#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports both :output-dir results :session xs :kernel python3
#+OPTIONS: html-style:nil
#+TITLE: Investigaton of Monte-Carlo Methods
#+AUTHOR: Valentin Boettcher
* Init
** Required Modules
#+NAME: e988e3f2-ad1f-49a3-ad60-bedba3863283
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :tangle tangled/xs.py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import monte_carlo
#+RESULTS: e988e3f2-ad1f-49a3-ad60-bedba3863283
** Utilities
#+NAME: 53548778-a4c1-461a-9b1f-0f401df12b08
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :exports both
%run ../utility.py
%load_ext autoreload
%aimport monte_carlo
%autoreload 1
#+RESULTS: 53548778-a4c1-461a-9b1f-0f401df12b08
* Implementation
#+NAME: 777a013b-6c20-44bd-b58b-6a7690c21c0e
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer :exports code :tangle tangled/xs.py
Implementation of the analytical cross section for q q_bar ->
gamma gamma
Author: Valentin Boettcher
import numpy as np
# NOTE: a more elegant solution would be a decorator
def energy_factor(charge, esp):
Calculates the factor common to all other values in this module
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
return charge**4/(137.036*esp)**2/6
def diff_xs(θ, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
azimuth angle θ in units of 1/GeV².
Here dΩ=sinθdθdφ
θ -- azimuth angle
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
return f*((np.cos(θ)**2+1)/np.sin(θ)**2)
def diff_xs_cosθ(cosθ, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
cosine of the azimuth angle θ in units of 1/GeV².
Here dΩ=d(cosθ)dφ
cosθ -- cosine of the azimuth angle
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
return f*((cosθ**2+1)/(1-cosθ**2))
def diff_xs_eta(η, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
pseudo rapidity of the photons in units of 1/GeV^2.
This is actually the crossection dσ/(dφdη).
η -- pseudo rapidity
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
return f*(np.tanh(η)**2 + 1)
def diff_xs_p_t(p_t, charge, esp):
Calculates the differential cross section as a function of the
transverse momentum (p_t) of the photons in units of 1/GeV^2.
This is actually the crossection dσ/(dφdp_t).
p_t -- transverse momentum in GeV
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementary charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
sqrt_fact = np.sqrt(1-(2*p_t/esp)**2)
return f/p_t*(1/sqrt_fact + sqrt_fact)
def total_xs_eta(η, charge, esp):
Calculates the total cross section as a function of the pseudo
rapidity of the photons in units of 1/GeV^2. If the rapditiy is
specified as a tuple, it is interpreted as an interval. Otherwise
the interval [-η, η] will be used.
η -- pseudo rapidity (tuple or number)
esp -- center of momentum energy in GeV
charge -- charge of the particle in units of the elementar charge
f = energy_factor(charge, esp)
if not isinstance(η, tuple):
η = (-η, η)
if len(η) != 2:
raise ValueError('Invalid η cut.')
def F(x):
return np.tanh(x) - 2*x
return 2*np.pi*f*(F(η[0]) - F(η[1]))
#+RESULTS: 777a013b-6c20-44bd-b58b-6a7690c21c0e
* Calculations
First, set up the input parameters.
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
η = 2.5
charge = 1/3
esp = 200 # GeV
Set up the integration and plot intervals.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
interval_η = [-η, η]
interval = η_to_θ([-η, η])
interval_cosθ = np.cos(interval)
interval_pt = np.sort(η_to_pt([0, η], esp/2))
plot_interval = [0.1, np.pi-.1]
Note that we could utilize the symetry of the integrand throughout,
but that doen't reduce variance and would complicate things now.
** Analytical Integration
And now calculate the cross section in picobarn.
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :exports both :results raw file :file xs.tex
xs_gev = total_xs_eta(η, charge, esp)
xs_pb = gev_to_pb(xs_gev)
tex_value(xs_pb, unit=r'\pico\barn', prefix=r'\sigma = ',
prec=6, save=('results', 'xs.tex'))
: \(\sigma = \SI{0.053793}{\pico\barn}\)
Lets plot the total xs as a function of η.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
η_s = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
ax.plot(η_s, gev_to_pb(total_xs_eta(η_s, charge, esp)))
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma$ [pb]')
ax.set_xlim([0, max(η_s)])
save_fig(fig, 'total_xs', 'xs', size=[2.5, 2.5])
Compared to sherpa, it's pretty close.
#+NAME: 81b5ed93-0312-45dc-beec-e2ba92e22626
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
sherpa = 0.05380
xs_pb - sherpa
#+RESULTS: 81b5ed93-0312-45dc-beec-e2ba92e22626
: -6.7112594623469635e-06
I had to set the runcard option ~EW_SCHEME: alpha0~ to use the pure
QED coupling constant.
** Numerical Integration
Plot our nice distribution:
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
plot_points = np.linspace(*plot_interval, 1000)
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.plot(plot_points, gev_to_pb(diff_xs(plot_points, charge=charge, esp=esp)))
ax.set_ylabel(r'$d\sigma/d\Omega$ [pb]')
ax.set_xlim([plot_points.min(), plot_points.max()])
ax.axvline(interval[0], color='gray', linestyle='--')
ax.axvline(interval[1], color='gray', linestyle='--', label=rf'$|\eta|={η}$')
save_fig(fig, 'diff_xs', 'xs', size=[2.5, 2.5])
Define the integrand.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
def xs_pb_int(θ):
return 2*np.pi*gev_to_pb(np.sin(θ)*diff_xs(θ, charge=charge, esp=esp))
def xs_pb_int_η(η):
return 2*np.pi*gev_to_pb(diff_xs_eta(η, charge, esp))
Plot the integrand. # TODO: remove duplication
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.plot(plot_points, xs_pb_int(plot_points))
ax.set_ylabel(r'$2\pi\cdot d\sigma/d\theta [pb]')
ax.set_xlim([plot_points.min(), plot_points.max()])
ax.axvline(interval[0], color='gray', linestyle='--')
ax.axvline(interval[1], color='gray', linestyle='--', label=rf'$|\eta|={η}$')
save_fig(fig, 'xs_integrand', 'xs', size=[3, 2.2])
*** Integral over θ
Intergrate σ with the mc method.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
xs_pb_res = monte_carlo.integrate(xs_pb_int, interval, epsilon=1e-3)
: IntegrationResult(result=0.054374269511586644, sigma=0.0009683114962275483, N=2123)
We gonna export that as tex.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
tex_value(*xs_pb_res.combined_result, unit=r'\pico\barn',
prefix=r'\sigma = ', save=('results', 'xs_mc.tex'))
tex_value(xs_pb_res.N, prefix=r'N = ', save=('results', 'xs_mc_N.tex'))
: \(N = 2123\)
*** Integration over η
Plot the intgrand of the pseudo rap.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
points = np.linspace(-4, 4, 1000)
ax.set_xlim([-4, 4])
ax.plot(points, xs_pb_int_η(points))
ax.set_ylabel(r'$2\pi\cdot d\sigma/d\eta$ [pb]')
ax.axvline(interval_η[0], color='gray', linestyle='--')
ax.axvline(interval_η[1], color='gray', linestyle='--', label=rf'$|\eta|={η}$')
save_fig(fig, 'xs_integrand_eta', 'xs', size=[3, 2])
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
xs_pb_η = monte_carlo.integrate(xs_pb_int_η,
interval_η, epsilon=1e-3)
: IntegrationResult(result=0.055151085713932124, sigma=0.000932443763615135, N=140)
As we see, the result is a little better if we use pseudo rapidity,
because the differential cross section does not difverge anymore. But
becase our η interval is covering the range where all the variance is
occuring, the improvement is rather marginal.
And yet again export that as tex.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
tex_value(*xs_pb_η.combined_result, unit=r'\pico\barn', prefix=r'\sigma = ',
save=('results', 'xs_mc_eta.tex'))
tex_value(xs_pb_η.N, prefix=r'N = ', save=('results', 'xs_mc_eta_N.tex'))
: \(N = 140\)
*** Using =VEGAS=
Now we use =VEGAS= on the θ parametrisation and see what happens.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
num_increments = 11
xs_pb_vegas = monte_carlo.integrate_vegas(
: VegasIntegrationResult(result=0.05367272259033393, sigma=0.00042389745443520844, N=275, increment_borders=array([0.16380276, 0.25021069, 0.37424685, 0.55594852, 0.83854962,
: 1.27086143, 1.85730705, 2.29700734, 2.57637351, 2.76334644,
: 2.89011895, 2.9777899 ]), vegas_iterations=12)
This is pretty good, although the variance reduction may be achieved
partially by accumulating the results from all runns. Here this gives
us one order of magnitude more than we wanted.
And export that as tex.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
tex_value(*xs_pb_vegas.combined_result, unit=r'\pico\barn',
prefix=r'\sigma = ', save=('results', 'xs_mc_θ_vegas.tex'))
tex_value(xs_pb_vegas.N, prefix=r'N = ', save=('results', 'xs_mc_θ_vegas_N.tex'))
tex_value(num_increments, prefix=r'K = ', save=('results', 'xs_mc_θ_vegas_K.tex'))
: \(K = 11\)
Surprisingly, acumulation, the result ain't much different.
This depends, of course, on the iteration count.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
: VegasIntegrationResult(result=0.05405856822809377, sigma=0.0003046830887499666, N=275, increment_borders=array([0.16380276, 0.25854516, 0.39088443, 0.58108696, 0.86570559,
: 1.29975004, 1.8564745 , 2.28724136, 2.56829826, 2.75438203,
: 2.88442585, 2.9777899 ]), vegas_iterations=10)
Let's define some little helpers.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :tangle tangled/plot_utils.py
def plot_increments(ax, increment_borders, label=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Plot the increment borders from a list. The first and last one
:param ax: the axis on which to draw
:param list increment_borders: the borders of the increments
:param str label: the label to apply to one of the vertical lines
ax.axvline(x=increment_borders[1], label=label, *args, **kwargs)
for increment in increment_borders[1:-1]:
ax.axvline(x=increment, *args, **kwargs)
def plot_vegas_weighted_distribution(
ax, points, dist, increment_borders, *args, **kwargs
"""Plot the distribution with VEGAS weights applied.
:param ax: axis
:param points: points
:param dist: distribution
:param increment_borders: increment borders
num_increments = increment_borders.size
weighted_dist = dist.copy()
for left_border, right_border in zip(increment_borders[:-1], increment_borders[1:]):
length = right_border - left_border
mask = (left_border <= points) & (points <= right_border)
weighted_dist[mask] = dist[mask] * num_increments * length
ax.plot(points, weighted_dist, *args, **kwargs)
def plot_stratified_rho(ax, points, increment_borders, *args, **kwargs):
"""Plot the weighting distribution resulting from the increment
:param ax: axis
:param points: points
:param increment_borders: increment borders
num_increments = increment_borders.size
ρ = np.empty_like(points)
for left_border, right_border in zip(increment_borders[:-1], increment_borders[1:]):
length = right_border - left_border
mask = (left_border <= points) & (points <= right_border)
ρ[mask] = 1 / (num_increments * length)
ax.plot(points, ρ, *args, **kwargs)
And now we plot the integrand with the incremens.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.set_ylabel(r"$2\pi\cdot d\sigma/d\theta$ [pb]")
ax.set_ylim([0, 0.09])
ax.plot(plot_points, xs_pb_int(plot_points), label="Distribution")
label="Increment Borders",
label="Weighted Distribution",
ax.legend(fontsize="small", loc="lower left")
save_fig(fig, "xs_integrand_vegas", "xs", size=[5, 3])
*** Testing the Statistics
Let's battle test the statistics.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
num_runs = 1000
num_within = 0
for _ in range(num_runs):
val, err = \
monte_carlo.integrate(xs_pb_int, interval, epsilon=1e-3).combined_result
if abs(xs_pb - val) <= err:
num_within += 1
: 0.709
So we see: the standard deviation is sound.
Doing the same thing with =VEGAS= works as well.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
num_runs = 1000
num_within = 0
for _ in range(num_runs):
val, err = \
monte_carlo.integrate_vegas(xs_pb_int, interval,
num_increments=10, alpha=1,
epsilon=1e-3, acumulate=False,
if abs(xs_pb - val) <= err:
num_within += 1
: 0.66
** Sampling and Analysis
Define the sample number.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
sample_num = 10000
sample_num, prefix="N = ", save=("results", "4imp-sample-size.tex"),
: \(N = 10000\)
Let's define shortcuts for our distributions. The 2π are just there
for formal correctnes. Factors do not influecence the outcome.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
def dist_cosθ(x):
return gev_to_pb(diff_xs_cosθ(x, charge, esp))
def dist_η(x):
return gev_to_pb(diff_xs_eta(x, charge, esp))
*** Sampling the cosθ cross section
Now we monte-carlo sample our distribution. We observe that the efficiency his very bad!
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
cosθ_sample, cosθ_efficiency = \
monte_carlo.sample_unweighted_array(sample_num, dist_cosθ,
interval_cosθ, report_efficiency=True)
: 0.027612227729295263
Let's save that.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
cosθ_efficiency * 100,
prefix=r"\mathfrak{e} = ",
save=("results", "naive_th_samp.tex"),
: \(\mathfrak{e} = 3\%\)
Our distribution has a lot of variance, as can be seen by plotting it.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
pts = np.linspace(*interval_cosθ, 100)
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.plot(pts, dist_cosθ(pts))
: Text(0, 0.5, '$\\frac{d\\sigma}{d\\Omega}$')
We define a friendly and easy to integrate upper limit function.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
upper_limit = dist_cosθ(interval_cosθ[0]) / interval_cosθ[0] ** 2
upper_base = dist_cosθ(0)
def upper(x):
return upper_base + upper_limit * x ** 2
def upper_int(x):
return upper_base * x + upper_limit * x ** 3 / 3
ax.plot(pts, upper(pts), label="upper bound")
ax.plot(pts, dist_cosθ(pts), label=r"$f_{\cos\theta}$")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{d\sigma}{d\cos\theta}$ [pb]")
save_fig(fig, "upper_bound", "xs_sampling", size=(3, 2.5))
To increase our efficiency, we have to specify an upper bound. That is
at least a little bit better. The numeric inversion is horribly inefficent.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
cosθ_sample_tuned, cosθ_efficiency_tuned = \
monte_carlo.sample_unweighted_array(sample_num, dist_cosθ,
interval_cosθ, report_efficiency=True,
upper_bound=[upper, upper_int])
: 0.07879506593284073
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
cosθ_efficiency_tuned * 100,
prefix=r"\mathfrak{e} = ",
save=("results", "tuned_th_samp.tex"),
: \(\mathfrak{e} = 8\%\)
# TODO: Looks fishy
Nice! And now draw some histograms.
We define an auxilliary method for convenience.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer :tangle tangled/plot_utils.py
Some shorthands for common plotting tasks related to the investigation
of monte-carlo methods in one rimension.
Author: Valentin Boettcher
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def draw_histo(points, xlabel, bins=50, range=None, **kwargs):
heights, edges = np.histogram(points, bins, range=range, **kwargs)
centers = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1]) / 2
deviations = np.sqrt(heights)
integral = heights @ (edges[1:] - edges[:-1])
heights = heights / integral
deviations = deviations / integral
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.errorbar(centers, heights, deviations, linestyle="none", color="orange")
ax.step(edges, [heights[0], *heights], color="#1f77b4")
ax.set_xlim(range if range is not None else [points.min(), points.max()])
return fig, ax
The histogram for cosθ.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, _ = draw_histo(cosθ_sample, r'$\cos\theta$')
save_fig(fig, 'histo_cos_theta', 'xs', size=(4,3))
*** Observables
Now we define some utilities to draw real 4-momentum samples.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :tangle tangled/xs.py
def sample_momenta(sample_num, interval, charge, esp, seed=None):
"""Samples `sample_num` unweighted photon 4-momenta from the
:param sample_num: number of samples to take
:param interval: cosθ interval to sample from
:param charge: the charge of the quark
:param esp: center of mass energy
:param seed: the seed for the rng, optional, default is system
:returns: an array of 4 photon momenta
:rtype: np.ndarray
cosθ_sample = \
lambda x:
diff_xs_cosθ(x, charge, esp),
φ_sample = np.random.uniform(0, 1, sample_num)
def make_momentum(esp, cosθ, φ):
sinθ = np.sqrt(1-cosθ**2)
return np.array([1, sinθ*np.cos(φ), sinθ*np.sin(φ), cosθ])*esp/2
momenta = np.array([make_momentum(esp, cosθ, φ) \
for cosθ, φ in np.array([cosθ_sample, φ_sample]).T])
return momenta
To generate histograms of other obeservables, we have to define them
as functions on 4-impuleses. Using those to transform samples is
analogous to transforming the distribution itself.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :session obs :exports both :results raw drawer :tangle tangled/observables.py
"""This module defines some observables on arrays of 4-pulses."""
import numpy as np
def p_t(p):
"""Transverse momentum
:param p: array of 4-momenta
return np.linalg.norm(p[:,1:3], axis=1)
def η(p):
"""Pseudo rapidity.
:param p: array of 4-momenta
return np.arccosh(np.linalg.norm(p[:,1:], axis=1)/p_t(p))*np.sign(p[:, 3])
And import them.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
%aimport tangled.observables
obs = tangled.observables
Lets try it out.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
momentum_sample = sample_momenta(sample_num, interval_cosθ, charge, esp)
: array([[100. , 36.96504312, 56.43920882, 73.81193193],
: [100. , 47.94386939, 1.7718024 , -87.73964955],
: [100. , 43.23224845, 8.595659 , -89.76127974],
: ...,
: [100. , 40.84435458, 21.7798789 , -88.64183873],
: [100. , 64.07275183, 2.13440481, -76.74716144],
: [100. , 74.77621972, 2.38367531, -66.35386241]])
Now let's make a histogram of the η distribution.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
η_sample = obs.η(momentum_sample)
fig, ax = draw_histo(η_sample, r'$\eta$', range=interval_η)
save_fig(fig, 'histo_eta', 'xs_sampling', size=[3, 3])
And the same for the p_t (transverse momentum) distribution.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
p_t_sample = obs.p_t(momentum_sample)
fig, ax = draw_histo(p_t_sample, r"$p_T$ [GeV]", range=interval_pt)
save_fig(fig, "histo_pt", "xs_sampling", size=[3, 3])
That looks somewhat fishy, but it isn't.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
points = np.linspace(interval_pt[0], interval_pt[1] - .01, 1000)
ax.plot(points, gev_to_pb(diff_xs_p_t(points, charge, esp)))
ax.set_xlim(interval_pt[0], interval_pt[1] + 1)
ax.set_ylim([0, gev_to_pb(diff_xs_p_t(interval_pt[1] -.01, charge, esp))])
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{d\sigma}{dp_t}$ [pb]')
save_fig(fig, 'diff_xs_p_t', 'xs_sampling', size=[4, 2])
this is strongly peaked at p_t=100GeV. (The jacobian goes like 1/x there!)
*** Sampling the η cross section
An again we see that the efficiency is way, way! better...
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
η_sample, η_efficiency = monte_carlo.sample_unweighted_array(
sample_num, dist_η, interval_η, report_efficiency=True
η_efficiency * 100,
prefix=r"\mathfrak{e} = ",
save=("results", "eta_eff.tex"),
: \(\mathfrak{e} = 41\%\)
Let's draw a histogram to compare with the previous results.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
draw_histo(η_sample, r'$\eta$')
| | |
Looks good to me :).
*** Sampling with =VEGAS=
To get the increments, we have to let =VEGAS= loose on our
distribution. We throw away the integral, but keep the increments.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
K = 10
increments = monte_carlo.integrate_vegas(
dist_cosθ, interval_cosθ, num_increments=K, alpha=1, increment_epsilon=0.001
K, prefix=r"K = ", save=("results", "vegas_samp_num_increments.tex"),
: array([-0.9866143 , -0.96987487, -0.93118512, -0.8386111 , -0.60462504,
: -0.00295135, 0.59955266, 0.83691601, 0.93048622, 0.96936191,
: 0.9866143 ])
Visualizing the increment borders gives us the information we want.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
pts = np.linspace(*interval_cosθ, 100)
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.plot(pts, dist_cosθ(pts))
plot_increments(ax, increments,
label='Increment Borderds', color='gray', linestyle='--')
We can now plot the reweighted distribution to observe the variance
reduction visually.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
pts = np.linspace(*interval_cosθ, 1000)
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.plot(pts, dist_cosθ(pts), label="Distribution")
ax, pts, dist_cosθ(pts), increments, label="Weighted Distribution"
ax, increments, label="Increment Borderds", color="gray", linestyle="--"
save_fig(fig, "vegas_strat_dist", "xs_sampling", size=(3, 2.3))
I am batman! Let's plot the weighting distribution.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
pts = np.linspace(*interval_cosθ, 1000)
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
plot_stratified_rho(ax, pts, increments)
save_fig(fig, "vegas_rho", "xs_sampling", size=(3, 2.3))
Now, draw a sample and look at the efficiency.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
cosθ_sample_strat, cosθ_efficiency_strat = \
monte_carlo.sample_unweighted_array(sample_num, dist_cosθ,
: 0.59549
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
cosθ_efficiency_strat * 100,
prefix=r"\mathfrak{e} = ",
save=("results", "strat_th_samp.tex"),
: \(\mathfrak{e} = 60\%\)
If we compare that to [[cosθ-bare-eff]], we can see the improvement :P.
It is even better the [[η-eff]]. The histogram looks just the same.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
fig, _ = draw_histo(cosθ_sample_strat, r'$\cos\theta$')
save_fig(fig, 'histo_cos_theta_strat', 'xs', size=(4,3))
*** Some Histograms with Rivet
**** Init
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
import yoda
**** Plot the Histos
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer :tangle tangled/plot_utils.py
def draw_yoda_histo(h, xlabel):
edges = np.append(h.xMins(), h.xMax())
heights = np.append(h.yVals(), h.yVals()[-1])
centers = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1]) / 2
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.errorbar(h.xVals(), h.yVals(), h.yErrs(), linestyle="none", color="orange")
ax.step(edges, heights, color="#1f77b4", where="post")
ax.set_xlim([h.xMin(), h.xMax()])
return fig, ax
#+end_srctypes pytohn
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
yoda_file = yoda.read("../../runcards/qqgg/analysis/Analysis.yoda")
sherpa_histos = {"pT": r"$p_T$ [GeV]", "eta": r"$\eta$", "cos_theta": r"$\cos\theta$"}
for key, label in sherpa_histos.items():
fig, ax = draw_yoda_histo(
yoda_file["/MC_DIPHOTON_SIMPLE/" + key], r"Sherpa " + label
save_fig(fig, "histo_sherpa_" + key, "xs_sampling", size=(3, 3))