;;; boon --- An Ergonomic Command Mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;;; Commentary: ;; fix swap-region ;; change helm-command-map to call stuff from the (overridden) helm-map ;; implement helm command mode as a translation map ;; h (help) C-c ? ;; ;; ;; When 24.4 rolls out: ;; use string-blank-p ;; bind rectangle-mark-mode ;; checkout electric-pair-mode options (http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2013/12/29/whats-new-in-emacs-24-4/) ;; ;; Enclosure " "textRET for arbitrary enclosures ;; Region specifier ' (former selected region) ;; Bind c to mode-specific things (instead of x c) ;; Command d should work on the selection if any ;; When inserting a newline; remove spaces before and after the point. ;; Support Fundamental buffers (see evil code) ;; Repeat "last command" (bind on return?) ;;; Code: (require 'boon-colemak) (require 'boon-extras) (provide 'boon) ;;; boon.el ends here