/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Bastien Dejean * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "bspwm.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "ewmh.h" #include "history.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "pointer.h" #include "query.h" #include "rule.h" #include "restore.h" #include "settings.h" #include "tree.h" #include "window.h" #include "messages.h" bool handle_message(char *msg, int msg_len, char *rsp) { int cap = INIT_CAP; int num = 0; char **args = malloc(cap * sizeof(char *)); if (args == NULL) return false; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < msg_len; i++) { if (msg[i] == 0) { args[num++] = msg + j; j = i + 1; } if (num >= cap) { cap *= 2; char **new = realloc(args, cap * sizeof(char *)); if (new == NULL) { free(args); return false; } else { args = new; } } } if (num < 1) { free(args); return false; } char **args_orig = args; bool ret = process_message(args, num, rsp); free(args_orig); return ret; } bool process_message(char **args, int num, char *rsp) { if (streq("window", *args)) { return cmd_window(++args, --num); } else if (streq("desktop", *args)) { return cmd_desktop(++args, --num); } else if (streq("monitor", *args)) { return cmd_monitor(++args, --num); } else if (streq("query", *args)) { return cmd_query(++args, --num, rsp); } else if (streq("restore", *args)) { return cmd_restore(++args, --num); } else if (streq("control", *args)) { return cmd_control(++args, --num, rsp); } else if (streq("rule", *args)) { return cmd_rule(++args, --num, rsp); } else if (streq("pointer", *args)) { return cmd_pointer(++args, --num); } else if (streq("config", *args)) { return cmd_config(++args, --num, rsp); } else if (streq("quit", *args)) { return cmd_quit(++args, --num); } return false; } bool cmd_window(char **args, int num) { if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t ref = {mon, mon->desk, mon->desk->focus}; coordinates_t trg = ref; if ((*args)[0] != OPT_CHR) { if (node_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) num--, args++; else return false; } if (trg.node == NULL) return false; bool dirty = false; while (num > 0) { if (streq("-f", *args) || streq("--focus", *args)) { coordinates_t dst = trg; if (num > 1 && *(args + 1)[0] != OPT_CHR) { num--, args++; if (!node_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) return false; } focus_node(dst.monitor, dst.desktop, dst.node); } else if (streq("-d", *args) || streq("--to-desktop", *args)) { num--, args++; coordinates_t dst; if (desktop_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) { if (transfer_node(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node, dst.monitor, dst.desktop, dst.desktop->focus)) { trg.monitor = dst.monitor; trg.desktop = dst.desktop; } } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-m", *args) || streq("--to-monitor", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t dst; if (monitor_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) { if (transfer_node(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node, dst.monitor, dst.monitor->desk, dst.monitor->desk->focus)) { trg.monitor = dst.monitor; trg.desktop = dst.monitor->desk; } } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-w", *args) || streq("--to-window", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t dst; if (node_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) { if (transfer_node(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node, dst.monitor, dst.desktop, dst.node)) { trg.monitor = dst.monitor; trg.desktop = dst.desktop; } } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-s", *args) || streq("--swap", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t dst; if (node_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) { if (swap_nodes(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node, dst.monitor, dst.desktop, dst.node)) { if (trg.desktop != dst.desktop) arrange(trg.monitor, trg.desktop); trg.monitor = dst.monitor; trg.desktop = dst.desktop; dirty = true; } } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-t", *args) || streq("--toggle", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; char *key = strtok(*args, EQL_TOK); char *val = strtok(NULL, EQL_TOK); alter_state_t a; bool b; if (val == NULL) { a = ALTER_TOGGLE; } else { if (parse_bool(val, &b)) a = ALTER_SET; else return false; } if (streq("fullscreen", key)) { set_fullscreen(trg.node, (a == ALTER_SET ? b : !trg.node->client->fullscreen)); dirty = true; } else if (streq("pseudo_tiled", key)) { set_pseudo_tiled(trg.node, (a == ALTER_SET ? b : !trg.node->client->pseudo_tiled)); dirty = true; } else if (streq("floating", key)) { set_floating(trg.node, (a == ALTER_SET ? b : !trg.node->client->floating)); dirty = true; } else if (streq("locked", key)) { set_locked(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node, (a == ALTER_SET ? b : !trg.node->client->locked)); } else if (streq("sticky", key)) { set_sticky(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node, (a == ALTER_SET ? b : !trg.node->client->sticky)); } else if (streq("private", key)) { set_private(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node, (a == ALTER_SET ? b : !trg.node->client->private)); } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-p", *args) || streq("--presel", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1 || !is_tiled(trg.node->client) || trg.desktop->layout != LAYOUT_TILED) return false; if (streq("cancel", *args)) { reset_mode(&trg); } else { direction_t dir; if (parse_direction(*args, &dir)) { double rat = trg.node->split_ratio; if (num > 1 && *(args + 1)[0] != OPT_CHR) { num--, args++; if (sscanf(*args, "%lf", &rat) != 1 || rat <= 0 || rat >= 1) return false; } if (auto_cancel && trg.node->split_mode == MODE_MANUAL && dir == trg.node->split_dir && rat == trg.node->split_ratio) { reset_mode(&trg); } else { trg.node->split_mode = MODE_MANUAL; trg.node->split_dir = dir; trg.node->split_ratio = rat; } window_draw_border(trg.node, trg.desktop->focus == trg.node, mon == trg.monitor); } else { return false; } } } else if (streq("-e", *args) || streq("--edge", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 2) return false; direction_t dir; if (!parse_direction(*args, &dir)) return false; node_t *n = find_fence(trg.node, dir); if (n == NULL) return false; num--, args++; if ((*args)[0] == '+' || (*args)[0] == '-') { int pix; if (sscanf(*args, "%i", &pix) == 1) { int max = (n->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL ? n->rectangle.height : n->rectangle.width); double rat = ((max * n->split_ratio) + pix) / max; if (rat > 0 && rat < 1) n->split_ratio = rat; else return false; } else { return false; } } else { double rat; if (sscanf(*args, "%lf", &rat) == 1 && rat > 0 && rat < 1) n->split_ratio = rat; else return false; } dirty = true; } else if (streq("-r", *args) || streq("--ratio", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; double rat; if (sscanf(*args, "%lf", &rat) == 1 && rat > 0 && rat < 1) { trg.node->split_ratio = rat; window_draw_border(trg.node, trg.desktop->focus == trg.node, mon == trg.monitor); } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-R", *args) || streq("--rotate", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 2) return false; direction_t dir; if (!parse_direction(*args, &dir)) return false; node_t *n = find_fence(trg.node, dir); if (n == NULL) return false; num--, args++; int deg; if (parse_degree(*args, °)) { rotate_tree(n, deg); dirty = true; } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-c", *args) || streq("--close", *args)) { if (num > 1) return false; window_close(trg.node); } else if (streq("-k", *args) || streq("--kill", *args)) { if (num > 1) return false; window_kill(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, trg.node); dirty = true; } else { return false; } num--, args++; } if (dirty) arrange(trg.monitor, trg.desktop); return true; } bool cmd_desktop(char **args, int num) { if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t ref = {mon, mon->desk, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = ref; if ((*args)[0] != OPT_CHR) { if (desktop_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) num--, args++; else return false; } bool dirty = false; while (num > 0) { if (streq("-f", *args) || streq("--focus", *args)) { coordinates_t dst = trg; if (num > 1 && *(args + 1)[0] != OPT_CHR) { num--, args++; if (!desktop_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) return false; } if (auto_alternate && dst.desktop == mon->desk) { desktop_select_t sel = {DESKTOP_STATUS_ALL, false, false}; history_find_desktop(HISTORY_OLDER, &trg, &dst, sel); } focus_node(dst.monitor, dst.desktop, dst.desktop->focus); } else if (streq("-m", *args) || streq("--to-monitor", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1 || trg.monitor->desk_head == trg.monitor->desk_tail) return false; coordinates_t dst; if (monitor_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) { transfer_desktop(trg.monitor, dst.monitor, trg.desktop); trg.monitor = dst.monitor; update_current(); } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-s", *args) || streq("--swap", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t dst; if (desktop_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst) && trg.monitor == dst.monitor) swap_desktops(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, dst.monitor, dst.desktop); else return false; } else if (streq("-l", *args) || streq("--layout", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; layout_t lyt; cycle_dir_t cyc; if (parse_cycle_direction(*args, &cyc)) change_layout(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, (trg.desktop->layout + 1) % 2); else if (parse_layout(*args, &lyt)) change_layout(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, lyt); else return false; } else if (streq("-n", *args) || streq("--rename", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; snprintf(trg.desktop->name, sizeof(trg.desktop->name), "%s", *args); ewmh_update_desktop_names(); put_status(); } else if (streq("-r", *args) || streq("--remove", *args)) { if (trg.desktop->root == NULL && trg.monitor->desk_head != trg.monitor->desk_tail) { remove_desktop(trg.monitor, trg.desktop); show_desktop(trg.monitor->desk); update_current(); return true; } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-c", *args) || streq("--cancel-presel", *args)) { reset_mode(&trg); } else if (streq("-F", *args) || streq("--flip", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; flip_t flp; if (parse_flip(*args, &flp)) { flip_tree(trg.desktop->root, flp); dirty = true; } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-R", *args) || streq("--rotate", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; int deg; if (parse_degree(*args, °)) { rotate_tree(trg.desktop->root, deg); dirty = true; } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-B", *args) || streq("--balance", *args)) { balance_tree(trg.desktop->root); dirty = true; } else if (streq("-C", *args) || streq("--circulate", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; circulate_dir_t cir; if (parse_circulate_direction(*args, &cir)) { circulate_leaves(trg.monitor, trg.desktop, cir); dirty = true; } else { return false; } } else if (streq("-t", *args) || streq("--toggle", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; char *key = strtok(*args, EQL_TOK); char *val = strtok(NULL, EQL_TOK); alter_state_t a; bool b; if (val == NULL) { a = ALTER_TOGGLE; } else { if (parse_bool(val, &b)) a = ALTER_SET; else return false; } if (streq("floating", key)) trg.desktop->floating = (a == ALTER_SET ? b : !trg.desktop->floating); else return false; } else { return false; } num--, args++; } if (dirty) arrange(trg.monitor, trg.desktop); return true; } bool cmd_monitor(char **args, int num) { if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t ref = {mon, NULL, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = ref; if ((*args)[0] != OPT_CHR) { if (monitor_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) num--, args++; else return false; } while (num > 0) { if (streq("-f", *args) || streq("--focus", *args)) { coordinates_t dst = trg; if (num > 1 && *(args + 1)[0] != OPT_CHR) { num--, args++; if (!monitor_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) return false; } if (auto_alternate && dst.monitor == mon) { desktop_select_t sel = {DESKTOP_STATUS_ALL, false, false}; history_find_monitor(HISTORY_OLDER, &trg, &dst, sel); } focus_node(dst.monitor, dst.monitor->desk, dst.monitor->desk->focus); } else if (streq("-d", *args) || streq("--reset-desktops", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; desktop_t *d = trg.monitor->desk_head; while (num > 0 && d != NULL) { snprintf(d->name, sizeof(d->name), "%s", *args); d = d->next; num--, args++; } put_status(); while (num > 0) { add_desktop(trg.monitor, make_desktop(*args)); num--, args++; } while (d != NULL) { desktop_t *next = d->next; if (d == mon->desk) focus_node(trg.monitor, d->prev, d->prev->focus); merge_desktops(trg.monitor, d, mon, mon->desk); remove_desktop(trg.monitor, d); d = next; } } else if (streq("-a", *args) || streq("--add-desktops", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; while (num > 0) { add_desktop(trg.monitor, make_desktop(*args)); num--, args++; } } else if (streq("-r", *args) || streq("--remove-desktops", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; while (num > 0) { coordinates_t dst; if (locate_desktop(*args, &dst) && dst.monitor->desk_head != dst.monitor->desk_tail && dst.desktop->root == NULL) { remove_desktop(dst.monitor, dst.desktop); show_desktop(dst.monitor->desk); } num--, args++; } } else if (streq("-o", *args) || streq("--order-desktops", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; desktop_t *d = trg.monitor->desk_head; while (d != NULL && num > 0) { desktop_t *next = d->next; coordinates_t dst; if (locate_desktop(*args, &dst) && dst.monitor == trg.monitor) { swap_desktops(trg.monitor, d, dst.monitor, dst.desktop); if (next == dst.desktop) next = d; } d = next; num--, args++; } } else if (streq("-n", *args) || streq("--rename", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; snprintf(trg.monitor->name, sizeof(trg.monitor->name), "%s", *args); put_status(); } else if (streq("-s", *args) || streq("--swap", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t dst; if (monitor_from_desc(*args, &trg, &dst)) swap_monitors(trg.monitor, dst.monitor); else return false; } else { return false; } num--, args++; } return true; } bool cmd_query(char **args, int num, char *rsp) { coordinates_t ref = {mon, mon->desk, mon->desk->focus}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; domain_t dom = DOMAIN_TREE; int d = 0, t = 0; while (num > 0) { if (streq("-T", *args) || streq("--tree", *args)) { dom = DOMAIN_TREE, d++; } else if (streq("-M", *args) || streq("--monitors", *args)) { dom = DOMAIN_MONITOR, d++; } else if (streq("-D", *args) || streq("--desktops", *args)) { dom = DOMAIN_DESKTOP, d++; } else if (streq("-W", *args) || streq("--windows", *args)) { dom = DOMAIN_WINDOW, d++; } else if (streq("-H", *args) || streq("--history", *args)) { dom = DOMAIN_HISTORY, d++; } else if (streq("-S", *args) || streq("--stack", *args)) { dom = DOMAIN_STACK, d++; } else if (streq("-m", *args) || streq("--monitor", *args)) { trg.monitor = ref.monitor; if (num > 1 && *(args + 1)[0] != OPT_CHR) { num--, args++; if (!monitor_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) return false; } t++; } else if (streq("-d", *args) || streq("--desktop", *args)) { trg.monitor = ref.monitor; trg.desktop = ref.desktop; if (num > 1 && *(args + 1)[0] != OPT_CHR) { num--, args++; if (!desktop_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) return false; } t++; } else if (streq("-w", *args) || streq("--window", *args)) { trg = ref; if (num > 1 && *(args + 1)[0] != OPT_CHR) { num--, args++; if (!node_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) return false; } t++; } else { return false; } num--, args++; } if (d != 1 || t > 1) return false; if (dom == DOMAIN_HISTORY) query_history(trg, rsp); else if (dom == DOMAIN_STACK) query_stack(rsp); else if (dom == DOMAIN_WINDOW) query_windows(trg, rsp); else query_monitors(trg, dom, rsp); return true; } bool cmd_rule(char **args, int num, char *rsp) { if (num < 1) return false; while (num > 0) { if (streq("-a", *args) || streq("--add", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 2) return false; rule_t *rule = make_rule(); snprintf(rule->cause, sizeof(rule->cause), "%s", *args); num--, args++; size_t i = 0; while (num > 0) { if (streq("-o", *args) || streq("--one-shot", *args)) { rule->one_shot = true; } else { for (size_t j = 0; i < sizeof(rule->effect) && j < strlen(*args); i++, j++) rule->effect[i] = (*args)[j]; if (num > 1 && i < sizeof(rule->effect)) rule->effect[i++] = ' '; } num--, args++; } rule->effect[MIN(i, sizeof(rule->effect) - 1)] = '\0'; add_rule(rule); } else if (streq("-r", *args) || streq("--remove", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; int idx; while (num > 0) { if (parse_index(*args, &idx)) remove_rule_by_index(idx - 1); else if (streq("tail", *args)) remove_rule(rule_tail); else if (streq("head", *args)) remove_rule(rule_head); else remove_rule_by_cause(*args); num--, args++; } } else if (streq("-l", *args) || streq("--list", *args)) { num--, args++; list_rules(num > 0 ? *args : NULL, rsp); } else { return false; } num--, args++; } return true; } bool cmd_pointer(char **args, int num) { if (num < 1) return false; while (num > 0) { if (streq("-t", *args) || streq("--track", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 2) return false; int x, y; if (sscanf(*args, "%i", &x) == 1 && sscanf(*(args + 1), "%i", &y) == 1) track_pointer(x, y); else return false; } else if (streq("-g", *args) || streq("--grab", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; pointer_action_t pac; if (parse_pointer_action(*args, &pac)) grab_pointer(pac); else return false; } else if (streq("-u", *args) || streq("--ungrab", *args)) { ungrab_pointer(); } else { return false; } num--, args++; } return true; } bool cmd_restore(char **args, int num) { if (num < 1) return false; while (num > 0) { if (streq("-T", *args) || streq("--tree", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; restore_tree(*args); } else if (streq("-H", *args) || streq("--history", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; restore_history(*args); } else if (streq("-S", *args) || streq("--stack", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; restore_stack(*args); } else { return false; } num--, args++; } return true; } bool cmd_control(char **args, int num, char *rsp) { if (num < 1) return false; while (num > 0) { if (streq("--adopt-orphans", *args)) { adopt_orphans(); } else if (streq("--put-status", *args)) { put_status(); } else if (streq("--toggle-visibility", *args)) { toggle_visibility(); } else if (streq("--subscribe", *args)) { snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%c", MESSAGE_SUBSCRIBE); } else if (streq("--record-history", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; bool b; if (parse_bool(*args, &b)) record_history = b; else return false; } else { return false; } num--, args++; } return true; } bool cmd_config(char **args, int num, char *rsp) { if (num < 1) return false; coordinates_t ref = {mon, mon->desk, mon->desk->focus}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if ((*args)[0] == OPT_CHR) { if (streq("-d", *args) || streq("--desktop", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; if (!desktop_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) return false; } else if (streq("-m", *args) || streq("--monitor", *args)) { num--, args++; if (num < 1) return false; if (!monitor_from_desc(*args, &ref, &trg)) return false; } else { return false; } num--, args++; } if (num == 2) return set_setting(trg, *args, *(args + 1)); else if (num == 1) return get_setting(trg, *args, rsp); else return false; } bool cmd_quit(char **args, int num) { if (num > 0 && sscanf(*args, "%i", &exit_status) != 1) return false; running = false; return true; } bool set_setting(coordinates_t loc, char *name, char *value) { #define DESKSET(k, v) \ if (loc.desktop != NULL) \ loc.desktop->k = v; \ else if (loc.monitor != NULL) \ for (desktop_t *d = loc.monitor->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) \ d->k = v; \ else \ for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) \ for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) \ d->k = v; if (streq("border_width", name)) { unsigned int bw; if (sscanf(value, "%u", &bw) != 1) return false; DESKSET(border_width, bw) } else if (streq("top_padding", name)) { int tp; if (sscanf(value, "%i", &tp) != 1) return false; DESKSET(top_padding, tp) } else if (streq("right_padding", name)) { int rp; if (sscanf(value, "%i", &rp) != 1) return false; DESKSET(right_padding, rp) } else if (streq("bottom_padding", name)) { int bp; if (sscanf(value, "%i", &bp) != 1) return false; DESKSET(bottom_padding, bp) } else if (streq("left_padding", name)) { int lp; if (sscanf(value, "%i", &lp) != 1) return false; DESKSET(left_padding, lp) } else if (streq("window_gap", name)) { int wg; if (sscanf(value, "%i", &wg) != 1) return false; DESKSET(window_gap, wg) #undef DESKSET #define SETSTR(s) \ } else if (streq(#s, name)) { \ return snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s", value) >= 0; SETSTR(external_rules_command) SETSTR(status_prefix) #undef SETSTR } else if (streq("split_ratio", name)) { double r; if (sscanf(value, "%lf", &r) == 1 && r > 0 && r < 1) split_ratio = r; else return false; return true; #define SETCOLOR(s) \ } else if (streq(#s, name)) { \ snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s", value); SETCOLOR(focused_border_color) SETCOLOR(active_border_color) SETCOLOR(normal_border_color) SETCOLOR(presel_border_color) SETCOLOR(focused_locked_border_color) SETCOLOR(active_locked_border_color) SETCOLOR(normal_locked_border_color) SETCOLOR(focused_sticky_border_color) SETCOLOR(active_sticky_border_color) SETCOLOR(normal_sticky_border_color) SETCOLOR(focused_private_border_color) SETCOLOR(active_private_border_color) SETCOLOR(normal_private_border_color) SETCOLOR(urgent_border_color) #undef SETCOLOR } else if (streq("focus_follows_pointer", name)) { bool b; if (parse_bool(value, &b) && b != focus_follows_pointer) { focus_follows_pointer = b; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) for (node_t *n = first_extrema(d->root); n != NULL; n = next_leaf(n, d->root)) { uint32_t values[] = {CLIENT_EVENT_MASK | (focus_follows_pointer ? XCB_EVENT_MASK_ENTER_WINDOW : 0)}; xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, n->client->window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values); } if (focus_follows_pointer) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) window_show(m->root); enable_motion_recorder(); } else { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) window_hide(m->root); disable_motion_recorder(); } return true; } else { return false; } #define SETBOOL(s) \ } else if (streq(#s, name)) { \ if (!parse_bool(value, &s)) \ return false; SETBOOL(borderless_monocle) SETBOOL(gapless_monocle) SETBOOL(pointer_follows_monitor) SETBOOL(apply_floating_atom) SETBOOL(auto_alternate) SETBOOL(auto_cancel) SETBOOL(history_aware_focus) SETBOOL(ignore_ewmh_focus) SETBOOL(remove_disabled_monitor) #undef SETBOOL } else { return false; } for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) arrange(m, d); return true; } bool get_setting(coordinates_t loc, char *name, char* rsp) { if (streq("split_ratio", name)) snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%lf", split_ratio); else if (streq("window_gap", name)) if (loc.desktop == NULL) return false; else snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%i", loc.desktop->window_gap); else if (streq("border_width", name)) if (loc.desktop == NULL) return false; else snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%u", loc.desktop->border_width); else if (streq("external_rules_command", name)) snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%s", external_rules_command); else if (streq("status_prefix", name)) snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%s", status_prefix); #define DESKGET(k) \ else if (streq(#k, name)) \ if (loc.desktop == NULL) \ return false; \ else \ snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%i", loc.desktop->k); DESKGET(top_padding) DESKGET(right_padding) DESKGET(bottom_padding) DESKGET(left_padding) #undef DESKGET #define GETCOLOR(s) \ else if (streq(#s, name)) \ snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%s", s); GETCOLOR(focused_border_color) GETCOLOR(active_border_color) GETCOLOR(normal_border_color) GETCOLOR(presel_border_color) GETCOLOR(focused_locked_border_color) GETCOLOR(active_locked_border_color) GETCOLOR(normal_locked_border_color) GETCOLOR(focused_sticky_border_color) GETCOLOR(active_sticky_border_color) GETCOLOR(normal_sticky_border_color) GETCOLOR(urgent_border_color) #undef GETCOLOR #define GETBOOL(s) \ else if (streq(#s, name)) \ snprintf(rsp, BUFSIZ, "%s", BOOLSTR(s)); GETBOOL(borderless_monocle) GETBOOL(gapless_monocle) GETBOOL(focus_follows_pointer) GETBOOL(pointer_follows_monitor) GETBOOL(apply_floating_atom) GETBOOL(auto_alternate) GETBOOL(auto_cancel) GETBOOL(history_aware_focus) GETBOOL(ignore_ewmh_focus) GETBOOL(remove_disabled_monitor) #undef GETBOOL else return false; return true; } bool parse_bool(char *value, bool *b) { if (streq("true", value) || streq("on", value)) { *b = true; return true; } else if (streq("false", value) || streq("off", value)) { *b = false; return true; } return false; } bool parse_layout(char *s, layout_t *l) { if (streq("monocle", s)) { *l = LAYOUT_MONOCLE; return true; } else if (streq("tiled", s)) { *l = LAYOUT_TILED; return true; } return false; } bool parse_direction(char *s, direction_t *d) { if (streq("right", s)) { *d = DIR_RIGHT; return true; } else if (streq("down", s)) { *d = DIR_DOWN; return true; } else if (streq("left", s)) { *d = DIR_LEFT; return true; } else if (streq("up", s)) { *d = DIR_UP; return true; } return false; } bool parse_cycle_direction(char *s, cycle_dir_t *d) { if (streq("next", s)) { *d = CYCLE_NEXT; return true; } else if (streq("prev", s)) { *d = CYCLE_PREV; return true; } return false; } bool parse_circulate_direction(char *s, circulate_dir_t *d) { if (streq("forward", s)) { *d = CIRCULATE_FORWARD; return true; } else if (streq("backward", s)) { *d = CIRCULATE_BACKWARD; return true; } return false; } bool parse_history_direction(char *s, history_dir_t *d) { if (streq("older", s)) { *d = HISTORY_OLDER; return true; } else if (streq("newer", s)) { *d = HISTORY_NEWER; return true; } return false; } bool parse_flip(char *s, flip_t *f) { if (streq("horizontal", s)) { *f = FLIP_HORIZONTAL; return true; } else if (streq("vertical", s)) { *f = FLIP_VERTICAL; return true; } return false; } bool parse_pointer_action(char *s, pointer_action_t *a) { if (streq("move", s)) { *a = ACTION_MOVE; return true; } else if (streq("resize_corner", s)) { *a = ACTION_RESIZE_CORNER; return true; } else if (streq("resize_side", s)) { *a = ACTION_RESIZE_SIDE; return true; } else if (streq("focus", s)) { *a = ACTION_FOCUS; return true; } return false; } bool parse_degree(char *s, int *d) { int i = atoi(s); while (i < 0) i += 360; while (i > 359) i -= 360; if ((i % 90) != 0) { return false; } else { *d = i; return true; } } bool parse_window_id(char *s, long int *i) { char *end; errno = 0; long int ret = strtol(s, &end, 0); if (errno != 0 || *end != '\0') return false; else *i = ret; return true; } bool parse_bool_declaration(char *s, char **key, bool *value, alter_state_t *state) { *key = strtok(s, EQL_TOK); char *v = strtok(NULL, EQL_TOK); if (v == NULL) { *state = ALTER_TOGGLE; return true; } else { if (parse_bool(v, value)) { *state = ALTER_SET; return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } bool parse_index(char *s, int *i) { int idx; if (sscanf(s, "^%i", &idx) != 1 || idx < 1) return false; *i = idx; return true; }