#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "window.h" #include "types.h" #include "bspwm.h" #include "ewmh.h" #include "tree.h" bool is_leaf(node_t *n) { return (n != NULL && n->first_child == NULL && n->second_child == NULL); } bool is_tiled(client_t *c) { if (c == NULL) return false; return (!c->floating && !c->fullscreen); } bool is_floating(client_t *c) { if (c == NULL) return false; return (c->floating && !c->fullscreen); } bool is_first_child(node_t *n) { return (n != NULL && n->parent != NULL && n->parent->first_child == n); } bool is_second_child(node_t *n) { return (n != NULL && n->parent != NULL && n->parent->second_child == n); } void change_split_ratio(node_t *n, value_change_t chg) { n->split_ratio = pow(n->split_ratio, (chg == CHANGE_INCREASE ? INC_EXP : DEC_EXP)); } void change_layout(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, layout_t l) { d->layout = l; arrange(m, d); if (d == mon->desk) put_status(); } void reset_mode(desktop_t *d, node_t *n, cancel_option_t c) { if (c == CANCEL_OPTION_FOCUSED) { n->split_mode = MODE_AUTOMATIC; window_draw_border(mon->desk->focus, d->focus == n, true); } else if (c == CANCEL_OPTION_ALL) { for (node_t *a = first_extrema(d->root); a != NULL; a = next_leaf(a, d->root)) { a->split_mode = MODE_AUTOMATIC; window_draw_border(a, d->focus == a, true); } } } node_t *first_extrema(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; else if (n->first_child == NULL) return n; else return first_extrema(n->first_child); } node_t *second_extrema(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; else if (n->second_child == NULL) return n; else return second_extrema(n->second_child); } node_t *next_leaf(node_t *n, node_t *r) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; node_t *p = n; while (is_second_child(p) && p != r) p = p->parent; if (p == r) return NULL; return first_extrema(p->parent->second_child); } node_t *prev_leaf(node_t *n, node_t *r) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; node_t *p = n; while (is_first_child(p) && p != r) p = p->parent; if (p == r) return NULL; return second_extrema(p->parent->first_child); } bool is_adjacent(node_t *a, node_t *r) { node_t *f = r->parent; node_t *p = a; bool first_child = is_first_child(r); while (p != r) { if (p->parent->split_type == f->split_type && is_first_child(p) == first_child) return false; p = p->parent; } return true; } node_t *find_fence(node_t *n, direction_t dir) { node_t *p; if (n == NULL) return NULL; p = n->parent; while (p != NULL) { if ((dir == DIR_UP && p->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL && p->rectangle.y < n->rectangle.y) || (dir == DIR_LEFT && p->split_type == TYPE_VERTICAL && p->rectangle.x < n->rectangle.x) || (dir == DIR_DOWN && p->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL && (p->rectangle.y + p->rectangle.height) > (n->rectangle.y + n->rectangle.height)) || (dir == DIR_RIGHT && p->split_type == TYPE_VERTICAL && (p->rectangle.x + p->rectangle.width) > (n->rectangle.x + n->rectangle.width))) return p; p = p->parent; } return NULL; } node_t *nearest_neighbor(desktop_t *d, node_t *n, direction_t dir) { if (n == NULL || n->client->fullscreen || (d->layout == LAYOUT_MONOCLE && is_tiled(n->client))) return NULL; node_t *nearest = NULL; if (history_aware_focus) nearest = nearest_from_history(d->history, n, dir); if (nearest == NULL) { if (focus_by_distance) { nearest = nearest_from_distance(d, n, dir); } else { nearest = nearest_from_tree(n, dir); } } return nearest; } node_t *nearest_from_tree(node_t *n, direction_t dir) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; node_t *fence = find_fence(n, dir); if (fence == NULL) return NULL; node_t *nearest = NULL; if (dir == DIR_UP || dir == DIR_LEFT) nearest = second_extrema(fence->first_child); else if (dir == DIR_DOWN || dir == DIR_RIGHT) nearest = first_extrema(fence->second_child); return nearest; } node_t *nearest_from_history(focus_history_t *f, node_t *n, direction_t dir) { if (n == NULL || !is_tiled(n->client)) return NULL; node_t *target = find_fence(n, dir); if (target == NULL) return NULL; if (dir == DIR_UP || dir == DIR_LEFT) target = target->first_child; else if (dir == DIR_DOWN || dir == DIR_RIGHT) target = target->second_child; node_t *nearest = NULL; int min_rank = INT_MAX; for (node_t *a = first_extrema(target); a != NULL; a = next_leaf(a, target)) { if (!is_tiled(a->client) || !is_adjacent(a, target) || a == n) continue; int rank = history_rank(f, a); if (rank >= 0 && rank < min_rank) { nearest = a; min_rank = rank; } } return nearest; } node_t *nearest_from_distance(desktop_t *d, node_t *n, direction_t dir) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; node_t *target = NULL; if (is_tiled(n->client)) { target = find_fence(n, dir); if (target == NULL) return NULL; if (dir == DIR_UP || dir == DIR_LEFT) target = target->first_child; else if (dir == DIR_DOWN || dir == DIR_RIGHT) target = target->second_child; } else { target = d->root; } node_t *nearest = NULL; direction_t dir2; xcb_point_t pt; xcb_point_t pt2; get_side_handle(n->client, dir, &pt); get_opposite(dir, &dir2); double ds = DBL_MAX; for (node_t *a = first_extrema(target); a != NULL; a = next_leaf(a, target)) { if (is_tiled(a->client) != is_tiled(n->client) || (is_tiled(a->client) && !is_adjacent(a, target)) || a == n) continue; get_side_handle(a->client, dir2, &pt2); double ds2 = distance(pt, pt2); if (ds2 < ds) { ds = ds2; nearest = a; } } return nearest; } void get_opposite(direction_t src, direction_t *dst) { switch (src) { case DIR_RIGHT: *dst = DIR_LEFT; break; case DIR_DOWN: *dst = DIR_UP; break; case DIR_LEFT: *dst = DIR_RIGHT; break; case DIR_UP: *dst = DIR_DOWN; break; } } int tiled_area(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) return -1; xcb_rectangle_t rect = n->client->tiled_rectangle; return rect.width * rect.height; } node_t *find_biggest(desktop_t *d) { if (d == NULL) return NULL; node_t *r = NULL; int r_area = tiled_area(r); for (node_t *f = first_extrema(d->root); f != NULL; f = next_leaf(f, d->root)) { if (!is_tiled(f->client)) continue; int f_area = tiled_area(f); if (r == NULL) { r = f; r_area = f_area; } else if (f_area > r_area) { r = f; r_area = f_area; } } return r; } void move_fence(node_t *n, direction_t dir, fence_move_t mov) { node_t *fence = find_fence(n, dir); if (fence == NULL) return; if ((mov == MOVE_PUSH && (dir == DIR_RIGHT || dir == DIR_DOWN)) || (mov == MOVE_PULL && (dir == DIR_LEFT || dir == DIR_UP))) change_split_ratio(fence, CHANGE_INCREASE); else change_split_ratio(fence, CHANGE_DECREASE); } void rotate_tree(node_t *n, rotate_t rot) { if (n == NULL || is_leaf(n) || rot == ROTATE_IDENTITY) return; node_t *tmp; if ((rot == ROTATE_CLOCKWISE && n->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL) || (rot == ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE && n->split_type == TYPE_VERTICAL) || rot == ROTATE_FULL_CYCLE) { tmp = n->first_child; n->first_child = n->second_child; n->second_child = tmp; n->split_ratio = 1.0 - n->split_ratio; } if (rot != ROTATE_FULL_CYCLE) { if (n->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL) n->split_type = TYPE_VERTICAL; else if (n->split_type == TYPE_VERTICAL) n->split_type = TYPE_HORIZONTAL; } rotate_tree(n->first_child, rot); rotate_tree(n->second_child, rot); } void rotate_brother(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL || n->parent == NULL) return; if (is_first_child(n)) rotate_tree(n->parent->second_child, n->birth_rotation); else rotate_tree(n->parent->first_child, n->birth_rotation); } void unrotate_tree(node_t *n, rotate_t rot) { switch(rot) { case ROTATE_CLOCKWISE: rotate_tree(n, ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE); break; case ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE: rotate_tree(n, ROTATE_CLOCKWISE); break; case ROTATE_IDENTITY: case ROTATE_FULL_CYCLE: break; } } void unrotate_brother(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL || n->parent == NULL) return; if (is_first_child(n)) unrotate_tree(n->parent->second_child, n->birth_rotation); else unrotate_tree(n->parent->first_child, n->birth_rotation); } void flip_tree(node_t *n, flip_t flp) { if (n == NULL || is_leaf(n)) return; node_t *tmp; if ((flp == FLIP_HORIZONTAL && n->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL) || (flp == FLIP_VERTICAL && n->split_type == TYPE_VERTICAL)) { tmp = n->first_child; n->first_child = n->second_child; n->second_child = tmp; n->split_ratio = 1.0 - n->split_ratio; } flip_tree(n->first_child, flp); flip_tree(n->second_child, flp); } void list_history(char *rsp) { char line[MAXLEN]; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s\n", d->name); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); for (node_list_t *a = d->history->tail; a != NULL; a = a->prev) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %X\n", a->node->client->window); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); } } } int balance_tree(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL || n->vacant) { return 0; } else if (is_leaf(n)) { return 1; } else { int b1 = balance_tree(n->first_child); int b2 = balance_tree(n->second_child); int b = b1 + b2; if (b1 > 0 && b2 > 0) n->split_ratio = (double) b1 / b; return b; } } void arrange(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d) { if (d->root == NULL) return; PRINTF("arrange %s%s%s\n", (num_monitors > 1 ? m->name : ""), (num_monitors > 1 ? " " : ""), d->name); xcb_rectangle_t rect = m->rectangle; int wg = (gapless_monocle && d->layout == LAYOUT_MONOCLE ? 0 : window_gap); rect.x += m->left_padding + wg; rect.y += m->top_padding + wg; rect.width -= m->left_padding + m->right_padding + wg; rect.height -= m->top_padding + m->bottom_padding + wg; apply_layout(m, d, d->root, rect, rect); } void apply_layout(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, xcb_rectangle_t rect, xcb_rectangle_t root_rect) { if (n == NULL) return; n->rectangle = rect; if (is_leaf(n)) { if (is_floating(n->client) && n->client->border_width != border_width) { int ds = 2 * (border_width - n->client->border_width); n->client->floating_rectangle.width += ds; n->client->floating_rectangle.height += ds; } if ((borderless_monocle && is_tiled(n->client) && d->layout == LAYOUT_MONOCLE) || n->client->fullscreen) n->client->border_width = 0; else n->client->border_width = border_width; xcb_rectangle_t r; if (!n->client->fullscreen) { if (!n->client->floating) { /* tiled clients */ if (d->layout == LAYOUT_TILED) r = rect; else if (d->layout == LAYOUT_MONOCLE) r = root_rect; int wg = (gapless_monocle && d->layout == LAYOUT_MONOCLE ? 0 : window_gap); int bleed = wg + 2 * n->client->border_width; r.width = (bleed < r.width ? r.width - bleed : 1); r.height = (bleed < r.height ? r.height - bleed : 1); n->client->tiled_rectangle = r; } else { /* floating clients */ r = n->client->floating_rectangle; } } else { /* fullscreen clients */ r = m->rectangle; } window_move_resize(n->client->window, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); window_border_width(n->client->window, n->client->border_width); window_draw_border(n, n == d->focus, m == mon); } else { xcb_rectangle_t first_rect; xcb_rectangle_t second_rect; if (n->first_child->vacant || n->second_child->vacant) { first_rect = second_rect = rect; } else { unsigned int fence; if (n->split_type == TYPE_VERTICAL) { fence = rect.width * n->split_ratio; first_rect = (xcb_rectangle_t) {rect.x, rect.y, fence, rect.height}; second_rect = (xcb_rectangle_t) {rect.x + fence, rect.y, rect.width - fence, rect.height}; } else if (n->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL) { fence = rect.height * n->split_ratio; first_rect = (xcb_rectangle_t) {rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, fence}; second_rect = (xcb_rectangle_t) {rect.x, rect.y + fence, rect.width, rect.height - fence}; } } apply_layout(m, d, n->first_child, first_rect, root_rect); apply_layout(m, d, n->second_child, second_rect, root_rect); } } void insert_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, node_t *f) { if (d == NULL || n == NULL) return; PRINTF("insert node %X\n", n->client->window); /* n: new leaf node */ /* c: new container node */ /* f: focus or insertion anchor */ /* p: parent of focus */ /* g: grand parent of focus */ if (f == NULL) { d->root = n; } else { node_t *c = make_node(); node_t *p = f->parent; n->parent = c; c->birth_rotation = f->birth_rotation; switch (f->split_mode) { case MODE_AUTOMATIC: if (p == NULL) { c->first_child = n; c->second_child = f; if (m->rectangle.width > m->rectangle.height) c->split_type = TYPE_VERTICAL; else c->split_type = TYPE_HORIZONTAL; f->parent = c; d->root = c; } else { node_t *g = p->parent; c->parent = g; if (g != NULL) { if (is_first_child(p)) g->first_child = c; else g->second_child = c; } else { d->root = c; } c->split_type = p->split_type; c->split_ratio = p->split_ratio; p->parent = c; rotate_t rot; if (is_first_child(f)) { c->first_child = n; c->second_child = p; rot = ROTATE_CLOCKWISE; } else { c->first_child = p; c->second_child = n; rot = ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE; } if (!is_floating(n->client)) rotate_tree(p, rot); n->birth_rotation = rot; } break; case MODE_MANUAL: if (p != NULL) { if (is_first_child(f)) p->first_child = c; else p->second_child = c; } c->split_ratio = f->split_ratio; c->parent = p; f->parent = c; f->birth_rotation = ROTATE_IDENTITY; switch (f->split_dir) { case DIR_LEFT: c->split_type = TYPE_VERTICAL; c->first_child = n; c->second_child = f; break; case DIR_RIGHT: c->split_type = TYPE_VERTICAL; c->first_child = f; c->second_child = n; break; case DIR_UP: c->split_type = TYPE_HORIZONTAL; c->first_child = n; c->second_child = f; break; case DIR_DOWN: c->split_type = TYPE_HORIZONTAL; c->first_child = f; c->second_child = n; break; } if (d->root == f) d->root = c; f->split_mode = MODE_AUTOMATIC; break; } if (f->vacant) update_vacant_state(p); } put_status(); } void pseudo_focus(desktop_t *d, node_t *n) { if (d->focus == n) return; d->focus = n; history_add(d->history, n); } void focus_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n) { if (n == NULL && d->root != NULL) return; if (mon->desk != d) clear_input_focus(); if (mon != m) { for (desktop_t *cd = mon->desk_head; cd != NULL; cd = cd->next) window_draw_border(cd->focus, true, false); for (desktop_t *cd = m->desk_head; cd != NULL; cd = cd->next) if (cd != d) window_draw_border(cd->focus, true, true); if (d->focus == n) window_draw_border(n, true, true); } if (d->focus != n) { window_draw_border(d->focus, false, true); window_draw_border(n, true, true); } select_desktop(m, d); if (n == NULL) { ewmh_update_active_window(); return; } PRINTF("focus node %X\n", n->client->window); n->client->urgent = false; pseudo_focus(d, n); stack(d, n); set_input_focus(n); if (focus_follows_pointer) { xcb_window_t win = XCB_NONE; query_pointer(&win, NULL); if (win != n->client->window) enable_motion_recorder(); else disable_motion_recorder(); } ewmh_update_active_window(); } void update_current(void) { focus_node(mon, mon->desk, mon->desk->focus); } void unlink_node(desktop_t *d, node_t *n) { if (d == NULL || n == NULL) return; PRINTF("unlink node %X\n", n->client->window); node_t *p = n->parent; if (p == NULL) { d->root = NULL; d->focus = NULL; } else { node_t *b; node_t *g = p->parent; if (is_first_child(n)) { b = p->second_child; if (!n->vacant) unrotate_tree(b, n->birth_rotation); } else { b = p->first_child; if (!n->vacant) unrotate_tree(b, n->birth_rotation); } b->parent = g; if (g != NULL) { if (is_first_child(p)) g->first_child = b; else g->second_child = b; } else { d->root = b; } b->birth_rotation = p->birth_rotation; n->parent = NULL; free(p); if (n == d->focus) d->focus = history_get(d->history, 1); update_vacant_state(b->parent); } history_remove(d->history, n); put_status(); } void remove_node(desktop_t *d, node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) return; PRINTF("remove node %X\n", n->client->window); unlink_node(d, n); free(n->client); free(n); num_clients--; ewmh_update_client_list(); if (mon->desk == d) update_current(); } void destroy_tree(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) return; node_t *first_tree = n->first_child; node_t *second_tree = n->second_child; if (n->client != NULL) free(n->client); free(n); destroy_tree(first_tree); destroy_tree(second_tree); } void swap_nodes(node_t *n1, node_t *n2, bool interpret) { if (n1 == NULL || n2 == NULL || n1 == n2) return; PUTS("swap nodes"); if (interpret && n2->split_mode == MODE_MANUAL) { transplant_node(mon, mon->desk, n1, n2); return; } /* (n1 and n2 are leaves) */ node_t *pn1 = n1->parent; node_t *pn2 = n2->parent; bool n1_first_child = is_first_child(n1); bool n2_first_child = is_first_child(n2); rotate_t br1 = n1->birth_rotation; rotate_t br2 = n2->birth_rotation; if (pn1 != NULL) { if (n1_first_child) pn1->first_child = n2; else pn1->second_child = n2; } if (pn2 != NULL) { if (n2_first_child) pn2->first_child = n1; else pn2->second_child = n1; } n1->parent = pn2; n2->parent = pn1; n1->birth_rotation = br2; n2->birth_rotation = br1; if (n1->vacant != n2->vacant) { update_vacant_state(n1->parent); update_vacant_state(n2->parent); } /* If we ever need to generalize: */ /* if (d1 != d2) { */ /* if (d1->root == n1) */ /* d1->root = n2; */ /* if (d1->focus == n1) */ /* d1->focus = n2; */ /* if (d1->last_focus == n1) */ /* d1->last_focus = n2; */ /* if (d2->root == n2) */ /* d2->root = n1; */ /* if (d2->focus == n2) */ /* d2->focus = n1; */ /* if (d2->last_focus == n2) */ /* d2->last_focus = n1; */ /* } */ } void transfer_node(monitor_t *ms, desktop_t *ds, monitor_t *md, desktop_t *dd, node_t *n) { if (n == NULL || dd == ds) return; PRINTF("transfer node %X\n", n->client->window); unlink_node(ds, n); insert_node(md, dd, n, dd->focus); ewmh_set_wm_desktop(n, dd); if (ds == ms->desk && dd != md->desk) { if (n == ds->focus) clear_input_focus(); window_hide(n->client->window); } fit_monitor(md, n->client); if (ds != ms->desk && dd == md->desk) window_show(n->client->window); pseudo_focus(dd, n); if (md->desk == dd) stack(dd, n); arrange(ms, ds); arrange(md, dd); if (ds == ms->desk || dd == md->desk) update_current(); } void transplant_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n1, node_t *n2) { unlink_node(d, n1); insert_node(m, d, n1, n2); pseudo_focus(d, n1); } void select_monitor(monitor_t *m) { if (mon == m) return; PRINTF("select monitor %s\n", m->name); last_mon = mon; mon = m; if (pointer_follows_monitor) center_pointer(m); ewmh_update_current_desktop(); put_status(); } monitor_t *nearest_monitor(direction_t dir) { int dmin = INT_MAX; monitor_t *nearest = NULL; xcb_rectangle_t rect = mon->rectangle; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (m == mon) continue; xcb_rectangle_t r = m->rectangle; if ((dir == DIR_LEFT && r.x < rect.x) || (dir == DIR_RIGHT && r.x >= (rect.x + rect.width)) || (dir == DIR_UP && r.y < rect.y) || (dir == DIR_DOWN && r.y >= (rect.y + rect.height))) { int d = ABS((r.x + r.width / 2) - (rect.x + rect.width / 2)) + ABS((r.y + r.height / 2) - (rect.y + rect.height / 2)); if (d < dmin) { dmin = d; nearest = m; } } } return nearest; } void select_desktop(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d) { select_monitor(m); if (d == mon->desk) return; PRINTF("select desktop %s\n", d->name); desktop_show(d); desktop_hide(mon->desk); mon->last_desk = mon->desk; mon->desk = d; ewmh_update_current_desktop(); put_status(); } void cycle_monitor(cycle_dir_t dir) { monitor_t *m = NULL; if (dir == CYCLE_NEXT) m = (mon->next == NULL ? mon_head : mon->next); else if (dir == CYCLE_PREV) m = (mon->prev == NULL ? mon_tail : mon->prev); focus_node(m, m->desk, m->desk->focus); } void cycle_desktop(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, cycle_dir_t dir, skip_desktop_t skip) { desktop_t *f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? d->prev : d->next); if (f == NULL) f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? m->desk_tail : m->desk_head); while (f != d) { if (skip == DESKTOP_SKIP_NONE || (skip == DESKTOP_SKIP_FREE && f->root != NULL) || (skip == DESKTOP_SKIP_OCCUPIED && f->root == NULL)) { focus_node(m, f, f->focus); return; } f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? f->prev : f->next); if (f == NULL) f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? m->desk_tail : m->desk_head); } } void cycle_leaf(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, cycle_dir_t dir, skip_client_t skip) { if (n == NULL) return; PUTS("cycle leaf"); node_t *f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? prev_leaf(n, d->root) : next_leaf(n, d->root)); if (f == NULL) f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? second_extrema(d->root) : first_extrema(d->root)); while (f != n) { bool tiled = is_tiled(f->client); if (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_NONE || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_TILED && !tiled) || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_FLOATING && tiled) || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_CLASS_DIFFER && strcmp(f->client->class_name, n->client->class_name) == 0) || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_CLASS_EQUAL && strcmp(f->client->class_name, n->client->class_name) != 0)) { focus_node(m, d, f); return; } f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? prev_leaf(f, d->root) : next_leaf(f, d->root)); if (f == NULL) f = (dir == CYCLE_PREV ? second_extrema(d->root) : first_extrema(d->root)); } } void nearest_leaf(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, nearest_arg_t dir, skip_client_t skip) { if (n == NULL) return; PUTS("nearest leaf"); node_t *x = NULL; for (node_t *f = first_extrema(d->root); f != NULL; f = next_leaf(f, d->root)) if (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_NONE || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_TILED && !is_tiled(f->client)) || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_FLOATING && is_tiled(f->client)) || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_CLASS_DIFFER && strcmp(f->client->class_name, n->client->class_name) == 0) || (skip == CLIENT_SKIP_CLASS_EQUAL && strcmp(f->client->class_name, n->client->class_name) != 0)) if ((dir == NEAREST_OLDER && (f->client->uid < n->client->uid) && (x == NULL || f->client->uid > x->client->uid)) || (dir == NEAREST_NEWER && (f->client->uid > n->client->uid) && (x == NULL || f->client->uid < x->client->uid))) x = f; focus_node(m, d, x); } void circulate_leaves(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, circulate_dir_t dir) { if (d == NULL || d->root == NULL || is_leaf(d->root)) return; node_t *p = d->focus->parent; bool focus_first_child = is_first_child(d->focus); if (dir == CIRCULATE_FORWARD) for (node_t *s = second_extrema(d->root), *f = prev_leaf(s, d->root); f != NULL; s = prev_leaf(f, d->root), f = prev_leaf(s, d->root)) swap_nodes(f, s, false); else for (node_t *f = first_extrema(d->root), *s = next_leaf(f, d->root); s != NULL; f = next_leaf(s, d->root), s = next_leaf(f, d->root)) swap_nodes(f, s, false); if (focus_first_child) focus_node(m, d, p->first_child); else focus_node(m, d, p->second_child); } void update_vacant_state(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) return; PUTS("update vacant state"); /* n is not a leaf */ node_t *p = n; while (p != NULL) { p->vacant = (p->first_child->vacant && p->second_child->vacant); p = p->parent; } } void fit_monitor(monitor_t *m, client_t *c) { xcb_rectangle_t crect = c->floating_rectangle; xcb_rectangle_t mrect = m->rectangle; while (crect.x < mrect.x) crect.x += mrect.width; while (crect.x > (mrect.x + mrect.width - 1)) crect.x -= mrect.width; while (crect.y < mrect.y) crect.y += mrect.height; while (crect.y > (mrect.y + mrect.height - 1)) crect.y -= mrect.height; c->floating_rectangle = crect; } void put_status(void) { if (status_fifo == NULL) return; if (status_prefix != NULL) fprintf(status_fifo, "%s", status_prefix); bool urgent = false; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { fprintf(status_fifo, "%c%s:", (mon == m ? 'M' : 'm'), m->name); for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next, urgent = false) { for (node_t *n = first_extrema(d->root); n != NULL && !urgent; n = next_leaf(n, d->root)) urgent |= n->client->urgent; fprintf(status_fifo, "%c%s:", m->desk == d ? (urgent ? 'U' : 'D') : (d->root == NULL ? 'E' : (urgent ? 'u' : 'd')), d->name); } } if (mon != NULL && mon->desk != NULL) fprintf(status_fifo, "L%s", (mon->desk->layout == LAYOUT_TILED ? "tiled" : "monocle")); fprintf(status_fifo, "\n"); fflush(status_fifo); } void list_monitors(list_option_t opt, char *rsp) { char line[MAXLEN]; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s %ux%u%+i%+i", m->name, m->rectangle.width, m->rectangle.height, m->rectangle.x, m->rectangle.y); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); if (m == mon) strncat(rsp, " #\n", REMLEN(rsp)); else if (m == last_mon) strncat(rsp, " ~\n", REMLEN(rsp)); else strncat(rsp, "\n", REMLEN(rsp)); if (opt == LIST_OPTION_VERBOSE) list_desktops(m, opt, 1, rsp); } } void list_desktops(monitor_t *m, list_option_t opt, unsigned int depth, char *rsp) { char line[MAXLEN]; for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) strncat(rsp, " ", REMLEN(rsp)); snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s %c", d->name, (d->layout == LAYOUT_TILED ? 'T' : 'M')); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); if (d == m->desk) strncat(rsp, " @\n", REMLEN(rsp)); else if (d == m->last_desk) strncat(rsp, " ~\n", REMLEN(rsp)); else strncat(rsp, "\n", REMLEN(rsp)); if (opt == LIST_OPTION_VERBOSE) list(d, d->root, rsp, depth + 1); } } void list(desktop_t *d, node_t *n, char *rsp, unsigned int depth) { if (n == NULL) return; char line[MAXLEN]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) strncat(rsp, " ", REMLEN(rsp)); if (is_leaf(n)) { client_t *c = n->client; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%c %s %X %u %u %ux%u%+i%+i %c%c%c%c%c", (n->birth_rotation == ROTATE_CLOCKWISE ? 'a' : (n->birth_rotation == ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE ? 'c' : 'm')), c->class_name, c->window, c->uid, c->border_width, c->floating_rectangle.width, c->floating_rectangle.height, c->floating_rectangle.x, c->floating_rectangle.y, (c->floating ? 'f' : '-'), (c->transient ? 't' : '-'), (c->fullscreen ? 'F' : '-'), (c->urgent ? 'u' : '-'), (c->locked ? 'l' : '-')); } else { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%c %c %.2f", (n->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL ? 'H' : 'V'), (n->birth_rotation == ROTATE_CLOCKWISE ? 'a' : (n->birth_rotation == ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE ? 'c' : 'm')), n->split_ratio); } strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); if (n == d->focus) strncat(rsp, " *\n", REMLEN(rsp)); else strncat(rsp, "\n", REMLEN(rsp)); list(d, n->first_child, rsp, depth + 1); list(d, n->second_child, rsp, depth + 1); } void restore_layout(char *file_path) { if (file_path == NULL) return; FILE *snapshot = fopen(file_path, "r"); if (snapshot == NULL) { warn("restore: can't open file\n"); return; } PUTS("restore layout"); char line[MAXLEN]; monitor_t *m = NULL; desktop_t *d = NULL; node_t *n = NULL; num_clients = 0; unsigned int level, last_level = 0, max_uid = 0; bool aborted = false; while (!aborted && fgets(line, sizeof(line), snapshot) != NULL) { unsigned int len = strlen(line); level = 0; while (level < strlen(line) && isspace(line[level])) level++; if (level == 0) { if (m == NULL) m = mon_head; else m = m->next; if (len >= 2) switch (line[len - 2]) { case '#': mon = m; break; case '~': last_mon = m; break; } } else if (level == 2) { if (d == NULL) d = m->desk_head; else d = d->next; int i = len - 1; while (i > 0 && !isupper(line[i])) i--; if (line[i] == 'M') d->layout = LAYOUT_MONOCLE; else if (line[i] == 'T') d->layout = LAYOUT_TILED; if (len >= 2) switch (line[len - 2]) { case '@': m->desk = d; break; case '~': m->last_desk = d; break; } } else { node_t *birth = make_node(); if (level == 4) { empty_desktop(d); d->root = birth; } else { if (level > last_level) { n->first_child = birth; } else { do { n = n->parent; } while (n != NULL && n->second_child != NULL); if (n == NULL) { warn("restore: file is malformed\n"); aborted = true; } n->second_child = birth; } birth->parent = n; } n = birth; char br; if (isupper(line[level])) { char st; sscanf(line + level, "%c %c %lf", &st, &br, &n->split_ratio); if (st == 'H') n->split_type = TYPE_HORIZONTAL; else if (st == 'V') n->split_type = TYPE_VERTICAL; } else { client_t *c = make_client(XCB_NONE); num_clients++; char floating, transient, fullscreen, urgent, locked; sscanf(line + level, "%c %s %X %u %u %hux%hu%hi%hi %c%c%c%c%c", &br, c->class_name, &c->window, &c->uid, &c->border_width, &c->floating_rectangle.width, &c->floating_rectangle.height, &c->floating_rectangle.x, &c->floating_rectangle.y, &floating, &transient, &fullscreen, &urgent, &locked); c->floating = (floating == '-' ? false : true); c->transient = (transient == '-' ? false : true); c->fullscreen = (fullscreen == '-' ? false : true); c->urgent = (urgent == '-' ? false : true); c->locked = (locked == '-' ? false : true); if (c->uid > max_uid) max_uid = c->uid; n->client = c; if (len >= 2 && line[len - 2] == '*') d->focus = n; } if (br == 'a') n->birth_rotation = ROTATE_CLOCKWISE; else if (br == 'c') n->birth_rotation = ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE; else if (br == 'm') n->birth_rotation = ROTATE_IDENTITY; } last_level = level; } fclose(snapshot); if (!aborted) { client_uid = max_uid + 1; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) for (node_t *n = first_extrema(d->root); n != NULL; n = next_leaf(n, d->root)) { uint32_t values[] = {(focus_follows_pointer ? CLIENT_EVENT_MASK_FFP : CLIENT_EVENT_MASK)}; xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, n->client->window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values); if (n->client->floating) { n->vacant = true; update_vacant_state(n->parent); } } ewmh_update_current_desktop(); } } void restore_history(char *file_path) { if (file_path == NULL) return; FILE *snapshot = fopen(file_path, "r"); if (snapshot == NULL) { warn("restore history: can't open file\n"); return; } PUTS("restore history"); char line[MAXLEN]; desktop_t *d = NULL; unsigned int level; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), snapshot) != NULL) { unsigned int i = strlen(line) - 1; while (i > 0 && isspace(line[i])) line[i--] = '\0'; level = 0; while (level < strlen(line) && isspace(line[level])) level++; if (level == 0) { desktop_location_t loc; if (locate_desktop(line + level, &loc)) d = loc.desktop; } else if (d != NULL) { xcb_window_t win; if (sscanf(line + level, "%X", &win) == 1) { window_location_t loc; if (locate_window(win, &loc)) history_add(d->history, loc.node); } } } fclose(snapshot); }