/* Copyright (c) 2012, Bastien Dejean * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bspwm.h" #include "ewmh.h" #include "window.h" #include "parse.h" #include "settings.h" #include "rule.h" rule_t *make_rule(void) { rule_t *r = calloc(1, sizeof(rule_t)); r->class_name[0] = r->instance_name[0] = r->effect[0] = '\0'; r->next = r->prev = NULL; r->one_shot = false; return r; } void add_rule(rule_t *r) { if (rule_head == NULL) { rule_head = rule_tail = r; } else { rule_tail->next = r; r->prev = rule_tail; rule_tail = r; } } void remove_rule(rule_t *r) { if (r == NULL) return; rule_t *prev = r->prev; rule_t *next = r->next; if (prev != NULL) prev->next = next; if (next != NULL) next->prev = prev; if (r == rule_head) rule_head = next; if (r == rule_tail) rule_tail = prev; free(r); } void remove_rule_by_cause(char *cause) { rule_t *r = rule_head; char *class_name = strtok(cause, COL_TOK); char *instance_name = strtok(NULL, COL_TOK); while (r != NULL) { rule_t *next = r->next; if ((streq(class_name, MATCH_ANY) || streq(r->class_name, class_name)) && (instance_name == NULL || streq(instance_name, MATCH_ANY) || streq(r->instance_name, instance_name))) { remove_rule(r); } r = next; } } bool remove_rule_by_index(int idx) { for (rule_t *r = rule_head; r != NULL; r = r->next, idx--) { if (idx == 0) { remove_rule(r); return true; } } return false; } rule_consequence_t *make_rule_conquence(void) { rule_consequence_t *rc = calloc(1, sizeof(rule_consequence_t)); rc->manage = rc->focus = rc->border = true; rc->layer = NULL; rc->state = NULL; return rc; } pending_rule_t *make_pending_rule(int fd, xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq) { pending_rule_t *pr = calloc(1, sizeof(pending_rule_t)); pr->prev = pr->next = NULL; pr->fd = fd; pr->win = win; pr->csq = csq; return pr; } void add_pending_rule(pending_rule_t *pr) { if (pr == NULL) { return; } if (pending_rule_head == NULL) { pending_rule_head = pending_rule_tail = pr; } else { pending_rule_tail->next = pr; pr->prev = pending_rule_tail; pending_rule_tail = pr; } } void remove_pending_rule(pending_rule_t *pr) { if (pr == NULL) { return; } pending_rule_t *a = pr->prev; pending_rule_t *b = pr->next; if (a != NULL) { a->next = b; } if (b != NULL) { b->prev = a; } if (pr == pending_rule_head) { pending_rule_head = b; } if (pr == pending_rule_tail) { pending_rule_tail = a; } close(pr->fd); free(pr->csq); free(pr); } void apply_rules(xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq) { xcb_ewmh_get_atoms_reply_t win_type; if (xcb_ewmh_get_wm_window_type_reply(ewmh, xcb_ewmh_get_wm_window_type(ewmh, win), &win_type, NULL) == 1) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < win_type.atoms_len; i++) { xcb_atom_t a = win_type.atoms[i]; if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR || a == ewmh->_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY) { csq->focus = false; } else if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG) { if (csq->state == NULL) { csq->state = calloc(1, sizeof(client_state_t)); } *(csq->state) = STATE_FLOATING; csq->center = true; } else if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK || a == ewmh->_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP || a == ewmh->_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION) { csq->manage = false; if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP) { window_lower(win); } } } xcb_ewmh_get_atoms_reply_wipe(&win_type); } xcb_ewmh_get_atoms_reply_t win_state; if (xcb_ewmh_get_wm_state_reply(ewmh, xcb_ewmh_get_wm_state(ewmh, win), &win_state, NULL) == 1) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < win_state.atoms_len; i++) { xcb_atom_t a = win_state.atoms[i]; if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN) { if (csq->state == NULL) { csq->state = calloc(1, sizeof(client_state_t)); } *(csq->state) = STATE_FULLSCREEN; } else if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW) { if (csq->layer == NULL) { csq->layer = calloc(1, sizeof(stack_layer_t)); } *(csq->layer) = LAYER_BELOW; } else if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE) { if (csq->layer == NULL) { csq->layer = calloc(1, sizeof(stack_layer_t)); } *(csq->layer) = LAYER_ABOVE; } else if (a == ewmh->_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY) { csq->sticky = true; } } xcb_ewmh_get_atoms_reply_wipe(&win_state); } xcb_window_t transient_for = XCB_NONE; xcb_icccm_get_wm_transient_for_reply(dpy, xcb_icccm_get_wm_transient_for(dpy, win), &transient_for, NULL); if (transient_for != XCB_NONE) { if (csq->state == NULL) { csq->state = calloc(1, sizeof(client_state_t)); } *(csq->state) = STATE_FLOATING; } xcb_size_hints_t size_hints; if (xcb_icccm_get_wm_normal_hints_reply(dpy, xcb_icccm_get_wm_normal_hints(dpy, win), &size_hints, NULL) == 1) { if ((size_hints.flags & (XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_P_MIN_SIZE|XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_P_MAX_SIZE)) && size_hints.min_width == size_hints.max_width && size_hints.min_height == size_hints.max_height) { if (csq->state == NULL) { csq->state = calloc(1, sizeof(client_state_t)); } *(csq->state) = STATE_FLOATING; } } xcb_icccm_get_wm_class_reply_t reply; if (xcb_icccm_get_wm_class_reply(dpy, xcb_icccm_get_wm_class(dpy, win), &reply, NULL) == 1) { snprintf(csq->class_name, sizeof(csq->class_name), "%s", reply.class_name); snprintf(csq->instance_name, sizeof(csq->instance_name), "%s", reply.instance_name); xcb_icccm_get_wm_class_reply_wipe(&reply); } rule_t *rule = rule_head; while (rule != NULL) { rule_t *next = rule->next; if ((streq(rule->class_name, MATCH_ANY) || streq(rule->class_name, csq->class_name)) && (streq(rule->instance_name, MATCH_ANY) || streq(rule->instance_name, csq->instance_name))) { char effect[MAXLEN]; snprintf(effect, sizeof(effect), "%s", rule->effect); char *key = strtok(effect, CSQ_BLK); char *value = strtok(NULL, CSQ_BLK); while (key != NULL && value != NULL) { parse_key_value(key, value, csq); key = strtok(NULL, CSQ_BLK); value = strtok(NULL, CSQ_BLK); } if (rule->one_shot) { remove_rule(rule); break; } } rule = next; } } bool schedule_rules(xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq) { if (external_rules_command[0] == '\0') { return false; } int fds[2]; if (pipe(fds) == -1) { return false; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { if (dpy != NULL) { close(xcb_get_file_descriptor(dpy)); } dup2(fds[1], 1); close(fds[0]); char wid[SMALEN]; snprintf(wid, sizeof(wid), "%i", win); setsid(); execl(external_rules_command, external_rules_command, wid, csq->class_name, csq->instance_name, csq->monitor_desc, csq->desktop_desc, csq->node_desc, NULL); err("Couldn't spawn rule command.\n"); } else if (pid > 0) { close(fds[1]); pending_rule_t *pr = make_pending_rule(fds[0], win, csq); add_pending_rule(pr); } return (pid != -1); } void parse_rule_consequence(int fd, rule_consequence_t *csq) { if (fd == -1) { return; } char data[BUFSIZ]; int nb; while ((nb = read(fd, data, sizeof(data))) > 0) { int end = MIN(nb, (int) sizeof(data) - 1); data[end] = '\0'; char *key = strtok(data, CSQ_BLK); char *value = strtok(NULL, CSQ_BLK); while (key != NULL && value != NULL) { parse_key_value(key, value, csq); key = strtok(NULL, CSQ_BLK); value = strtok(NULL, CSQ_BLK); } } } void parse_key_value(char *key, char *value, rule_consequence_t *csq) { bool v; if (streq("monitor", key)) { snprintf(csq->monitor_desc, sizeof(csq->monitor_desc), "%s", value); } else if (streq("desktop", key)) { snprintf(csq->desktop_desc, sizeof(csq->desktop_desc), "%s", value); } else if (streq("node", key)) { snprintf(csq->node_desc, sizeof(csq->node_desc), "%s", value); } else if (streq("split_dir", key)) { snprintf(csq->split_dir, sizeof(csq->split_dir), "%s", value); } else if (streq("state", key)) { client_state_t cst; if (parse_client_state(value, &cst)) { if (csq->state == NULL) { csq->state = calloc(1, sizeof(client_state_t)); } *(csq->state) = cst; } } else if (streq("layer", key)) { stack_layer_t lyr; if (parse_stack_layer(value, &lyr)) { if (csq->layer == NULL) { csq->layer = calloc(1, sizeof(stack_layer_t)); } *(csq->layer) = lyr; } } else if (streq("split_ratio", key)) { double rat; if (sscanf(value, "%lf", &rat) == 1 && rat > 0 && rat < 1) { csq->split_ratio = rat; } } else if (parse_bool(value, &v)) { if (streq("hidden", key)) csq->hidden = true; #define SETCSQ(name) \ else if (streq(#name, key)) \ csq->name = v; SETCSQ(sticky) SETCSQ(private) SETCSQ(locked) SETCSQ(center) SETCSQ(follow) SETCSQ(manage) SETCSQ(focus) SETCSQ(border) #undef SETCSQ } } void list_rules(FILE *rsp) { for (rule_t *r = rule_head; r != NULL; r = r->next) { fprintf(rsp, "%s:%s %c> %s\n", r->class_name, r->instance_name, r->one_shot?'-':'=', r->effect); } }