with import (fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-19.03.tar.gz) {}; let hp = haskellPackages.override{ overrides = self: super: { lp-diagrams = self.callPackage ./lp-diagrams.nix {}; marxup = self.callPackage ./marxup.nix {}; };}; ghc = hp.ghcWithPackages (ps: with ps; ([ base gasp lens lp-diagrams lp-diagrams-svg ])); myTexLive = texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) make4ht # html conversion tex4ht # html conversion hyphenat # don't hyphenate dvipng # org-mode preview needs this arabtex ebgaramond # font #fonts tex-gyre tex-gyre-math collection-fontsrecommended comment dejavu doublestroke # usepackage dsfont inconsolata latexmk libertine libertinus # collection-fontutils biblatex capt-of cm-super # dvipng # org-mode preview wants this; but broken mathdesign # jlm requirement enumitem fancyhdr filehook hyperref lastpage lazylist # for lhs2tex lm lm-math logreq marvosym multirow newunicodechar newtx # newtxmath pgfplots polytable # for lhs2tex scheme-small soul stmaryrd titlesec # change the environment of sections, etc. in convenient way titling # tweaking title fontaxes threeparttable todonotes ucharcat unicode-math varwidth wasy wasysym wrapfig xargs xstring; }; in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "my-env-0"; buildInputs = [ z3 myTexLive ]; shellHook = '' export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ''; }