/* Copyright (c) 2012, Bastien Dejean * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef BSPWM_TREE_H #define BSPWM_TREE_H void arrange(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d); void apply_layout(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, xcb_rectangle_t rect, xcb_rectangle_t root_rect); presel_t *make_presel(void); void set_ratio(node_t *n, double rat); void presel_dir(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, direction_t dir); void presel_ratio(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, double ratio); void cancel_presel(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void cancel_presel_in(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); node_t *find_public(desktop_t *d); node_t *insert_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, node_t *f); void insert_receptacle(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); bool activate_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void transfer_sticky_nodes(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *ds, desktop_t *dd, node_t *n); bool focus_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void hide_node(node_t *n); void show_node(node_t *n); node_t *make_node(uint32_t id); client_t *make_client(void); void initialize_client(node_t *n); bool is_focusable(node_t *n); bool is_leaf(node_t *n); bool is_first_child(node_t *n); bool is_second_child(node_t *n); unsigned int clients_count_in(node_t *n); node_t *brother_tree(node_t *n); node_t *first_extrema(node_t *n); node_t *second_extrema(node_t *n); node_t *first_focusable_leaf(node_t *n); node_t *next_leaf(node_t *n, node_t *r); node_t *prev_leaf(node_t *n, node_t *r); node_t *next_tiled_leaf(node_t *n, node_t *r); node_t *prev_tiled_leaf(node_t *n, node_t *r); bool is_adjacent(node_t *a, node_t *b, direction_t dir); node_t *find_fence(node_t *n, direction_t dir); bool is_child(node_t *a, node_t *b); bool is_descendant(node_t *a, node_t *b); bool find_by_id(uint32_t id, coordinates_t *loc); node_t *find_by_id_in(node_t *r, uint32_t id); void find_nearest_neighbor(coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst, direction_t dir, node_select_t sel); unsigned int node_area(desktop_t *d, node_t *n); int tiled_count(node_t *n); void find_biggest(coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst, node_select_t sel); void rotate_tree(node_t *n, int deg); void rotate_brother(node_t *n); void unrotate_tree(node_t *n, int rot); void unrotate_brother(node_t *n); void flip_tree(node_t *n, flip_t flp); void equalize_tree(node_t *n); int balance_tree(node_t *n); void unlink_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void close_node(node_t *n); void kill_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void remove_node(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void free_node(node_t *n); bool swap_nodes(monitor_t *m1, desktop_t *d1, node_t *n1, monitor_t *m2, desktop_t *d2, node_t *n2); bool transfer_node(monitor_t *ms, desktop_t *ds, node_t *ns, monitor_t *md, desktop_t *dd, node_t *nd); bool find_closest_node(coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst, cycle_dir_t dir, node_select_t sel); void circulate_leaves(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, circulate_dir_t dir); void set_vacant(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void set_vacant_local(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void propagate_vacant_downward(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void propagate_vacant_upward(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); bool set_layer(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, stack_layer_t l); bool set_state(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, client_state_t s); void set_floating(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void set_fullscreen(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void neutralize_occluding_windows(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void propagate_flags_upward(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void set_hidden(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void set_hidden_local(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void propagate_hidden_downward(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void propagate_hidden_upward(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void set_sticky(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void set_private(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void set_locked(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); void set_urgent(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n, bool value); bool contains(xcb_rectangle_t a, xcb_rectangle_t b); xcb_rectangle_t get_rectangle(desktop_t *d, node_t *n); void listen_enter_notify(node_t *n, bool enable); unsigned int sticky_count(node_t *n); unsigned int private_count(node_t *n); unsigned int locked_count(node_t *n); #endif