use nice wrapper

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2021-12-09 13:18:10 +01:00
parent 333292568e
commit c08f6a800b
2 changed files with 146 additions and 43 deletions

flake.lock generated
View file

@ -1,5 +1,25 @@
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View file

@ -1,48 +1,17 @@
{ {
description = "binary representation for simple data structures"; description = "binary representation for simple data structures";
inputs = { inputs = {
utils.url = "github:vale981/hiro-flake-utils";
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
poetry2nix.url = "github:nix-community/poetry2nix";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; fcSpline.url = "github:vale981/fcSpline";
}; };
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, poetry2nix }: outputs = inputs@{ self, utils, nixpkgs, ... }:
let (utils.lib.poetry2nixWrapper nixpkgs inputs {
name = "binfootprint"; name = "binfootprint";
in { poetryArgs = {
overlay = nixpkgs.lib.composeManyExtensions [ projectDir = ./.;
poetry2nix.overlay };
(final: prev: { });
${name} = (prev.poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication {
projectDir = ./.;
doCheck = false;
preferWheels = true;
} // (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = [ self.overlay ];
rec {
packages = {
${name} = pkgs.${name};
defaultPackage = packages.${name};
devShell = (pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
projectDir = ./.;
editablePackageSources = {
${name} = ./${name};
}).env.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.poetry pkgs.pyright ];
} }