""" Simple monte carlo integration implementation. Author: Valentin Boettcher """ import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, root def _process_interval(interval): assert len(interval) == 2, 'An interval has two endpoints' a, b = interval if b < a: a, b = b, a return [a, b] def integrate(f, interval, point_density=1000, seed=None, **kwargs): """Monte-Carlo integrates the functin `f` in an interval. :param f: function of one variable, kwargs are passed to it :param tuple interval: a 2-tuple of numbers, specifiying the integration range :returns: the integration result :rtype: float """ interval = _process_interval(interval) if seed: np.random.seed(seed) interval_length = (interval[1] - interval[0]) num_points = int(interval_length * point_density) points = np.random.uniform(interval[0], interval[1], num_points) sample = f(points, **kwargs) integral = np.sum(sample)/num_points*interval_length # the deviation gets multiplied by the square root of the interval # lenght, because it is the standard deviation of the integral. deviation = np.std(sample)*np.sqrt(1/(num_points - 1))*interval_length return integral, deviation def find_upper_bound(f, interval, **kwargs): """Find the upper bound of a function. :param f: function of one scalar and some kwargs that are passed on to it :param interval: interval to look in :returns: the upper bound of the function :rtype: float """ upper_bound = minimize_scalar(lambda *args: -f(*args, **kwargs), bounds=interval, method='bounded') if upper_bound.success: return -upper_bound.fun else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find an upper bound.') def sample_unweighted(f, interval, upper_bound=None, seed=None, chunk_size=100, report_efficiency=False, **kwargs): """Samples a distribution proportional to f by hit and miss. Implemented as a generator. :param f: function of one scalar to sample, should be positive, superflous kwargs are passed to it :param interval: the interval to sample from :param upper_bound: an upper bound to the function, optional :param seed: the seed for the rng, if not specified, the system time is used :param chunk_size: the size of the chunks of random numbers allocated per unit interval :yields: random nubers following the distribution of f :rtype: float """ interval = _process_interval(interval) interval_length = (interval[1] - interval[0]) upper_bound_fn, upper_bound_integral, upper_bound_integral_inverse = None, None, None # i know.... if not upper_bound: upper_bound_value = find_upper_bound(f, interval, **kwargs) def upper_bound_fn(x): return upper_bound_value def upper_bound_integral(x): return upper_bound_value*x def upper_bound_integral_inverse(y): return y/upper_bound_value elif len(upper_bound) == 2: upper_bound_fn, upper_bound_integral =\ upper_bound def upper_inv(points): # not for performance right now... return np.array([root(lambda y: upper_bound_integral(y) - x, x0=0, jac=upper_bound_fn).x for x in points]).T upper_bound_integral_inverse = upper_inv elif len(upper_bound) == 3: upper_bound_fn, upper_bound_integral, upper_bound_integral_inverse =\ upper_bound else: raise ValueError('The upper bound must be `None` or a three element sequence!') def allocate_random_chunk(): return np.random.uniform([upper_bound_integral(interval[0]), 0], [upper_bound_integral(interval[1]), 1], [int(chunk_size*interval_length), 2]) total_points = 0 total_accepted = 0 while True: points = allocate_random_chunk() points[:, 0] = upper_bound_integral_inverse(points[:, 0]) sample_points = points[:, 0] \ [np.where(f(points[:, 0]) > \ points[:, 1]*upper_bound_fn(points[:, 0]))] if report_efficiency: total_points += points.size total_accepted += sample_points.size for point in sample_points: yield (point, total_accepted/total_points) \ if report_efficiency else point def sample_unweighted_array(num, *args, report_efficiency=False, **kwargs): """Sample `num` elements from a distribution. The rest of the arguments is analogous to `sample_unweighted`. """ sample_arr = np.empty(num) samples = sample_unweighted(*args, report_efficiency=report_efficiency, **kwargs) for i, sample in zip(range(num), samples): if report_efficiency: sample_arr[i], _ = sample else: sample_arr[i] = sample return (sample_arr, next(samples)[1]) if report_efficiency else sample_arr