mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 09:11:40 -05:00
move binfootprint from jobmanager
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 857 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
language: python
email: false
- '2.7'
- '3.4'
- '3.5'
- which python
- python --version
- pip install numpy
- pip install pytest pytest-cov
- pip install python-coveralls
- pip freeze
- py.test tests/ -v --cov=binfootprint --cov-report term-missing
- coveralls
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# binfootprint
Calculate a unique binary representation (binary footprint) for simple data structures
with the intension to use this binary footprint as a loop up key for example in a data base.
The following atomic types are supported:
* integer (32bit and python integer)
* float (the usual 64bit)
* complex (the usual 2 times 64bit)
* string
* bytes
* numpy ndarray (see note below)
These atomic types can be structured arbitrarily nested using the following python standard containers:
* tuple
* named tuple
* list
* dict
Generating the binary footprint and reconstruction is done as follows:
import binfootprint as bf
data = ['hallo', 42]
bin_key = bf.dump(data)
data_prime = bf.load(bin_key)
Further any class that implements __getstate__ may be used as a container as well. When reconstructing, the class needs to have the __setstate__ method implemented.
Additionally the `bf.load` function required a mapping from the class name to the class object, like this:
import binfootprint as bf
class T(object):
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def __getstate__(self):
return [self.a]
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.a = state[0]
ob = T(4)
bin_ob = bf.dump(ob)
# reconstruction
classes = {}
classes['T'] = T
ob_prime = bf.load(bin_ob, classes)
### Note on numpy ndarrays
As it has not been clarified/tested yet whether the buffer of the numpy ndarray is really unique also on different machines and architectures
is it not assured that the binary footprint serves as a valid key.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function
This module intents to generate a binary representation of a python object
where it is guaranteed that the same objects will result in the same binary
By far not all python objects are supported. Here is the list of supported types
- special build-in constants: True, False, None
- integer
- float (64bit)
- complex (128bit)
- np.ndarray
- list
- tuple
- dictionary
- namedtuple (new since version 0x80, before it also need the 'classes' lookup when loaded)
For any nested combination of these objects it is also guaranteed that the
original objects can be restored without any extra information.
- 'getstate' (objects that implement __getstate__ and return a state that can be dumped as well)
can be dumped. To Restore these objects the load function needs a lookup given by the argument 'classes'
which maps the objects class name (obj.__class__.__name__) to the actual class definition (the class object).
Of course for these objects the __setstate__ method needs to be implemented.
NOTE: the tests pass python2.7 and python 3.4 so far, but it not yet been tested if the binary representation
is the same among different python versions (they should be though!)
from collections import namedtuple
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
import struct
from sys import version_info
_spec_types = (bool, type(None))
_SPEC = 0x00 # True, False, None
_INT_32 = 0x01
_FLOAT = 0x02
_COMPLEX = 0x03
_STR = 0x04
_BYTES = 0x05
_INT = 0x06
_TUPLE = 0x07
_NPARRAY = 0x09
_LIST = 0x0a
_GETSTATE = 0x0b
_DICT = 0x0c
_INT_NEG = 0x0d
_BFSTATE = 0x0e
_VERS = 0x80
def getVersion():
return _VERS
__max_int32 = +2147483647
__min_int32 = -2147483648
def __int_to_bytes(i):
m = 0xff
assert i >= 0
ba = str()
while i > 0:
b = i & m
ba += str(bytearray([b]))
i = i >> 8
return ba[::-1]
def __bytes_to_int(ba):
i = 0
for b in ba:
i = i << 8
i += ord(b)
return i
def char_eq_byte(ch, b):
return ord(ch) == b
def byte_eq_byte(b1, b2):
return b1 == b2
if version_info.major > 2:
BIN_TYPE = bytes
str_to_bytes = lambda s: bytes(s, 'utf8')
bytes_to_str = lambda b: str(b, 'utf8')
np_load = lambda ba: np.loads(ba)
init_BYTES = lambda b: bytes(b)
comp_id = byte_eq_byte
char_to_byte = lambda ch: ord(ch)
byte_to_ord = lambda b: b
BIN_TYPE = str
str_to_bytes = lambda s: s
bytes_to_str = lambda b: str(b)
LONG_TYPE = long
np_load = lambda ba: np.loads(str(ba))
init_BYTES = lambda b: str(bytearray(b))
comp_id = char_eq_byte
char_to_byte = lambda ch: ch
byte_to_ord = lambda b: ord(b)
int_to_bytes = lambda i: i.to_bytes(ceil(i.bit_length() / 8), 'big')
bytes_to_int = lambda ba: int.from_bytes(ba, 'big')
except AttributeError:
int_to_bytes = __int_to_bytes
__b_tmp = int_to_bytes(2**77)
except AttributeError:
bytes_to_int = __bytes_to_int
assert bytes_to_int(__b_tmp) == 2**77
class BFLoadError(Exception):
class BFUnkownClassError(Exception):
def __init__(self, classname):
Exception.__init__(self, "could not load object of type '{}', no class definition found in classes\n".format(classname)+
"Please provide the lookup 'classes' when calling load, that maps the class name of the object to the actual "+
"class definition (class object).")
def _dump_spec(ob):
if ob == True:
b = init_BYTES([_SPEC, char_to_byte('T')])
elif ob == False:
b = init_BYTES([_SPEC, char_to_byte('F')])
elif ob == None:
b = init_BYTES([_SPEC, char_to_byte('N')])
raise RuntimeError("object is not of 'special' kind!")
return b
def _load_spec(b):
assert comp_id(b[0], _SPEC)
if b[1] == char_to_byte('T'):
return True, 2
elif b[1] == char_to_byte('F'):
return False, 2
elif b[1] == char_to_byte('N'):
return None, 2
raise BFLoadError("unknown code for 'special' {}".format(b[1]))
def _dump_int_32(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_INT_32])
b += struct.pack('>i', ob)
return b
def _load_int_32(b):
assert comp_id(b[0], _INT_32)
i = struct.unpack('>i', b[1:5])[0]
return i, 5
def _dump_int(ob):
if ob < 0:
b = init_BYTES([_INT_NEG])
ob *= -1
b = init_BYTES([_INT])
ib = int_to_bytes(ob)
num_bytes = len(ib)
b += struct.pack('>I', num_bytes)
b += ib
return b
def _load_int(b):
if comp_id(b[0], _INT):
m = 1
elif comp_id(b[0], _INT_NEG):
m = -1
assert False
num_bytes = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
i = m*bytes_to_int(b[5:5+num_bytes])
return i, num_bytes + 5
def _dump_float(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_FLOAT])
b += struct.pack('>d', ob)
return b
def _load_float(b):
assert comp_id(b[0],_FLOAT)
f = struct.unpack('>d', b[1:9])[0]
return f, 9
def _dump_complex(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_COMPLEX])
b += struct.pack('>d', ob.real)
b += struct.pack('>d', ob.imag)
return b
def _load_complex(b):
assert comp_id(b[0], _COMPLEX)
re = struct.unpack('>d', b[1:9])[0]
im = struct.unpack('>d', b[9:17])[0]
return re + 1j*im, 13
def _dump_str(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_STR])
str_bytes = str_to_bytes(ob)
num_bytes = len(str_bytes)
b += struct.pack('>I', num_bytes)
b += str_bytes
return b
def _load_str(b):
assert comp_id(b[0], _STR)
num_bytes = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
s = bytes_to_str(b[5:5+num_bytes])
return s, 5+num_bytes
def _dump_bytes(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_BYTES])
num_bytes = len(ob)
b += struct.pack('>I', num_bytes)
if isinstance(b, str):
b += str(ob)
b += ob
return b
def _load_bytes(b):
assert comp_id(b[0], _BYTES)
num_bytes = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
b_ = b[5:5+num_bytes]
return b_, 5+num_bytes
def _dump_tuple(t):
b = init_BYTES([_TUPLE])
size = len(t)
b += struct.pack('>I', size)
for ti in t:
b += _dump(ti)
return b
def _load_tuple(b, classes):
assert comp_id(b[0], _TUPLE)
size = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
idx = 5
t = []
for i in range(size):
ob, len_ob = _load(b[idx:], classes)
idx += len_ob
return tuple(t), idx
def _dump_namedtuple(t):
size = len(t)
b += struct.pack('>I', size)
b += _dump(t.__class__.__name__)
for i in range(size):
b += _dump(t._fields[i])
b += _dump(t[i])
return b
def _load_namedtuple(b, classes):
assert comp_id(b[0], _NAMEDTUPLE)
size = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
class_name, len_ob = _load_str(b[5:])
idx = 5 + len_ob
t = []
fields = []
for i in range(size):
ob, len_ob = _load(b[idx:], classes)
idx += len_ob
ob, len_ob = _load(b[idx:], classes)
idx += len_ob
np_class = namedtuple(class_name, fields)
np_obj = np_class(*t)
return np_obj, idx
def _dump_list(t):
b = init_BYTES([_LIST])
size = len(t)
b += struct.pack('>I', size)
for ti in t:
b += _dump(ti)
return b
def _load_list(b, classes):
assert comp_id(b[0], _LIST)
size = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
idx = 5
t = []
for i in range(size):
ob, len_ob = _load(b[idx:], classes)
idx += len_ob
return t, idx
def _dump_np_array(np_array):
b = init_BYTES([_NPARRAY])
nparray_bytes = np.ndarray.dumps(np_array)
size = len(nparray_bytes)
b += struct.pack('>I', size)
b += nparray_bytes
return b
def _load_np_array(b):
assert comp_id(b[0], _NPARRAY)
size = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
npa = np_load(b[5: size+5])
return npa, size+5
def _dump_getstate(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_GETSTATE])
state = ob.__getstate__()
obj_type = ob.__class__.__name__
b += _dump(str(obj_type))
b += _dump(state)
return b
# def _dump_bfstate(ob):
# b = init_BYTES([_BFSTATE])
# state = ob.__bfstate__()
# obj_type = ob.__class__.__name__
# b += _dump(str(obj_type))
# b += _dump(state)
# return b
def _load_getstate(b, classes):
assert comp_id(b[0], _GETSTATE)
obj_type, l_obj_type = _load_str(b[1:])
state, l_state = _load(b[l_obj_type+1:], classes)
cls = classes[obj_type]
except KeyError:
raise BFUnkownClassError(obj_type)
obj = cls.__new__(cls)
return obj, l_obj_type+l_state+1
def _dump_dict(ob):
b = init_BYTES([_DICT])
keys = ob.keys()
bin_keys = []
for k in keys:
bin_keys.append( (_dump(k), _dump(ob[k])) )
b += _dump_list(sorted(bin_keys))
return b
def _load_dict(b, classes):
assert comp_id(b[0], _DICT)
sorted_keys_value, l = _load_list(b[1:], classes)
res_dict = {}
for i in range(len(sorted_keys_value)):
key = _load(sorted_keys_value[i][0], classes)[0]
value = _load(sorted_keys_value[i][1], classes)[0]
res_dict[key] = value
return res_dict, l+1
def _dump(ob):
if isinstance(ob, _spec_types):
return _dump_spec(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, (int, LONG_TYPE)):
if (__min_int32 <= ob) and (ob <= __max_int32):
return _dump_int_32(ob)
return _dump_int(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, float):
return _dump_float(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, complex):
return _dump_complex(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, str):
return _dump_str(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, bytes):
return _dump_bytes(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, tuple):
if hasattr(ob, '_fields'):
return _dump_namedtuple(ob)
return _dump_tuple(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, list):
return _dump_list(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, np.ndarray):
return _dump_np_array(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, dict):
return _dump_dict(ob)
elif hasattr(ob, '__getstate__'):
return _dump_getstate(ob)
elif hasattr(ob, '__bfstate__'):
return _dump_bfstate(ob)
raise RuntimeError("unsupported type for dump '{}'".format(type(ob)))
def _load(b, classes):
identifier = b[0]
if isinstance(identifier, str):
identifier = ord(identifier)
if identifier == _SPEC:
return _load_spec(b)
elif identifier == _INT_32:
return _load_int_32(b)
elif (identifier == _INT) or (identifier == _INT_NEG):
return _load_int(b)
elif identifier == _FLOAT:
return _load_float(b)
elif identifier == _COMPLEX:
return _load_complex(b)
elif identifier == _STR:
return _load_str(b)
elif identifier == _BYTES:
return _load_bytes(b)
elif identifier == _TUPLE:
return _load_tuple(b, classes)
elif identifier == _NAMEDTUPLE:
return _load_namedtuple(b, classes)
elif identifier == _LIST:
return _load_list(b, classes)
elif identifier == _NPARRAY:
return _load_np_array(b)
elif identifier == _DICT:
return _load_dict(b, classes)
elif identifier == _GETSTATE:
return _load_getstate(b, classes)
elif identifier == _BFSTATE:
raise BFLoadError("BFSTATE objects can not be loaded")
raise BFLoadError("unknown identifier '{}'".format(hex(identifier)))
def dump(ob, vers=_VERS):
returns the binary footprint of the object 'ob' as bytes
global _dump
if vers == _VERS:
return init_BYTES([_VERS]) + _dump(ob)
elif vers < 0x80:
__dump_tmp = _dump
_dump = _dump_00
res = _dump(ob)
_dump = __dump_tmp
return res
def load(b, classes={}):
reconstruct the object from the binary footprint given an bytes 'ba'
global _load
vers = b[0]
if byte_to_ord(vers) == _VERS:
return _load(b[1:], classes)[0]
elif byte_to_ord(vers) < 0x80:
# very first version
# has not even a version tag
__load_tmp = _load
_load = _load_00
res = _load(b, classes)[0]
_load = __load_tmp
return res
raise RuntimeError("unknown version tag found!")
# so the first two bytes must correspond to an identifier which are assumed
# to be < 128 = 0x80
def _load_namedtuple_00(b, classes):
assert comp_id(b[0], _NAMEDTUPLE)
size = struct.unpack('>I', b[1:5])[0]
class_name, len_ob = _load_str(b[5:])
idx = 5 + len_ob
t = []
for i in range(size):
ob, len_ob = _load(b[idx:], classes)
idx += len_ob
np_class = classes[class_name]
except KeyError:
raise BFUnkownClassError(class_name)
obj = np_class(*t)
return obj, idx
def _dump_namedtuple_00(t):
size = len(t)
b += struct.pack('>I', size)
b += _dump(t.__class__.__name__)
for ti in t:
b += _dump(ti)
return b
def _load_00(b, classes):
identifier = b[0]
if isinstance(identifier, str):
identifier = ord(identifier)
if identifier == _SPEC:
return _load_spec(b)
elif identifier == _INT_32:
return _load_int_32(b)
elif (identifier == _INT) or (identifier == _INT_NEG):
return _load_int(b)
elif identifier == _FLOAT:
return _load_float(b)
elif identifier == _COMPLEX:
return _load_complex(b)
elif identifier == _STR:
return _load_str(b)
elif identifier == _BYTES:
return _load_bytes(b)
elif identifier == _TUPLE:
return _load_tuple(b, classes)
elif identifier == _NAMEDTUPLE:
return _load_namedtuple_00(b, classes)
elif identifier == _LIST:
return _load_list(b, classes)
elif identifier == _NPARRAY:
return _load_np_array(b)
elif identifier == _DICT:
return _load_dict(b, classes)
elif identifier == _GETSTATE:
return _load_getstate(b, classes)
raise BFLoadError("unknown identifier '{}'".format(hex(identifier)))
def _dump_00(ob):
if isinstance(ob, _spec_types):
return _dump_spec(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, (int, LONG_TYPE)):
if (__min_int32 <= ob) and (ob <= __max_int32):
return _dump_int_32(ob)
return _dump_int(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, float):
return _dump_float(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, complex):
return _dump_complex(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, str):
return _dump_str(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, bytes):
return _dump_bytes(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, tuple):
if hasattr(ob, '_fields'):
return _dump_namedtuple_00(ob)
return _dump_tuple(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, list):
return _dump_list(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, np.ndarray):
return _dump_np_array(ob)
elif isinstance(ob, dict):
return _dump_dict(ob)
elif hasattr(ob, '__getstate__'):
return _dump_getstate(ob)
raise RuntimeError("unsupported type for dump '{}'".format(type(ob)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function
import sys
if sys.version_info.major > 2:
import pathlib
path = pathlib.PosixPath(__file__).absolute()
jobmanager = path.parent.parent
sys.path.insert(0, str(jobmanager))
from os.path import abspath, dirname, split
# Add parent directory to beginning of path variable
sys.path = [split(dirname(abspath(__file__)))[0]] + sys.path
import binfootprint as bfp
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
import warnings
def test_version_tag():
ob = 5
binob = bfp.dump(ob)
assert bfp.byte_to_ord(binob[0]) == bfp.getVersion()
def test_atom():
atoms = [12345678, 3.141, 'hallo Welt', 'öäüß', True, False, None, 2**65, -3**65, b'\xff\fe\03']
for atom in atoms:
bin_atom = bfp.dump(atom)
atom_prime = bfp.load(bin_atom)
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(atom_prime)
assert bin_atom == bin_ob_prime
def test_tuple():
t = (12345678, 3.141, 'hallo Welt', 'öäüß', True, False, None, (3, tuple(), (4,5,None), 'test'))
bin_tuple = bfp.dump(t)
assert type(bin_tuple) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
t_prime = bfp.load(bin_tuple)
assert t == t_prime
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(t_prime)
assert bin_tuple == bin_ob_prime
def test_nparray():
ob = np.random.randn(3,53,2)
bin_ob = bfp.dump(ob)
assert type(bin_ob) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
ob_prime = bfp.load(bin_ob)
assert np.all(ob == ob_prime)
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(ob_prime)
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
ob = np.random.randn(3,53,2)
ob = (ob, ob, 4, None)
bin_ob = bfp.dump(ob)
ob_prime = bfp.load(bin_ob)
assert np.all(ob[0] == ob_prime[0])
assert np.all(ob[1] == ob_prime[1])
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(ob_prime)
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
def test_list():
ob = [1,2,3]
bin_ob = bfp.dump(ob)
assert type(bin_ob) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
ob_prime = bfp.load(bin_ob)
assert np.all(ob == ob_prime)
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(ob_prime)
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
ob = [1, (2,3), np.array([2j,3j])]
bin_ob = bfp.dump(ob)
ob_prime = bfp.load(bin_ob)
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(ob_prime)
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
assert np.all(ob[0] == ob_prime[0])
assert np.all(ob[1] == ob_prime[1])
assert np.all(ob[2] == ob_prime[2])
def test_getstate():
class T(object):
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def __getstate__(self):
return [self.a]
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.a = state[0]
ob = T(4)
bin_ob = bfp.dump(ob)
assert type(bin_ob) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
classes = {}
classes['T'] = T
ob_prime = bfp.load(bin_ob, classes)
assert np.all(ob.a == ob_prime.a)
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(ob_prime)
assert bin_ob == bin_ob_prime
ob_prime = bfp.load(bin_ob)
except bfp.BFUnkownClassError:
assert False, "binfootprint.BFUnkownClassError should have been raised"
def test_named_tuple():
obj_type = namedtuple('obj_type', ['a','b','c'])
obj = obj_type(12345678, 3.141, 'hallo Welt')
bin_obj = bfp.dump(obj)
assert type(bin_obj) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
obj_prime = bfp.load(bin_obj)
assert obj_prime.__class__.__name__ == obj.__class__.__name__
assert obj_prime._fields == obj._fields
assert obj_prime == obj
bin_ob_prime = bfp.dump(obj_prime)
assert bin_obj == bin_ob_prime
def test_complex():
z = 3+4j
bf = bfp.dump(z)
assert type(bf) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
zr = bfp.load(bf)
assert zr == z
def test_dict():
a = {'a':1, 5:5, 3+4j:'l', False: b'ab4+#'}
bf = bfp.dump(a)
assert type(bf) is bfp.BIN_TYPE
a_restored = bfp.load(bf)
for k in a:
assert a[k] == a_restored[k]
def test_versions():
nt = namedtuple('nt', ['x', 'y'])
n = nt(4,5)
n2 = nt(n, n)
ob = [3, n, n2]
binob = bfp.dump(ob, vers = 0)
except bfp.BFUnkownClassError:
assert False, "binfootprint.BFUnkownClassError should have been raised"
rest_ob = bfp.load(binob, {'nt': nt})
assert rest_ob == ob
binob = bfp.dump(ob, vers = 0x80)
rest_ob = bfp.load(binob)
assert rest_ob == ob
if __name__ == "__main__":
Add table
Reference in a new issue