# -*- yaml -*- Name: MC_DIPHOTON_PROTON Year: 2020 Summary: Simple analysis for a bare d d_bar anihilation into two photons. Status: UNVALIDATED NOTREENTRY NOHEPDATA SINGLEWEIGHT UNPHYSICAL Authors: - Valentin Boettcher #RunInfo: Beams: [93, 93] Energies: [[6500, 6500]] #Luminosity_fb: 139.0 Description: 'A brief description of what is measured and what it is useful for in terms of MC testing, tuning, reinterpretation, etc. Use LaTeX for maths, e.g. $\pT > 50\;\GeV$.' ValidationInfo: 'A description of the process used to validate the Rivet code against the original experimental analysis. Cut-flow tables and similar information are welcome' #ReleaseTests: # - $A my-hepmc-prefix :MODE=some_rivet_flag Keywords: [] ToDo: - Implement the analysis, test it, remove this ToDo, and mark as VALIDATED :-) - add more documentation in here