. |-. ,-. ,-. . , , ,-,-. | | `-. | | |/|/ | | | ^-' `-' |-' ' ' ' ' ' | ' # Description - Windows are represented as the leaves of a binary tree. - To each leaf corresponds exactly one window. - The only nodes which can be focused are the leaves. - The leaves are called *window nodes*. - The other nodes are called *container nodes*. - Only two methods of node insertion will be provided: *replace* and *pair*. Example: insertion of a new node (number 4) into the given tree with the *replace* method: b c / \ / \ 3 a --> 4 b ^ / \ ^ / \ 2 1 3 a / \ 2 1 +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 3 | | | | | | | | 3 |------------| --> | 4 |------------| | ^ | | | ^ | | | | | 1 | | | 2 | 1 | | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ And with the *pair* method: b b / \ / \ 3 a --> c a ^ / \ / \ / \ 2 1 4 3 2 1 ^ +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | | | | | | | | 2 | | 4 | 2 | | | | | ^ | | | 3 |------------| --> |------------|------------| | ^ | | | | | | | 1 | | 3 | 1 | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ - Each container node is a split rectangle. - The splitting method of a container node is either *automatic* or *manual*. - In the *automatic* splitting mode, the split type is vertical if the width of the rectangle of the node is greater that its height and horizontal otherwise. - Several tree transformations will be provided: directional leaf swap, node pulling, rotation, contraction, dilatation... # Planned Features - Directional focus movement. - Float individual windows (it means there will be a floating layer). - Resize and move floating windows with the keyboard. - Resize and move floating windows on a regular magnetic grid (the granularity of the grid might be related to GCD(screen\_width, screen\_height)). - Double window borders. Rationale: with single borders, it might happen that the color of the window border is too close to the color of the window content to be visible. - For floating windows, double borders will not be enough to always see the external borders: in order to solve the problem a custom X window property will be set, and a patch for `compton` will be provided (the third border will be the generated shadow). - Directional *pair* splitting preselection (feedback in the window border). - Don't automatically give the focus to toolbar windows. - When a fullscreen window looses the focus, its fullscreen state will be set to *false* if the window to be focused is in the same desktop. - Change settings and call methods at runtime (fifo). - Configuration file in Lua.