\section{Implementation and Results}% \label{sec:pdf_results} The considerations of \cref{sec:pdf_basics,sec:lab_xs} can now be applied to obtain a cross section and histograms of observables for the scattering of two protons into two photons. Because the PDF is not available in closed form, event generation is the only viable way to obtain distributions of observables and verify theory against experiment, even with this simple leading-order process. The integrand in \cref{eq:pdf-xs} can be concertized into \cref{eq:weighteddist}, where \(q\) runs over all quarks (except the top quark). The sum has been symmetized, otherwise a double sum with \(q\) and \(\bar{q}\) would have been necessary. The choice of \(Q^2\) is justified in \cref{sec:pdf_basics} and formulated in \cref{eq:q2-explicit}. \begin{gather} \label{eq:weighteddist} \frac{\dd[3]{\sigma}}{\dd{\eta}\dd{x_1}\dd{x_2}} = \sum_q \qty[f_q\qty(x_1;Q^2) f_{\bar{q}}\qty(x_2;Q^2) + f_q\qty(x_2;Q^2) f_{\bar{q}}\qty(x_1;Q^2)] \dv{\sigma(x_1, x_2, Z_q)}{\eta} \\ \label{eq:q2-explicit} Q^2 = 2x_1x_2E_p^2 \end{gather} The PDF set being used in the following has been fitted (and developed) at leading order and is the central member of the PDF set \verb|NNPDF31_lo_as_0118| provided by \emph{NNPDF} collaboration and accessed through the \lhapdf\ library~\cite{NNPDF:2017pd}\cite{Buckley:2015lh}. \subsection{Cross Section}% \label{sec:ppxs} The distribution \cref{eq:weighteddist} can now be integrated to obtain a total cross-section as described in \cref{sec:mcint}. For the numeric analysis a proton beam energy of \result{xs/python/pdf/e_proton} has been chosen, in accordance to \lhc{} beam energies. As for the cuts, \result{xs/python/pdf/eta} and \result{xs/python/pdf/min_pT} have been set. Integrating \cref{eq:weighteddist} with respect to those cuts using \vegas\ yields \result{xs/python/pdf/my_sigma} which is compatible with \result{xs/python/pdf/sherpa_sigma}, the value \sherpa\ gives. \subsection{Event Generation and Histograms}% \label{sec:ppevents} Generating events of \(\ppgg\) is very similar in principle to sampling partonic cross section. As before, the range of the \(\eta\) parameter has to be constrained to obtain physical results. Because the absolute values of the pseudo rapidities of the two final state photons are not equal in the lab frame, the shape of the integration/sampling volume differs from a simple hypercube \(\Omega\). Furthermore, for the massless limit to be applicable the center of mass energy of the partonic system must be much greater than the quark masses. This can be implemented by demanding the transverse momentum \(p_T\) of a final state photon to be greater than approximately~\SI{20}{\giga\electronvolt}. A restriction (cut) on \(p_T\) is suitable because detectors are usually only sensitive above a certain \(p_T\) threshold and the final state particles have to be isolated from the beams. The resulting distribution (without cuts) is depicted in \cref{fig:dist-pdf} for fixed \(x_2\) and in \cref{fig:dist-pdf-fixed-eta} for fixed \(\eta\). For \(x_1 = x_2\) the distribution retains some likeness with the partonic distribution (see \cref{fig:xs-int-eta}) but gets suppressed for greater values of \(x_1\). The overall shape of the distribution is clearly highly sub-optimal for hit-or-miss sampling, only having significant values when \(x_1\) or \(x_2\) are small (\cref{fig:dist-pdf-fixed-eta}) and being very steep. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{subfigure}{1\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/dist3d_x2_const} \caption{\label{fig:dist-pdf}Differential cross section convolved with PDFs for fixed \protect \result{xs/python/pdf/second_x} in picobarn.} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{1\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/dist3d_eta_const} \caption{\label{fig:dist-pdf-fixed-eta}Differential cross section convolved with PDFs for fixed \protect \result{xs/python/pdf/plot_eta} in picobarn.} \end{subfigure} \caption{\label{fig:dist-pdf-3d}Differential cross section convolved with PDFs with one parameter fixed.} \end{figure} To remedy that, one has to use a more efficient sampling algorithm (\vegas) or impose very restrictive cuts. The self-coded implementation used here can be found in \cref{sec:pycode} and employs stratified sampling (as discussed in \cref{sec:stratsamp-real}) and the hit-or-miss method. Because the stratified sampling requires very accurate upper bounds, they have been overestimated by \result{xs/python/pdf/overesimate}, which lowers the efficiency slightly but reduces bias. The monte carlo integrator was used to estimate the location of the maximum in each hypercube and then this estimate was improved by a numerical maximize. % TODO: accuracy of integral in hypercubes A sample of \result{xs/python/pdf/sample_size} events has been generated both in \sherpa\ and through own code. The resulting histograms of some observables are depicted in \cref{fig:pdf-histos}. The sampling efficiency achieved was \result{xs/python/pdf/samp_eff} using a total of \result{xs/python/pdf/num_increments} hypercubes. As can be seen, the distributions are compatible with each other. The sherpa runcard utilized here and the analysis used to produce the histograms can be found in \cref{sec:ppruncard,sec:ppanalysis}. When comparing \cref{fig:pdf-eta,fig:histeta} it becomes apparent, that the PDF has substantial influence on the resulting distribution. Also the center of momentum energy is not constant anymore and has a steep peak at low energies due to the steepness of the PDF. The convolution with the pdf has also smoothed out the jacobian peak seen in \cref{fig:histpt}. Furthermore new observables have been introduced. The invariant mass of the photon pair \(m_{\gamma\gamma} = (p_{\gamma,1} + p_{\gamma,1})^2\) is the center of mass energy of the partonic system that produces the photons (see \cref{eq:ecm_partons}) and proportional to the product of the momentum fractions of the partons. \Cref{fig:pdf-inv-m} shows, that the vast majority of the reactions take place at a rather low c.m. energy. Due to the \(\pt\) cuts the first bin is slightly lower then the second. The cosines of the scattering angles in the labe frame and the Collins-Soper (CS) frame are defined in \cref{eq:sangle,eq:sangle-cs}. The scattering angle is just the angle between one photon and the photons and the z axis in the c.m. frame if this frame can be reached by a boost along the z axis\footnote{Or me generally, in a z-boosted frame where the angles of the two photons are the same.}. Here, the partons are assumed to have no transverse momentum and therefore the system is symmetric around the beam axis and therefore this boost is possible. When allowing transverse parton momenta, as will be done in % TODO: REFERENCE this symmetry goes away. Defining the z-axis as one beam axis in a frame would be a quite arbitrary choice that disrespects the symmetry of the two beams considered here (same energy, identical protons). Also the random direction of the transverse momentum can add noise that does not contain much information. The CS frame is defined as the rest frame of the two outgoing photons in which the z-axis bisects the angle between the first beam momentum and the inverse momentum of the second beam. The azimuth angle is measure with respect to a vector perpendicular to the plane of the beams (which is parallel to the transverse momentum in the lab frame). In this frame, which was originally chosen to simplify the extension of the Drell-Yan parton model to transverse parton momenta~\cite{collins:1977an}, some symmetry is restored and the study of effects of transverse parton momenta is facilitated. Because of the above-mentioned symmetry, the histograms in \cref{fig:pdf-o-angle,fig:pdf-o-angle-cs} are the same. One would naively expect some likeness to \cref{fig:distcos} but the cuts imposed alter the distribution quite considerably, cutting of the \(\cos\θ^\ast\rightarrow 1\) region. % TODO: come back to that in next chapter \begin{align} \cos\theta^\ast &= \tanh\frac{\eta_1 - \eta_2}{2} \label{eq:sangle}\\ \cos\theta^*_\text{CS} &= \frac{\sinh(\eta_1 - \eta_2)}{\sqrt{1+(p_{\text{T},1} + p_{\text{T},2})^2/m_{\gamma\gamma}^2}}\cdot \frac{2p_{\text{T},1}p_{\text{T},2}}{m_{\gamma\gamma}^2}\label{eq:sangle-cs} \end{align} \begin{figure}[hp] \centering \begin{subfigure}{.49\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/eta_hist} \caption{\label{fig:pdf-eta} \(\eta\) distribution.} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{.49\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/pt_hist} \caption{\label{fig:pdf-pt} \(\pt\) distribution.} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{.49\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/cos_theta_hist} \caption{\label{fig:pdf-cos-theta} \(\cos\theta\) distribution.} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{.49\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/inv_m_hist} \caption[Histogram of the invariant mass of the final state photon system.]{\label{fig:pdf-inv-m} Invariant mass of the final state photon system. % This is equal to the center of mass % energy of the partonic system before the scattering. } \end{subfigure} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \ContinuedFloat \begin{subfigure}{.49\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/o_angle_cs_hist} \caption{\label{fig:pdf-o-angle-cs} Scattering angle of the two photons in the CS frame.} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{.49\textwidth} \centering \plot{pdf/o_angle_hist} \caption{\label{fig:pdf-o-angle} Scattering angle of the two photons in the lab frame.} \end{subfigure} \caption{\label{fig:pdf-histos}Comparison of histograms of observables for \(\ppgg\) generated manually and by \sherpa/\rivet and normalized to unity. The sample size was \protect \result{xs/python/pdf/sample_size}. } \end{figure} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "../../document" %%% End: