modes
There is only two splitting modes: _automatic_ and _manual_.
The default mode is _automatic_. The _manual_ mode is entered by sending a *presel* message.
Example: insertion of a new node (number 4) into the given tree in _automatic_ mode:
b c
/ \ / \
3 a --> 4 b
^ / \ ^ / \
2 1 3 a
/ \
2 1
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
| | | | | |
| | 2 | | | 3 |
| | | | | |
| 3 |------------| --> | 4 |------------|
| ^ | | | ^ | | |
| | 1 | | | 1 | 2 |
| | | | | | |
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
Same departure, but the mode is _manual_, and a *presel* _up_ message was sent beforehand:
b b
/ \ / \
3 a --> c a
^ / \ / \ / \
2 1 4 3 2 1
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
| | | | | |
| | 2 | | 4 | 2 |
| | | | ^ | |
| 3 |------------| --> |------------|------------|
| ^ | | | | |
| | 1 | | 3 | 1 |
| | | | | |
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
Each monitor contains at least one desktop.
Each desktop contains at most one tree.
*get* _SETTING_::
Return the value of the given setting.
*set* _SETTING_ _VALUE_::
Set the value of the given setting.
*list* [_DESKTOP_NAME_]::
Output the internal representation of the window tree.
*list_desktops* [*--quiet*]::
Perform a dump of each desktop for the current monitor.
*list_monitors* [*--quiet*]::
Perform a dump of each monitor.
Return the node focus history of each desktop.
Return the list of managed windows (i.e. their identifiers).
Return the list of rules.
*presel* _left_|_right_|_up_|_down_ [_SPLIT_RATIO_]::
Switch to manual mode and select the splitting direction.
*cancel* [*--all*]::
Switch to automatic mode.
*ratio* _VALUE_::
Set the splitting ratio of the focused window.
Set the padding of the given monitor.
*focus* _left_|_right_|_up_|_down_::
Focus the neighbor window situated in the given direction.
*shift* _left_|_right_|_up_|_down_::
Exchange the current window with the given neighbor.
*swap* [*--keep-focus*]::
Swap the focused window with the last focused window.
*push* _left_|_right_|_up_|_down_::
Push the fence located in the given direction.
*pull* _left_|_right_|_up_|_down_::
Pull the fence located in the given direction.
*fence_ratio* _left_|_right_|_up_|_down_::
Set the splitting ratio of the fence located in the given direction.
*cycle* _next_|_prev_ [*--skip-floating*|*--skip-tiled*|*--skip-class-equal*|*--skip-class-differ*]::
Focus the next or previous window matching the given constraints.
*nearest* _older_|_newer_ [*--skip-floating*|*--skip-tiled*|*--skip-class-equal*|*--skip-class-differ*]::
Focus the nearest window matching the given constraints.
Return the ID of the biggest tiled window.
*circulate* _forward_|_backward_::
Circulate the leaves in the given direction.
*grab_pointer* _focus_|_move_|_resize_side_|_resize_corner_::
Begin the specified pointer action.
*track_pointer* _ROOT_X_ _ROOT_Y_::
Pass the pointer root coordinates for the current pointer action.
End the current pointer action.
Toggle the fullscreen state of the current window.
Toggle the floating state of the current window.
Toggle the locked state of the current window (locked windows will not respond to the *close* message).
Toggle the visibility of all the managed windows.
Close the focused window.
Kill the focused window.
*send_to* _DESKTOP_NAME_ [*--follow*]::
Send the focused window to the given desktop.
*drop_to* _next_|_prev_ [*--follow*]::
Send the focused window to the next or previous desktop.
*send_to_monitor* _MONITOR_NAME_ [*--follow*]::
Send the focused window to the given monitor.
*drop_to_monitor* _next_|_prev_ [*--follow*]::
Send the focused window to the next or previous monitor.
*use* _DESKTOP_NAME_::
Select the given desktop.
*use_monitor* _MONITOR_NAME_::
Select the given monitor.
*focus_monitor* _left_|_right_|_up_|_down_::
Focus the nearest monitor in the given direction.
Alternate between the current and the last focused window.
Alternate between the current and the last focused desktop.
Alternate between the current and the last focused monitor.
*add* _DESKTOP_NAME_ ...::
Make new desktops with the given names.
*add_in* _MONITOR_NAME_ _DESKTOP_NAME_ ...::
Make new desktops with the given names in the given monitor.
*rename_monitor* _CURRENT_NAME_ _NEW_NAME_::
Rename the monitor named _CURRENT_NAME_ to _NEW_NAME_.
*rename* _CURRENT_NAME_ _NEW_NAME_::
Rename the desktop named _CURRENT_NAME_ to _NEW_NAME_.
*remove_desktop* _DESKTOP_NAME_ ...::
Remove the given desktops.
*send_desktop_to* _MONITOR_NAME_ [*--follow*]::
Send the current desktop to the given monitor.
*cycle_monitor* _next_|_prev_::
Select the next or previous monitor.
*cycle_desktop* _next_|_prev_ [*--skip-free*|*--skip-occupied*]::
Select the next or previous desktop.
*layout* _monocle_|_tiled_ [_DESKTOP_NAME_ ...]::
Set the layout of the given desktops (current if none given).
Cycle the layout of the current desktop.
*rotate* _clockwise_|_counter_clockwise_|_full_cycle_::
Rotate the window tree.
*flip* _horizontal_|_vertical_::
Flip the window tree.
Adjust the split ratios so that all windows occupy the same area.
*rule* _PATTERN_ [_DESKTOP_NAME_] [_floating_] [_follow_]::
Create a new rule (_PATTERN_ must match the class or instance name).
*remove_rule* _UID_ ...::
Remove the rules with the given _UIDs_.
Output the current state to the panel fifo.
Manage all the unmanaged windows remaining from a previous session.
*restore_layout* _FILE_PATH_::
Restore the layout of each desktop from the content of _FILE_PATH_.
*restore_history* _FILE_PATH_::
Restore the history of each desktop from the content of _FILE_PATH_.
*quit* [_EXIT_STATUS_]::
Colors are either http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names[X color names] or _#RRGGBB_, booleans are _true_ or _false_.
All the boolean settings are _false_ by default.
Color of the border of a focused window of a focused monitor.
Color of the border of a focused window of an unfocused monitor.
Color of the border of an unfocused window.
Color of the *presel* message feedback.
Color of the border of a focused locked window of a focused monitor.
Color of the border of a focused locked window of an unfocused monitor.
Color of the border of an unfocused locked window.
Color of the border of an urgent window.
Window border width.
Value of the gap that separates windows.
Default split ratio.
_top_padding_, _right_padding_, _bottom_padding_, _left_padding_::
Padding space added at the sides of the current monitor.
The value that shall be used for the '_NET_WM_NAME' property of the root window.
Remove borders for tiled windows in monocle mode.
Remove gaps for tiled windows in monocle mode.
Focus the window under the pointer.
When focusing a monitor, put the pointer at its center.
Prevent floating windows from being raised when they might cover other floating windows.
Enable shadows for floating windows via the '_COMPTON_SHADOW' property.
Interpret two consecutive identical *use* messages as an *alternate* message.
Use window or leaf distance for focus movement.
Give priority to the focus history when focusing nodes.
Environment Variables
The path of the socket used for the communication between *bspc* and *bspwm*.
* Any EWMH compliant panel (e.g.: _tint2_, _bmpanel2_, etc.).
* A custom panel if the _-s_ flag is used (have a look at the files in _examples/panel_).
Key Features
* Configured and controlled through messages.
* Multiple monitors support (via _RandR_).
* EWMH support (*tint2* works).
* Automatic and manual modes.
* Ivan Kanakarakis <ivan.kanak at gmail.com>
* Thomas Adam <thomas at xteddy.org>
Bastien Dejean <baskerville at lavabit.com>
Mailing List
bspwm at librelist.com
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