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synced 2025-03-05 17:41:41 -05:00
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260 lines
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import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.constants import hbar, c, electron_volt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import functools
import numpy as np
import os
import errno
# Utility #
def numpy_cache(cache_arg_name):
"""Unobstrusively creates a cache for a function returning a numpy
array. A keyword argument with the name `cache_arg_name` will be
injected into the function. If that argument is not specified, the
function will be evaluated without cache. Otherwise a wrapper will
look for the cache file specified by that keyword argument
(without extension) and loads the results from that file. If the
file is not found, it will be generated by a call to the decorated
Caution: No cache invalidation is performed!
:param cache_arg_name: the argument name for the cache
def decorator(f):
def caching_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if cache_arg_name in kwargs:
if not kwargs[cache_arg_name]:
del kwargs[cache_arg_name]
return f(*args, **kwargs)
path = kwargs[cache_arg_name] + ".npy"
if os.path.isfile(path):
name, result = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True)
print("Loading Cache: ", *name)
if f.__name__ == name[0]:
return result
raise RuntimeError(
"Trying to read to cache from another function:" + name
del kwargs[cache_arg_name]
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition
if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
np.save(path, ([f.__name__], result))
return result
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return caching_wrapper
return decorator
def minkowski_product(v_1, v_2):
"""Performs the standard 4-vector product between `v_1` and `v_2`"""
assert v_1.shape == v_2.shape, "Invalid input shapes."
if len(v_1.shape) == 1 or len(v_1.shape) == 1:
v_1 = v_1.reshape(4)
v_2 = v_2.reshape(4)
return v_1[0] * v_2[0] - (v_1[1:] @ v_2[1:])
prod = v_1[:, 0] * v_2[:, 0] - np.sum(v_1[:, 1:] * v_2[:, 1:], axis=1)
if prod.size == 1:
return prod.item(0)
return prod
def gev_to_pb(xs):
"""Converts a cross section from 1/GeV^2 to pb."""
return xs / (electron_volt ** 2) * (hbar * c) ** 2 * 1e22
def pb_to_gev(xs):
"""Converts a cross section from pb to 1/GeV^2."""
return xs * (electron_volt ** 2) / ((hbar * c) ** 2 * 1e22)
def θ_to_η(θ):
θ = np.asarray(θ)
return -np.log(np.tan(θ / 2))
def η_to_θ(η):
η = np.asarray(η)
return 2 * np.arctan(np.exp(-η))
def η_to_pt(η, p):
return p / np.cosh(η)
def tex_value(val, err=None, unit=None, prefix="", suffix="", prec=0, save=None):
"""Generates LaTeX output of a value with units and error."""
if err:
val, err, prec = scientific_round(val, err, retprec=True)
val = np.round(val, prec)
if prec == 0:
val = int(val)
if err:
err = int(err)
val_string = fr"{val:.{prec}f}" if prec > 0 else str(val)
if err:
val_string += fr"\pm {err:.{prec}f}" if prec > 0 else str(err)
ret_string = r"\(" + prefix
if unit is None:
ret_string += val_string
ret_string += fr"\SI{{{val_string}}}{{{unit}}}"
ret_string += suffix + r"\)"
if save is not None:
os.makedirs(save[0], exist_ok=True)
with open(f"{save[0]}/{save[1]}", "w") as f:
return ret_string
# Plot Porn #
"font.family": "serif",
"text.usetex": False,
"pgf.rcfonts": False,
"lines.linewidth": 1,
def pinmp_ticks(axis, ticks):
axis.set_minor_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(ticks * 10))
return axis
def set_up_axis(ax, ticks=4, pimp_top=True):
pinmp_ticks(ax.xaxis, ticks)
pinmp_ticks(ax.yaxis, ticks)
ax.grid(which="minor", alpha=0.1, linewidth=0.2)
ax.grid(which="major", alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.2)
ax.tick_params(right=True, top=pimp_top, which="both")
return ax
def set_up_plot(*args, ticks=4, pimp_top=True, **kwargs):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(*args, squeeze=True, **kwargs)
if hasattr(axes, "__len__"):
shape = axes.shape
axes = np.array(
[set_up_axis(ax, ticks, pimp_top) for ax in axes.flatten()]
axes = set_up_axis(axes)
return fig, axes
def cm2inch(*tupl):
inch = 2.54
if isinstance(tupl[0], tuple):
return tuple(i / inch for i in tupl[0])
return tuple(i / inch for i in tupl)
def save_fig(fig, title, folder="unsorted", size=(5, 4)):
size = cm2inch(*size)
os.makedirs(f"./figs/{folder}/", exist_ok=True)
def scientific_round(val, *err, retprec=False):
"""Scientifically rounds the values to the given errors."""
val, err = np.asarray(val), np.asarray(err)
if len(err.shape) == 1:
err = np.array([err])
err = err.T
err = err.T
if err.size == 1 and val.size > 1:
err = np.ones_like(val) * err
if len(err.shape) == 0:
err = np.array([err])
if val.size == 1 and err.shape[0] > 1:
val = np.ones_like(err) * val
i = np.floor(np.log10(err))
first_digit = (err // 10 ** i).astype(int)
prec = (-i + np.ones_like(err) * (first_digit <= 3)).astype(int)
prec = np.max(prec, axis=1)
def smart_round(value, precision):
value = np.round(value, precision)
if precision <= 0:
value = value.astype(int)
return value
if val.size > 1:
rounded = np.empty_like(val)
rounded_err = np.empty_like(err)
for n, (value, error, precision) in enumerate(zip(val, err, prec)):
rounded[n] = smart_round(value, precision)
rounded_err[n] = smart_round(error, precision)
if retprec:
return rounded, rounded_err, prec
return rounded, rounded_err
prec = prec[0]
if retprec:
return (smart_round(val, prec), *smart_round(err, prec)[0], prec)
return (smart_round(val, prec), *smart_round(err, prec)[0])