* Helm/Ivy/? Here is the old section from the tutorial. Removed it as helm/ivy is a choice that will depend on customization. HELM ------- Helm is a very useful package. Boon provides special support for it. >> If you have not done it yet, install helm now: (package-install 'helm) The command '\\[helm-occur]' starts `helm-occur'; which does a quick search for all occurrences of a pattern in the current buffer. >> Type '\\[helm-occur]' now >> Within the helm prompt area, type 'helm ' to jump to the beginning of this section. You can search for the current symbol by typing SPC in an empty helm mini-buffer. >> Move the cursor to an occurrence of the helm word, and type '\\[helm-occur] SPC'. \\ >> Use C-\\[helm-previous-line] and C-\\[helm-next-line] to select an occurrence, then type to jump to the currently selected occurrence Note: after typing \\\\[helm-previous-line], it suffices to type \\\\[helm-previous-line] to perform `helm-previous-line'. The keys which do not require repeating the C- prefix are: \\{boon-helm-command-map} \\ Besides `helm-occur', a few other helm commands are bound to keys starting with the same prefix: \\[helm-apropos] --> `helm-apropos' \\[helm-resume] --> `helm-resume' \\[helm-show-kill-ring] --> `helm-show-kill-ring' The full list of key bound to that prefix is: \\{boon-goto-map} * Fully Support Fundamental buffers I tried to do this following the code in Evil but it does not work. According to Sefan Monnier (private email), creating a buffer without setting up the "fundamental mode" is not allowed. So there is nothing to do except bug the maintainers of the offending packages.