#include #include #include "bspwm.h" #include "tree.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "messages.h" #include "history.h" #include "query.h" void query_monitors(coordinates_t loc, domain_t dom, char *rsp) { char line[MAXLEN]; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (loc.monitor != NULL && m != loc.monitor) continue; if (dom != DOMAIN_DESKTOP) { if (dom == DOMAIN_MONITOR) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s\n", m->name); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); continue; } else { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s %ux%u%+i%+i %i,%i,%i,%i", m->name, m->rectangle.width, m->rectangle.height, m->rectangle.x, m->rectangle.y, m->top_padding, m->right_padding, m->bottom_padding, m->left_padding); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); if (m == mon) strncat(rsp, " #", REMLEN(rsp)); else if (m == last_mon) strncat(rsp, " ~", REMLEN(rsp)); strncat(rsp, "\n", REMLEN(rsp)); } } query_desktops(m, dom, loc, (dom == DOMAIN_DESKTOP ? 0 : 1), rsp); } } void query_desktops(monitor_t *m, domain_t dom, coordinates_t loc, unsigned int depth, char *rsp) { char line[MAXLEN]; for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { if (loc.desktop != NULL && d != loc.desktop) continue; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) strncat(rsp, " ", REMLEN(rsp)); if (dom == DOMAIN_DESKTOP) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s\n", d->name); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); continue; } else { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s %i %c", d->name, d->window_gap, (d->layout == LAYOUT_TILED ? 'T' : 'M')); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); if (d == m->desk) strncat(rsp, " @", REMLEN(rsp)); else if (d == m->last_desk) strncat(rsp, " ~", REMLEN(rsp)); strncat(rsp, "\n", REMLEN(rsp)); } query_tree(d, d->root, rsp, depth + 1); } } void query_tree(desktop_t *d, node_t *n, char *rsp, unsigned int depth) { if (n == NULL) return; char line[MAXLEN]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) strncat(rsp, " ", REMLEN(rsp)); if (is_leaf(n)) { client_t *c = n->client; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%c %s 0x%X %u %ux%u%+i%+i %c %c%c%c%c%c%c", (n->birth_rotation == 90 ? 'a' : (n->birth_rotation == 270 ? 'c' : 'm')), c->class_name, c->window, c->border_width, c->floating_rectangle.width, c->floating_rectangle.height, c->floating_rectangle.x, c->floating_rectangle.y, (n->split_dir == DIR_UP ? 'U' : (n->split_dir == DIR_RIGHT ? 'R' : (n->split_dir == DIR_DOWN ? 'D' : 'L'))), (c->floating ? 'f' : '-'), (c->transient ? 't' : '-'), (c->fullscreen ? 'F' : '-'), (c->urgent ? 'u' : '-'), (c->locked ? 'l' : '-'), (n->split_mode ? 'p' : '-')); } else { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%c %c %.2f", (n->split_type == TYPE_HORIZONTAL ? 'H' : 'V'), (n->birth_rotation == 90 ? 'a' : (n->birth_rotation == 270 ? 'c' : 'm')), n->split_ratio); } strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); if (n == d->focus) strncat(rsp, " *", REMLEN(rsp)); strncat(rsp, "\n", REMLEN(rsp)); query_tree(d, n->first_child, rsp, depth + 1); query_tree(d, n->second_child, rsp, depth + 1); } void query_history(coordinates_t loc, char *rsp) { char line[MAXLEN]; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (loc.monitor != NULL && m != loc.monitor) continue; for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { if (loc.desktop != NULL && d != loc.desktop) continue; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s\n", d->name); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); for (node_list_t *a = d->history->tail; a != NULL; a = a->prev) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %X\n", a->node->client->window); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); } } } } void query_windows(coordinates_t loc, char *rsp) { char line[MAXLEN]; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (loc.monitor != NULL && m != loc.monitor) continue; for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) { if (loc.desktop != NULL && d != loc.desktop) continue; for (node_t *n = first_extrema(d->root); n != NULL; n = next_leaf(n, d->root)) { if (loc.node != NULL && n != loc.node) continue; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "0x%X\n", n->client->window); strncat(rsp, line, REMLEN(rsp)); } } } } bool node_from_desc(char *desc, coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst) { client_select_t sel; sel.type = CLIENT_TYPE_ALL; sel.class = CLIENT_CLASS_ALL; sel.mode = CLIENT_MODE_ALL; sel.urgency = CLIENT_URGENCY_ALL; char *tok; while ((tok = strrchr(desc, CAT_CHR)) != NULL) { tok[0] = '\0'; tok++; if (streq("tiled", tok)) { sel.type = CLIENT_TYPE_TILED; } else if (streq("floating", tok)) { sel.type = CLIENT_TYPE_FLOATING; } else if (streq("like", tok)) { sel.class = CLIENT_CLASS_EQUAL; } else if (streq("unlike", tok)) { sel.class = CLIENT_CLASS_DIFFER; } else if (streq("automatic", tok)) { sel.mode = CLIENT_MODE_AUTOMATIC; } else if (streq("manual", tok)) { sel.mode = CLIENT_MODE_MANUAL; } else if (streq("urgent", tok)) { sel.urgency = CLIENT_URGENCY_ON; } else if (streq("nonurgent", tok)) { sel.urgency = CLIENT_URGENCY_OFF; } } dst->monitor = ref->monitor; dst->desktop = ref->desktop; dst->node = NULL; direction_t dir; cycle_dir_t cyc; if (parse_direction(desc, &dir)) { dst->node = nearest_neighbor(dst->desktop, ref->node, dir, sel); } else if (parse_cycle_direction(desc, &cyc)) { dst->node = closest_node(ref->desktop, ref->node, cyc, sel); } else if (streq("last", desc)) { dst->node = history_last(ref->desktop->history, ref->node, sel); } else if (streq("biggest", desc)) { dst->node = find_biggest(ref->desktop, ref->node, sel); } else if (streq("focused", desc)) { if (node_matches(ref->node, mon->desk->focus, sel)) { dst->monitor = mon; dst->desktop = mon->desk; dst->node = mon->desk->focus; } } else { long int wid; if (parse_window_id(desc, &wid)) locate_window(wid, dst); } return (dst->node != NULL); } bool desktop_from_desc(char *desc, coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst) { desktop_select_t sel; sel.status = DESKTOP_STATUS_ALL; sel.urgency = DESKTOP_URGENCY_ALL; char *tok; while ((tok = strrchr(desc, CAT_CHR)) != NULL) { tok[0] = '\0'; tok++; if (streq("free", tok)) { sel.status = DESKTOP_STATUS_FREE; } else if (streq("occupied", tok)) { sel.status = DESKTOP_STATUS_OCCUPIED; } else if (streq("urgent", tok)) { sel.urgency = DESKTOP_URGENCY_ON; } else if (streq("nonurgent", tok)) { sel.urgency = DESKTOP_URGENCY_OFF; } } dst->desktop = NULL; cycle_dir_t cyc; int idx; if (parse_cycle_direction(desc, &cyc)) { dst->monitor = ref->monitor; dst->desktop = closest_desktop(ref->monitor, ref->desktop, cyc, sel); } else if (parse_index(desc, &idx)) { desktop_from_index(idx, dst); } else if (streq("last", desc)) { if (mon->last_desk != NULL && desktop_matches(mon->last_desk, sel)) { dst->monitor = mon; dst->desktop = mon->last_desk; } } else if (streq("focused", desc)) { if (desktop_matches(mon->desk, sel)) { dst->monitor = mon; dst->desktop = mon->desk; } } else { locate_desktop(desc, dst); } return (dst->desktop != NULL); } bool monitor_from_desc(char *desc, coordinates_t *ref, coordinates_t *dst) { desktop_select_t sel; sel.status = DESKTOP_STATUS_ALL; sel.urgency = DESKTOP_URGENCY_ALL; char *tok; while ((tok = strrchr(desc, CAT_CHR)) != NULL) { tok[0] = '\0'; tok++; if (streq("free", tok)) { sel.status = DESKTOP_STATUS_FREE; } else if (streq("occupied", tok)) { sel.status = DESKTOP_STATUS_OCCUPIED; } } dst->monitor = NULL; direction_t dir; cycle_dir_t cyc; int idx; if (parse_direction(desc, &dir)) { dst->monitor = nearest_monitor(ref->monitor, dir, sel); } else if (parse_cycle_direction(desc, &cyc)) { dst->monitor = closest_monitor(ref->monitor, cyc, sel); } else if (parse_index(desc, &idx)) { monitor_from_index(idx, dst); } else if (streq("last", desc)) { if (last_mon != NULL && desktop_matches(last_mon->desk, sel)) dst->monitor = last_mon; } else if (streq("primary", desc)) { if (pri_mon != NULL && desktop_matches(pri_mon->desk, sel)) dst->monitor = pri_mon; } else if (streq("focused", desc)) { if (desktop_matches(mon->desk, sel)) dst->monitor = mon; } else { locate_monitor(desc, dst); } return (dst->monitor != NULL); } bool locate_window(xcb_window_t win, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) for (node_t *n = first_extrema(d->root); n != NULL; n = next_leaf(n, d->root)) if (n->client->window == win) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = d; loc->node = n; return true; } return false; } bool locate_desktop(char *name, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) if (streq(d->name, name)) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = d; return true; } return false; } bool locate_monitor(char *name, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) if (streq(m->name, name)) { loc->monitor = m; return true; } return false; } bool desktop_from_index(int i, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next, i--) if (i == 1) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = d; loc->node = NULL; return true; } return false; } bool monitor_from_index(int i, coordinates_t *loc) { for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next, i--) if (i == 1) { loc->monitor = m; loc->desktop = NULL; loc->node = NULL; return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the specified node matches the selection criteria. * * Arguments: * node_t *c - the active node * node_t *t - the node to test * client_sel_t sel - the selection criteria * * Returns true if the node matches. **/ bool node_matches(node_t *c, node_t *t, client_select_t sel) { if (sel.type != CLIENT_TYPE_ALL && is_tiled(t->client) ? sel.type == CLIENT_TYPE_FLOATING : sel.type == CLIENT_TYPE_TILED ) return false; if (sel.class != CLIENT_CLASS_ALL && streq(c->client->class_name, t->client->class_name) ? sel.class == CLIENT_CLASS_DIFFER : sel.class == CLIENT_CLASS_EQUAL ) return false; if (sel.mode != CLIENT_MODE_ALL && t->split_mode == MODE_MANUAL ? sel.mode == CLIENT_MODE_AUTOMATIC : sel.mode == CLIENT_MODE_MANUAL) return false; if (sel.urgency != CLIENT_URGENCY_ALL && t->client->urgent ? sel.urgency == CLIENT_URGENCY_OFF : sel.urgency == CLIENT_URGENCY_ON ) return false; return true; } bool desktop_matches(desktop_t *t, desktop_select_t sel) { if (sel.status != DESKTOP_STATUS_ALL && t->root == NULL ? sel.status == DESKTOP_STATUS_OCCUPIED : sel.status == DESKTOP_STATUS_FREE ) return false; if (sel.urgency != DESKTOP_URGENCY_ALL && is_urgent(t) ? sel.urgency == DESKTOP_URGENCY_OFF : sel.urgency == DESKTOP_URGENCY_ON ) return false; return true; }