cleanup to increase codecov

This commit is contained in:
Richard Hartmann 2016-09-30 22:36:59 +02:00
parent 63586ed834
commit 6add4a51d7
2 changed files with 88 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ _INT_32 = 0x01
_FLOAT = 0x02
_COMPLEX = 0x03
_STR = 0x04
_BYTES = 0x05
_BYTES = 0x05 # only for python3, as bytes and str are equivalent in python2
_INT = 0x06
_TUPLE = 0x07
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ _LIST = 0x0a
_GETSTATE = 0x0b
_DICT = 0x0c
_INT_NEG = 0x0d
_BFSTATE = 0x0e
_VERS = 0x80
def getVersion():
@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ def _load_spec(b):
elif b[1] == char_to_byte('N'):
return None, 2
raise BFLoadError("unknown code for 'special' {}".format(b[1]))
raise BFLoadError("internal error (unknown code for 'special' {})".format(b[1]))
def _dump_int_32(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_INT_32])
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ def _load_int(b):
elif comp_id(b[0], _INT_NEG):
m = -1
assert False
raise BFLoadError("internal error (unknown int id {})".format(b[0]))
num_bytes = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
i = m*bytes_to_int(b[5:5+num_bytes])
return i, num_bytes + 5
@ -233,10 +232,7 @@ def _dump_bytes(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_BYTES])
num_bytes = len(ob)
b += struct.pack('>I', num_bytes)
if isinstance(b, str):
b += str(ob)
b += ob
b += ob
return b
def _load_bytes(b):
@ -339,14 +335,6 @@ def _dump_getstate(ob):
return b
# def _dump_bfstate(ob):
# b = init_BYTES([_BFSTATE])
# state = ob.__bfstate__()
# obj_type = ob.__class__.__name__
# b += _dump(str(obj_type))
# b += _dump(state)
# return b
def _load_getstate(b, classes):
assert comp_id(b[0], _GETSTATE)
obj_type, l_obj_type = _load_str(b[1:])
@ -407,11 +395,9 @@ def _dump(ob):
elif isinstance(ob, dict):
return _dump_dict(ob)
elif hasattr(ob, '__getstate__'):
return _dump_getstate(ob)
elif hasattr(ob, '__bfstate__'):
return _dump_bfstate(ob)
return _dump_getstate(ob)
raise RuntimeError("unsupported type for dump '{}'".format(type(ob)))
raise TypeError("unsupported type for dump '{}'".format(type(ob)))
def _load(b, classes):
identifier = b[0]
@ -443,17 +429,15 @@ def _load(b, classes):
return _load_dict(b, classes)
elif identifier == _GETSTATE:
return _load_getstate(b, classes)
elif identifier == _BFSTATE:
raise BFLoadError("BFSTATE objects can not be loaded")
raise BFLoadError("unknown identifier '{}'".format(hex(identifier)))
raise BFLoadError("internal error (unknown identifier '{}')".format(hex(identifier)))
def dump(ob, vers=_VERS):
returns the binary footprint of the object 'ob' as bytes
global _dump
if vers == _VERS:
global _dump # allows to temporally overwrite the global _dump
if vers == _VERS: # to dump using different version
return init_BYTES([_VERS]) + _dump(ob)
elif vers < 0x80:
__dump_tmp = _dump
@ -485,7 +469,7 @@ def load(b, classes={}):
return res
raise RuntimeError("unknown version tag found!")
raise BFLoadError("internal error (unknown version tag {})".format(vers))
@ -498,6 +482,11 @@ def load(b, classes={}):
# to be < 128 = 0x80
def _load_namedtuple_00(b, classes):
need to explicitly know the named tuple class for reconstruction
later version creates its own named tuple
assert comp_id(b[0], _NAMEDTUPLE)
size = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
class_name, len_ob = _load_str(b[5:])

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import binfootprint as bfp
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
import pytest
import warnings
@ -21,8 +22,9 @@ def test_version_tag():
assert bfp.byte_to_ord(binob[0]) == bfp.getVersion()
def test_atom():
atoms = [12345678, 3.141, 'hallo Welt', 'öäüß', True, False, None, 2**65, -3**65, b'\xff\fe\03']
atoms = [12345678, 3.141, 'hallo Welt', 'öäüß', True, False, None, 2**65, -3**65, b'\xff\fe\03', bytes(range(256))]
# new version
for atom in atoms:
bin_atom = bfp.dump(atom)
atom_prime = bfp.load(bin_atom)
@ -30,6 +32,15 @@ def test_atom():
assert bin_atom == bin_ob_prime
# old version
for atom in atoms:
bin_atom = bfp.dump(atom, vers=0)
atom_prime = bfp.load(bin_atom)
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(atom_prime, vers=0)
assert bin_atom == bin_ob_prime
def test_tuple():
t = (12345678, 3.141, 'hallo Welt', 'öäüß', True, False, None, (3, tuple(), (4,5,None), 'test'))
@ -39,6 +50,12 @@ def test_tuple():
assert t == t_prime
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(t_prime)
assert bin_tuple == bin_ob_prime
# old version
bin_tuple_00 = bfp.dump(t, vers=0)
assert type(bin_tuple_00) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
t_prime_00 = bfp.load(bin_tuple_00)
assert t == t_prime_00
def test_nparray():
ob = np.random.randn(3,53,2)
@ -56,7 +73,14 @@ def test_nparray():
assert np.all(ob[0] == ob_prime[0])
assert np.all(ob[1] == ob_prime[1])
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(ob_prime)
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
# old version
ob = np.random.randn(3,53,2)
bin_ob_00 = bfp.dump(ob, vers=0)
assert type(bin_ob_00) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
ob_prime_00 = bfp.load(bin_ob_00)
assert np.all(ob == ob_prime_00)
def test_list():
ob = [1,2,3]
@ -65,7 +89,7 @@ def test_list():
ob_prime = bfp.load(bin_ob)
assert np.all(ob == ob_prime)
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(ob_prime)
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
ob = [1, (2,3), np.array([2j,3j])]
bin_ob = bfp.dump(ob)
@ -75,7 +99,14 @@ def test_list():
assert np.all(ob[0] == ob_prime[0])
assert np.all(ob[1] == ob_prime[1])
assert np.all(ob[2] == ob_prime[2])
assert np.all(ob[2] == ob_prime[2])
# old version
ob = [1,2,3]
bin_ob_00 = bfp.dump(ob, vers=0)
assert type(bin_ob_00) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
ob_prime_00 = bfp.load(bin_ob_00)
assert np.all(ob == ob_prime_00)
def test_getstate():
class T(object):
@ -105,7 +136,13 @@ def test_getstate():
assert False, "binfootprint.BFUnkownClassError should have been raised"
# old version
bin_ob_00 = bfp.dump(ob, vers=0)
assert type(bin_ob_00) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
ob_prime_00 = bfp.load(bin_ob_00, classes)
assert np.all(ob.a == ob_prime_00.a)
def test_named_tuple():
obj_type = namedtuple('obj_type', ['a','b','c'])
@ -125,7 +162,13 @@ def test_complex():
bf = bfp.dump(z)
assert type(bf) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
zr = bfp.load(bf)
assert zr == z
assert zr == z
# old version
bf_00 = bfp.dump(z, vers=0)
assert type(bf_00) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
zr_00 = bfp.load(bf_00)
assert zr_00 == z
def test_dict():
a = {'a':1, 5:5, 3+4j:'l', False: b'ab4+#'}
@ -135,6 +178,13 @@ def test_dict():
for k in a:
assert a[k] == a_restored[k]
# old version
bf_00 = bfp.dump(a, vers=0)
assert type(bf_00) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
a_restored_00 = bfp.load(bf_00)
for k in a:
assert a[k] == a_restored_00[k]
def test_versions():
nt = namedtuple('nt', ['x', 'y'])
n = nt(4,5)
@ -142,19 +192,30 @@ def test_versions():
ob = [3, n, n2]
binob = bfp.dump(ob, vers = 0)
# version 00 needs to explicitly know the namedtuple class
ob_prime = bfp.load(binob, classes={'nt': nt})
assert ob_prime == ob
# if the namedtuple class is not passed raises BFUnknownClassError
except bfp.BFUnkownClassError:
assert False, "binfootprint.BFUnkownClassError should have been raised"
rest_ob = bfp.load(binob, {'nt': nt})
assert rest_ob == ob
# thats how it works in the new version
binob = bfp.dump(ob, vers = 0x80)
rest_ob = bfp.load(binob)
assert rest_ob == ob
def test_unsopportedtype():
obj = bytearray([4,5,6])
except TypeError:
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -168,5 +229,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":