\chapter{The Hard Diphoton Process in Proton-Proton Scattering}% \label{chap:pdf} Because free quarks do not occur in nature, one has to study the scattering of hadrons to obtain experimentally verifiable results. Hadrons are usually modeled as consisting of multiple \emph{partons} using Parton Density Functions (PDFs). By applying a simple PDF, the cross section for the process \(\ppgg\) on the matrix-element~\cite[14]{buckley:2011ge} level\footnote{Neglecting the remnants and other processes like parton showers, primordial transverse momentum and multiple interactions.} and event samples of that process have been obtained. These results are once again be compared with results from \sherpa. %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "../document" %%% End: