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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import monte_carlo
Implementation of the analytical cross section for q q_bar ->
gamma gamma
Author: Valentin Boettcher <>
import numpy as np
# NOTE: a more elegant solution would be a decorator
def energy_factor(charge, esp):
Calculates the factor common to all other values in this module
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
return charge ** 4 / (137.036 * esp) ** 2 / 6
def diff_xs(θ, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
azimuth angle θ in units of 1/GeV².
Here dΩ=sinθdθdφ
θ -- azimuth angle
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
return f * ((np.cos(θ) ** 2 + 1) / np.sin(θ) ** 2)
def diff_xs_cosθ(cosθ, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
cosine of the azimuth angle θ in units of 1/GeV².
Here dΩ=d(cosθ)dφ
cosθ -- cosine of the azimuth angle
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
return f * ((cosθ ** 2 + 1) / (1 - cosθ ** 2))
def diff_xs_eta(η, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
pseudo rapidity of the photons in units of 1/GeV^2.
This is actually the crossection dσ/(dφdη).
η -- pseudo rapidity
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
return f * (np.tanh(η) ** 2 + 1)
def diff_xs_p_t(p_t, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
transverse momentum (p_t) of the photons in units of 1/GeV^2.
This is actually the crossection dσ/(dφdp_t).
p_t -- transverse momentum in GeV
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
sqrt_fact = np.sqrt(1 - (2 * p_t / esp) ** 2)
return f / p_t * (1 / sqrt_fact + sqrt_fact)
def total_xs_eta(η, charge, esp):
Calculates the total cross section as a function of the pseudo
rapidity of the photons in units of 1/GeV^2. If the rapditiy is
specified as a tuple, it is interpreted as an interval. Otherwise
the interval [-η, η] will be used.
η -- pseudo rapidity (tuple or number)
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementar charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
if not isinstance(η, tuple):
η = (-η, η)
if len(η) != 2:
raise ValueError("Invalid η cut.")
def F(x):
return np.tanh(x) - 2 * x
return 2 * np.pi * f * (F(η[0]) - F(η[1]))
def sample_momenta(sample_num, interval, charge, esp, seed=None, **kwargs):
"""Samples `sample_num` unweighted photon 4-momenta from the
cross-section. Superflous kwargs are passed on to
:param sample_num: number of samples to take
:param interval: cosθ interval to sample from
:param charge: the charge of the quark
:param esp: center of mass energy
:param seed: the seed for the rng, optional, default is system
:returns: an array of 4 photon momenta
:rtype: np.ndarray
cosθ_sample = monte_carlo.sample_unweighted_array(
sample_num, lambda x: diff_xs_cosθ(x, charge, esp), interval_cosθ, **kwargs
φ_sample = np.random.uniform(0, 1, sample_num)
def make_momentum(esp, cosθ, φ):
sinθ = np.sqrt(1 - cosθ ** 2)
return np.array([1, sinθ * np.cos(φ), sinθ * np.sin(φ), cosθ],) * esp / 2
momenta = np.array(
[make_momentum(esp, cosθ, φ) for cosθ, φ in np.array([cosθ_sample, φ_sample]).T]
return momenta