;;; boon-qwertz.el --- An Ergonomic Command Mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'boon) (define-key boon-select-map "q" 'boon-select-outside-quotes) (define-key boon-select-map "w" 'boon-select-word) (define-key boon-select-map "g" 'boon-select-paragraph) (define-key boon-select-map "a" 'boon-select-borders) ;; Around (define-key boon-select-map "s" 'boon-select-wim) ;; symbol (define-key boon-select-map "v" 'boon-select-with-spaces) (define-key boon-select-map "d" 'boon-select-document) (define-key boon-select-map "C" 'boon-select-comment) (define-key boon-select-map "x" 'boon-select-outside-pairs) ;; eXpression (define-key boon-select-map "c" 'boon-select-inside-pairs) ;; Contents (define-key boon-select-map "y" 'boon-select-content) ;; inZide (define-key boon-select-map "b" 'boon-select-blanks) ;; blanKs (define-key boon-moves-map "n" '("noon walk" . boon-switch-mark)) (define-key boon-moves-map "N" 'xref-pop-marker-stack) (define-key boon-moves-map "z" '("fYnd" . xref-find-definitions)) (define-key boon-moves-map "Z" 'xref-find-references) (define-key boon-moves-map "i" 'previous-line) (define-key boon-moves-map "o" 'next-line) (define-key boon-moves-map "I" 'backward-paragraph) (define-key boon-moves-map "O" 'forward-paragraph) (define-key boon-moves-map "u" 'boon-beginning-of-line) (define-key boon-moves-map "p" 'boon-end-of-line) (define-key boon-moves-map "j" 'boon-smarter-backward) (define-key boon-moves-map "รถ" 'boon-smarter-forward) (define-key boon-moves-map "K" 'boon-smarter-upward) (define-key boon-moves-map "L" 'boon-smarter-downward) (define-key boon-moves-map "," 'boon-beginning-of-expression) (define-key boon-moves-map "." 'boon-end-of-expression) (define-key boon-moves-map "k" 'backward-char) (define-key boon-moves-map "l" 'forward-char) (define-key boon-moves-map "<" 'beginning-of-buffer) (define-key boon-moves-map ">" 'end-of-buffer) (define-key boon-moves-map "h" '("hop" . avy-goto-word-1)) (define-key boon-moves-map "H" 'avy-goto-char) ;; Special keys ;; LEFT HAND ;; Top row ;; q (define-key boon-command-map "q" '("quote" . boon-quote-character)) ;; w,e ;; where is? elsewhere? (define-key boon-moves-map "w" '("where was?" . boon-backward-search-map)) (define-key boon-moves-map "e" '("elsewhere?" . boon-forward-search-map)) (define-key boon-moves-map "W" 'boon-qsearch-previous) (define-key boon-moves-map "E" 'boon-qsearch-next) ;; r (define-key boon-command-map "r" '("occuR" . occur)) (define-key boon-command-map "R" 'kmacro-start-macro) ; Record ;; Misc crap (define-key boon-command-map "P" 'kmacro-end-or-call-macro) ; Play (define-key boon-command-map "X" 'boon-highlight-regexp) ;; t (define-key boon-command-map "t" '("transform" . boon-replace-by-character)) ;; home row ;; a (define-key boon-command-map "a" '("around" . boon-enclose)) ;; s (define-key boon-command-map "s" '("substitute" . boon-substitute-region)) ;; d (define-key boon-command-map "d" '("delete" . boon-take-region)) ; "delete" (define-key boon-command-map "D" 'boon-treasure-region) ; "duplicate" ;; f (define-key boon-command-map "f" '("fetch" . boon-splice)) (define-key boon-command-map "F" 'yank-pop) ;; g (define-key boon-command-map "g" '("goto" . boon-goto-map)) ;; Bottom row ;; z (define-key boon-command-map "y" '("repeat" . boon-repeat-command)) ;; x (define-key boon-command-map "x" 'boon-x-map) ;; c (define-key boon-command-map "c" 'boon-c-god) ;; v (define-key boon-command-map (kbd "C-v") 'boon-open-line-and-insert) (define-key boon-command-map "V" 'boon-open-next-line-and-insert) (define-key boon-command-map "v" '("v looks like an insert mark" . boon-set-insert-like-state)) ;; b (define-key boon-command-map "B" 'boon-copy-to-register) ; bank (define-key boon-command-map "b" 'insert-register) ;; RIGHT HAND: movement and marking commands. ;; Most of these are actually in the boon-moves-map; however some don't quite work there; so they end up here. (define-key boon-command-map (kbd "C-k") 'scroll-down-line) (define-key boon-command-map (kbd "C-l") 'scroll-up-line) (define-key indent-rigidly-map "k" 'indent-rigidly-right) (define-key indent-rigidly-map "l" 'indent-rigidly-left) (provide 'boon-qwertz) ;;; boon-qwertz.el ends here