It appears that unmapping windows might generate undesirable enter
notify events. It can lead a very nasty bug where the focus constantly
switches between two desktops ad infinitum (cf. #268).
When dialog window shows, I cannot move pointer outside this dialog window
because when I move it, it jumps in window's center (again on dialog).
So, this commit disables pff when mouse focus event happen and enables
- Expand `underlying_monitor` into `monitor_from_client` to avoid
passing a NULL pointer to `translate_client`.
- Remove the `fit_monitor` setting (use the `--center` rule effect
- Don't remap a window in it's last location (node invisibility would be
the proper way to do this).
- Call `translate_client` after configure requests.
The last desktop and monitor are now deduced from the history.
The stacking order is now independent from the history of the focused
nodes: this prevents hacks on both sides.
All windows are now considered in the stacking algorithm: it prevents
tiled windows from one monitor to appear above the floating windows of
another monitor.
Transfered windows are stacked below the windows of the same kind.
Example: if one chromium window is opened and a link is opened in
newsbeuter then chromium will steal the input focus (without explicitly
requesting focus via the proper EWMH message).
The new message syntax:
- Provides 10 commands instead of 60.
- Allows multiple actions to be applied in one call.
The client now returns an non zero exit code when a message fails.
The `is_adjacent` function now handles vacant nodes.
The above message was only needed for ending the `move` pointer action
on a floating window. It rendered the `move` pointer action finicky
because the floating rectangle of the floating windows was not updated
in real time.