What the heck should be in there. Let's do an outline. * Intro ** Importance of MC Methods :SHORT: - important tool in particle physics - not just numerical - somewhat romenatic: distilling information with entropy - validation of new theories - some predictions are often more subtle than just the existense of new particles - backgrounds have to be substracted ** Diphoton Process - feynman diags and reaction formula - higgs decay channel - dihiggs decay - pure QED * Calculation of the XS ** Approach ** Choice of Methods ** Result + Sherpa * Monte Carlo Methods ** Integration *** Method X **** Basic Ideas **** Implementation and Results ** Sampling *** Method X **** Basic Ideas **** Implementation and Results ** Outlook *** Multichannel *** TODO Other modern Stuff * Toy Event Generator ** Basics :SHORT: ** Implementation ** Results * Pheno Stuff ** Shortcomings of the Toy Generator ** Short review of HO Effects ** Presentation and Discussion of selected Histograms * Wrap-Up ** Summary ** Lessons Learned (if any) ** Outlook