/* Copyright (c) 2012, Bastien Dejean * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "bspwm.h" #include "ewmh.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "query.h" #include "rule.h" #include "settings.h" #include "stack.h" #include "tree.h" #include "parse.h" #include "window.h" void schedule_window(xcb_window_t win) { coordinates_t loc; uint8_t override_redirect = 0; xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t *wa = xcb_get_window_attributes_reply(dpy, xcb_get_window_attributes(dpy, win), NULL); if (wa != NULL) { override_redirect = wa->override_redirect; free(wa); } if (override_redirect || locate_window(win, &loc)) { return; } /* ignore pending windows */ for (pending_rule_t *pr = pending_rule_head; pr != NULL; pr = pr->next) { if (pr->win == win) { return; } } rule_consequence_t *csq = make_rule_conquence(); apply_rules(win, csq); if (!schedule_rules(win, csq)) { manage_window(win, csq, -1); free(csq); } } void manage_window(xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq, int fd) { monitor_t *m = mon; desktop_t *d = mon->desk; node_t *f = mon->desk->focus; parse_rule_consequence(fd, csq); if (!csq->manage) { free(csq->layer); free(csq->state); window_show(win); return; } if (csq->node_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, d, f}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (node_from_desc(csq->node_desc, &ref, &trg)) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.desktop; f = trg.node; } } else if (csq->desktop_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, d, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (desktop_from_desc(csq->desktop_desc, &ref, &trg)) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.desktop; f = trg.desktop->focus; } } else if (csq->monitor_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, NULL, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (monitor_from_desc(csq->monitor_desc, &ref, &trg)) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.monitor->desk; f = trg.monitor->desk->focus; } } if (csq->sticky) { m = mon; d = mon->desk; f = mon->desk->focus; } if (csq->split_dir[0] != '\0' && f != NULL) { direction_t dir; if (parse_direction(csq->split_dir, &dir)) { presel_dir(m, d, f, dir); } } if (csq->split_ratio != 0 && f != NULL) { presel_ratio(m, d, f, csq->split_ratio); } node_t *n = make_node(win); client_t *c = make_client(); c->border_width = csq->border ? d->border_width : 0; n->client = c; initialize_client(n); update_floating_rectangle(n); if (c->floating_rectangle.x == 0 && c->floating_rectangle.y == 0) { csq->center = true; } c->min_width = csq->min_width; c->max_width = csq->max_width; c->min_height = csq->min_height; c->max_height = csq->max_height; monitor_t *mm = monitor_from_client(c); embrace_client(mm, c); adapt_geometry(&mm->rectangle, &m->rectangle, n); if (csq->center) { window_center(m, c); } snprintf(c->class_name, sizeof(c->class_name), "%s", csq->class_name); snprintf(c->instance_name, sizeof(c->instance_name), "%s", csq->instance_name); f = insert_node(m, d, n, f); clients_count++; put_status(SBSC_MASK_NODE_MANAGE, "node_manage %s %s 0x%X 0x%X\n", m->name, d->name, win, f!=NULL?f->id:0); if (f != NULL && f->client != NULL && csq->state != NULL && *(csq->state) == STATE_FLOATING) { c->last_layer = c->layer = f->client->layer; } if (csq->layer != NULL) { c->last_layer = c->layer = *(csq->layer); } if (csq->state != NULL) { set_state(m, d, n, *(csq->state)); c->last_state = c->state; } set_locked(m, d, n, csq->locked); set_sticky(m, d, n, csq->sticky); set_private(m, d, n, csq->private); arrange(m, d); bool give_focus = (csq->focus && (d == mon->desk || csq->follow)); if (give_focus) { focus_node(m, d, n); } else if (csq->focus) { activate_node(m, d, n); } else { stack(d, n, false); } uint32_t values[] = {CLIENT_EVENT_MASK | (focus_follows_pointer ? XCB_EVENT_MASK_ENTER_WINDOW : 0)}; xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, win, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values); if (d == m->desk) { window_show(n->id); } else { window_hide(n->id); } /* the same function is already called in `focus_node` but has no effects on unmapped windows */ if (give_focus) { xcb_set_input_focus(dpy, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, win, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); } ewmh_set_wm_desktop(n, d); ewmh_update_client_list(false); free(csq->layer); free(csq->state); } void unmanage_window(xcb_window_t win) { coordinates_t loc; if (locate_window(win, &loc)) { put_status(SBSC_MASK_NODE_UNMANAGE, "node_unmanage %s %s 0x%X\n", loc.monitor, loc.desktop, win); remove_node(loc.monitor, loc.desktop, loc.node); if (frozen_pointer->window == win) { frozen_pointer->action = ACTION_NONE; } arrange(loc.monitor, loc.desktop); } else { for (pending_rule_t *pr = pending_rule_head; pr != NULL; pr = pr->next) { if (pr->win == win) { remove_pending_rule(pr); return; } } } } void initialize_presel_feedback(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL || n->presel == NULL || n->presel->feedback != XCB_NONE) { return; } xcb_window_t win = xcb_generate_id(dpy); uint32_t mask = XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL | XCB_CW_SAVE_UNDER; uint32_t values[] = {get_color_pixel(presel_feedback_color), 1}; xcb_create_window(dpy, XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, win, root, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, mask, values); xcb_icccm_set_wm_class(dpy, win, sizeof(PRESEL_FEEDBACK_IC), PRESEL_FEEDBACK_IC); stacking_list_t *s = stack_tail; while (s != NULL && !IS_TILED(s->node->client)) { s = s->prev; } if (s != NULL) { window_above(win, s->node->id); } n->presel->feedback = win; } void draw_presel_feedback(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n) { if (n == NULL || n->presel == NULL) { return; } bool exists = (n->presel->feedback != XCB_NONE); if (!exists) { initialize_presel_feedback(n); } int gap = gapless_monocle && (d->layout == LAYOUT_MONOCLE || (single_monocle && tiled_count(d->root) == 1)) ? 0 : d->window_gap; presel_t *p = n->presel; xcb_rectangle_t rect = n->rectangle; rect.x = rect.y = 0; rect.width -= gap; rect.height -= gap; xcb_rectangle_t presel_rect = rect; switch (p->split_dir) { case DIR_NORTH: presel_rect.height = p->split_ratio * rect.height; break; case DIR_EAST: presel_rect.width = (1 - p->split_ratio) * rect.width; presel_rect.x = rect.width - presel_rect.width; break; case DIR_SOUTH: presel_rect.height = (1 - p->split_ratio) * rect.height; presel_rect.y = rect.height - presel_rect.height; break; case DIR_WEST: presel_rect.width = p->split_ratio * rect.width; break; } window_move_resize(p->feedback, n->rectangle.x + presel_rect.x, n->rectangle.y + presel_rect.y, presel_rect.width, presel_rect.height); if (!exists && m->desk == d) { window_show(p->feedback); } } void refresh_presel_feebacks_in(node_t *n, desktop_t *d, monitor_t *m) { if (n == NULL) { return; } else { if (n->presel != NULL) { draw_presel_feedback(m, d, n); } refresh_presel_feebacks_in(n->first_child, d, m); refresh_presel_feebacks_in(n->second_child, d, m); } } void update_colors(void) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { update_colors_in(d->root, d, m); } } } void update_colors_in(node_t *n, desktop_t *d, monitor_t *m) { if (n == NULL) { return; } else { if (n->presel != NULL) { uint32_t pxl = get_color_pixel(presel_feedback_color); xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, n->presel->feedback, XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL, &pxl); if (d == m->desk) { /* hack to induce back pixel refresh */ window_hide(n->presel->feedback); window_show(n->presel->feedback); } } if (n == d->focus) { draw_border(n, true, (m == mon)); } else if (n->client != NULL) { draw_border(n, false, (m == mon)); } else { update_colors_in(n->first_child, d, m); update_colors_in(n->second_child, d, m); } } } void draw_border(node_t *n, bool focused_node, bool focused_monitor) { if (n == NULL) { return; } uint32_t border_color_pxl = get_border_color(focused_node, focused_monitor); for (node_t *f = first_extrema(n); f != NULL; f = next_leaf(f, n)) { if (f->client->border_width > 0) { window_draw_border(f->id, border_color_pxl); } } } void window_draw_border(xcb_window_t win, uint32_t border_color_pxl) { xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, win, XCB_CW_BORDER_PIXEL, &border_color_pxl); } pointer_state_t *make_pointer_state(void) { pointer_state_t *p = malloc(sizeof(pointer_state_t)); p->monitor = NULL; p->desktop = NULL; p->node = p->vertical_fence = p->horizontal_fence = NULL; p->client = NULL; p->window = XCB_NONE; p->action = ACTION_NONE; return p; } void adopt_orphans(void) { xcb_query_tree_reply_t *qtr = xcb_query_tree_reply(dpy, xcb_query_tree(dpy, root), NULL); if (qtr == NULL) { return; } int len = xcb_query_tree_children_length(qtr); xcb_window_t *wins = xcb_query_tree_children(qtr); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint32_t idx; xcb_window_t win = wins[i]; if (xcb_ewmh_get_wm_desktop_reply(ewmh, xcb_ewmh_get_wm_desktop(ewmh, win), &idx, NULL) == 1) { schedule_window(win); } } free(qtr); } void window_close(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) { return; } else if (n->client != NULL) { send_client_message(n->id, ewmh->WM_PROTOCOLS, WM_DELETE_WINDOW); } else { window_close(n->first_child); window_close(n->second_child); } } void window_kill(monitor_t *m, desktop_t *d, node_t *n) { if (n == NULL) { return; } for (node_t *f = first_extrema(n); f != NULL; f = next_leaf(f, n)) { xcb_kill_client(dpy, f->id); } remove_node(m, d, n); } uint32_t get_border_color(bool focused_node, bool focused_monitor) { if (focused_monitor && focused_node) { return get_color_pixel(focused_border_color); } else if (focused_node) { return get_color_pixel(active_border_color); } else { return get_color_pixel(normal_border_color); } } void update_floating_rectangle(node_t *n) { client_t *c = n->client; xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geo = xcb_get_geometry_reply(dpy, xcb_get_geometry(dpy, n->id), NULL); if (geo != NULL) { c->floating_rectangle = (xcb_rectangle_t) {geo->x, geo->y, geo->width, geo->height}; } free(geo); } void restrain_floating_width(client_t *c, int *width) { if (*width < 1) { *width = 1; } if (c->min_width > 0 && *width < c->min_width) { *width = c->min_width; } else if (c->max_width > 0 && *width > c->max_width) { *width = c->max_width; } } void restrain_floating_height(client_t *c, int *height) { if (*height < 1) { *height = 1; } if (c->min_height > 0 && *height < c->min_height) { *height = c->min_height; } else if (c->max_height > 0 && *height > c->max_height) { *height = c->max_height; } } void restrain_floating_size(client_t *c, int *width, int *height) { restrain_floating_width(c, width); restrain_floating_height(c, height); } void query_pointer(xcb_window_t *win, xcb_point_t *pt) { window_lower(motion_recorder); xcb_query_pointer_reply_t *qpr = xcb_query_pointer_reply(dpy, xcb_query_pointer(dpy, root), NULL); if (qpr != NULL) { if (win != NULL) { *win = qpr->child; } if (pt != NULL) { *pt = (xcb_point_t) {qpr->root_x, qpr->root_y}; } } free(qpr); window_raise(motion_recorder); } void window_border_width(xcb_window_t win, uint32_t bw) { uint32_t values[] = {bw}; xcb_configure_window(dpy, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH, values); } void window_move(xcb_window_t win, int16_t x, int16_t y) { uint32_t values[] = {x, y}; xcb_configure_window(dpy, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X_Y, values); } void window_resize(xcb_window_t win, uint16_t w, uint16_t h) { uint32_t values[] = {w, h}; xcb_configure_window(dpy, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH_HEIGHT, values); } void window_move_resize(xcb_window_t win, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h) { uint32_t values[] = {x, y, w, h}; xcb_configure_window(dpy, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X_Y_WIDTH_HEIGHT, values); } void window_raise(xcb_window_t win) { uint32_t values[] = {XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE}; xcb_configure_window(dpy, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE, values); } void window_center(monitor_t *m, client_t *c) { xcb_rectangle_t *r = &c->floating_rectangle; xcb_rectangle_t a = m->rectangle; if (r->width >= a.width) { r->x = a.x; } else { r->x = a.x + (a.width - r->width) / 2; } if (r->height >= a.height) { r->y = a.y; } else { r->y = a.y + (a.height - r->height) / 2; } r->x -= c->border_width; r->y -= c->border_width; } void window_stack(xcb_window_t w1, xcb_window_t w2, uint32_t mode) { if (w2 == XCB_NONE) { return; } uint16_t mask = XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_SIBLING | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE; uint32_t values[] = {w2, mode}; xcb_configure_window(dpy, w1, mask, values); } void window_above(xcb_window_t w1, xcb_window_t w2) { window_stack(w1, w2, XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE); } void window_below(xcb_window_t w1, xcb_window_t w2) { window_stack(w1, w2, XCB_STACK_MODE_BELOW); } void window_lower(xcb_window_t win) { uint32_t values[] = {XCB_STACK_MODE_BELOW}; xcb_configure_window(dpy, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE, values); } void window_set_visibility(xcb_window_t win, bool visible) { uint32_t values_off[] = {ROOT_EVENT_MASK & ~XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_NOTIFY}; uint32_t values_on[] = {ROOT_EVENT_MASK}; xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values_off); if (visible) { xcb_map_window(dpy, win); } else { xcb_unmap_window(dpy, win); } xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values_on); } void window_hide(xcb_window_t win) { window_set_visibility(win, false); } void window_show(xcb_window_t win) { window_set_visibility(win, true); } void enable_motion_recorder(void) { window_raise(motion_recorder); window_show(motion_recorder); } void disable_motion_recorder(void) { window_hide(motion_recorder); } void update_motion_recorder(void) { xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geo = xcb_get_geometry_reply(dpy, xcb_get_geometry(dpy, root), NULL); if (geo != NULL) { window_resize(motion_recorder, geo->width, geo->height); } free(geo); } void update_input_focus(void) { set_input_focus(mon->desk->focus); } void set_input_focus(node_t *n) { if (n == NULL || n->client == NULL) { clear_input_focus(); } else { if (n->client->icccm_input) { xcb_set_input_focus(dpy, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_PARENT, n->id, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); } else if (n->client->icccm_focus) { send_client_message(n->id, ewmh->WM_PROTOCOLS, WM_TAKE_FOCUS); } } } void clear_input_focus(void) { xcb_set_input_focus(dpy, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, root, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); } void center_pointer(xcb_rectangle_t r) { int16_t cx = r.x + r.width / 2; int16_t cy = r.y + r.height / 2; window_lower(motion_recorder); xcb_warp_pointer(dpy, XCB_NONE, root, 0, 0, 0, 0, cx, cy); window_raise(motion_recorder); } void get_atom(char *name, xcb_atom_t *atom) { xcb_intern_atom_reply_t *reply = xcb_intern_atom_reply(dpy, xcb_intern_atom(dpy, 0, strlen(name), name), NULL); if (reply != NULL) { *atom = reply->atom; } else { *atom = XCB_NONE; } free(reply); } void set_atom(xcb_window_t win, xcb_atom_t atom, uint32_t value) { xcb_change_property(dpy, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, win, atom, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 32, 1, &value); } bool has_proto(xcb_atom_t atom, xcb_icccm_get_wm_protocols_reply_t *protocols) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < protocols->atoms_len; i++) { if (protocols->atoms[i] == atom) { return true; } } return false; } void send_client_message(xcb_window_t win, xcb_atom_t property, xcb_atom_t value) { xcb_client_message_event_t e; e.response_type = XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE; e.window = win; e.format = 32; e.sequence = 0; e.type = property; e.data.data32[0] = value; e.data.data32[1] = XCB_CURRENT_TIME; xcb_send_event(dpy, false, win, XCB_EVENT_MASK_NO_EVENT, (char *) &e); }